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Who developed and modified method to extract alkaloids from biologicals?
Stas and Otto
What DRE category constricts pupils?
Narcotic Analgesics
What is the liquid portion of the blood without cells or clotting factors?
What is the mean ratio of serum/blood?
What are the federal urine drug testing screening cutoffs?
6MAM = 10ng/mL
Cocaine metabolites = 150ng/mL
PCP = 25ng/mL
Opiate metabolites = 3000ng/mL
Amphetamines = 500ng/mL
Marijuana metabolites = 50ng/mL
What colored top tube contains EDTA?
What colored tubes have barium in their stoppers?
Grey and Red top
These experiments characterize the systematic error in the measurements and address most concerns regarding interferences
Russian botanist, generally credited with developing chromatography specifically to separate out the pigments in plants such as chlorophyll by passing a plant extract through a column of finely divided calcium carbonate
Refers to all the volume in a chromatographic system from the injector to the detector other than the column
Dead Volume
What are the 4 general contributions to broadening within chromatographic columns
- longitudinal diffusion
- eddy diffusion
- mass transport broadening in the stationary phase
- mass transport broadening in the mobile phase
What describes the relative interaction of two analytes with the stationary phase?
What color test can be used for salicylate?
Trinder’s Reagent (purple)
What color does cyantesmo paper turn in presence of cyanide?
An IA assay that allows measurement of labeled antigen without separating bound and free anitgen
Homegenous Assay
An IA that requires separation of bound and free antigen before labeled antigen is measured
Heterogenous Assay
What does CEDIA stand for?
Cloned Enzyme Donor IA
What does KIMS stand for?
Kinetic Interaction of Microparticle in Solution
What is another name for TRUE POSITIVE RATE?
What is another name for TRUE NEGATIVE RATE?
What is the equation for sensitivity?
= TP/(TP+FN) *100
What is the equation for specificity?
= TN/(TN+FP) *100
actions of the drug on the body
actions of the body on the drug
Half-Life equation
T1/2 = 0.693 / Kel
Clearance equation
Cl = (Kel)(Vd)
Vd of Hydrophilic Drugs
Vd < 1
Vd of Lipophiliic Drugs
Vd > 1
the single most important factor determining drug concentrations
convert the parent drug to a more polar metabolite by introducing or unmasking a functional group
Phase I metabolism
What form of ionization favors increasing polarity, MW, and thermal instability?
What form of ionization favors lower polarity and molecular weight?
endogenous opioid peptides that function as neurotransmitters
What opioids are Diphenylheptanes?
PPX and Methadone
Semisynethic agonist obtained from methylation of morphine
What drug can screen positive GCMS for norfentanyl?
What is metabolized to L-methamphetamine and L-amphetamine
What ratio is Adderall for Amphetamine D/L?
What color does the Marquis test turn for Amphetamine and Methamphetamine?
Orange - red
What are the essential metals?
Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc
method of chemical analysis that uses the intensity of light emitted from a flame, plasma, arc, or spark at a particular wavelength to determine the quantity of an element in a sample
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
From what metal: white lines that appear on the fingernails or toenails
Cannabinoid receptor that is mostly central?
Cannabinoid receptor that is peripheral?
What are the 3 types of ligands for CB receptors?
Eicosanoids, Phytocannabinoids, Synthetic Cannabinoids
a synthetic delta-9 THC is available for treating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy
Dronabinol (Marinol)
pH for Barb extraction
special class of inhalants that act primarily to dilate blood vessels and relax the muscles
Drug Schedule “High abuse potential with no accepted medical use; medications within this schedule may not be prescribed, dispensed, or administered”
Drug Schedule “High abuse potential with severe psychological or physical dependence; however, these medications have an accepted medical use and may be prescribed, dispensed, or administered”
Drug Schedule “Intermediate abuse potential (ie, less than Schedule II but more than Schedule IV medications)
comes from peyote cactus
dissociative anesthetic that structurally similar to PCP
Valproate levels are decreased by what drugs?
Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin
decrease in the functional concentration of norepinephrine and dopamine
The Catecholamine Hypothesis
decrease in the functional concentrations of NE, DA and/or serotonin
The Monoamine Hypothesis
loss of neurotropic support – decrease in brain derived neurotropic factor
The Neurotropic Hypothesis
5 Categories of Antidepressants Drugs
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Serotonin Norephinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors
5_HT2 Receptor Antagonists
Antidepressant Category: – rarely used today due to high toxicity and and potentially lethal food and drug interactions
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
invents the Drunkometer
Use in opioid overdose and reversal of respiratory depression associated with opioid use
Long-acting injectable to treat opioid and/or alcohol maintenance treatment
label attached to drug is enzyme glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase that oxidizes the substrate and reduces the cofactor NAD to NADH
- enzyme activity is determined by measuring the NADH produced
Metabolism of Cocaine: 3 Major Pathways
- N-demethylation in the liver to form norcocaine
- Hydrolyzed to form benzoylecgonine
- Plasma cholinesterase and other esterases metabolize to form ecgonine methyl ester
“Nor…” means…
Polar drugs tend to preferentially partition into the aqueous or organic solvent?
Low pKa
Strong acid or weak base
In a suspected chronic poisoning, the best single specimen for elucidation of heavy metals
Specimen… can concentrate certain drugs, like benzodiazepines
Green top tube
Lithium heparin
Blue top tube
Sodium citrate
Absorbance is directly proportional to path length of incident light
Lambert’s Law
Absorbance is directly proportional to concentration
Beer’s Law
May interfere with ELISA assay
sodium azide
Barb: Used to relieve intracranial pressure
Butabarbital, Amobarbital, Pentobarbital have major ions at
141 and 156
Opioid receptor that produces central depression, analgesia, miosis, reduced GI motility
Opioid receptor that produces spinal analgesia, sedation, miosis, diuresis, mild respiratory depression
Opioid receptor that produces spinal analgesia, dysphoria, delusions, hallucinations, respiratory/vasomotor stimulation
Steady state of drugs can be increased in what 2 ways?
1) Increasing dose and maintaining dosing internal
2) Increasing frequency of the same dosing
THC pKa?
Who said each 0.02 g/dL rise in BAC doubled risk of an accident?
In 1971, the Committee on Alcohol and Drug did what?
Made a statement that impaired driving performance was BAC greater than or equal to 0.08 g/dL
At what concentration should GHB be considered endogenous in a sample?
Less than 2 mg/L in blood ; Less than 10 mg/L in urine
The drug concentration absorbed relative to the initial dose
What is the major binding protein present in blood and plasma?
How many half-lives does it take for oral-drugs to achieve steady state?
What are the 6 cytochrome P450 enzymes that metabolize 90% of drugs?
CYP- 1A2, 2CP, 2C19, 2D6, 3A4, 3A5
What chemical metabolite is responsible for the hangover?
If an analyte moves readily into the gas phase, the partition coefficient is…?
K < 1
Why is salt sometimes added?
Salt decreases the solubility of polar organic volatiles.
What does NHTSA stand for?
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Movement of a substance across a membrane that requires energy
Active Transport
An inactive drug that is activated through metabolism
Negative signal difference b/t extracted blank matrix, mobile phase, and unextracted standard
Ion Suppression
Widmark Equation
BAC x weight x Vd
Main diuretic action of EtOH is by inhibition of the secretion of antidiuretic hormone
National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances
Unstable in PM specimens due to bacterial and thermal degradation
Used to reduce agitation in neonates and infants requiring mechanical ventilation
Chloral Hydrate
The first fully synthetic opioid without a morphine like structure
The original Opioid Antagonist
What are the 5 types of ion sources?
Electron Ionization, Chemical Ionization, Fast Atom Bombardment, Electrospray Ionization, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization
What is the partition coefficient calculation?
K = Cs/ Cg
Bias percent calculation
Mean of calculated-Nominal / Norminal
2 Categories of Hallucinogens
Indolylalkylamines and Phenylalkylamines
LSD color test and what color
Ehrlich’s and purple
Structurally and pharmacologically related to PCP
Analyte requirements for GCMS analysis
– relatively non-polar (may require derivatization)
– volatile
– thermally stable
– low molecular weight (LC can handle much higher MW)
Inner ring for Ethanol in Conway Diffusion
potassium chromate
Color for positive Ethanol in Conway Diffusion
Liberating agent for Cyanide in Conway Diffusion
Color for positive Cyanide in Conway Diffusion
technique which incorporates the binding reaction of a target substance (antigen) with an anitbody
Hapten + Immunogenic Molecule =
pKa of weak acids
pKa of strong acids
pKa of weak bases
3 main components of Electrospray Ionization
Nebulizer, Desolvation Assembly, Mesh Electrode or repeller
In electrospray ionization, there are 3 important processes that occur in order to transfer sample ions from the HPLC eluent into the gas phase within the MS
1) Production of charged droplets at the capillary tip
2) Desolvation of the droplets
3) Production of gas phase ions from small/highly charged droplets
What is the name of the structure of synthetic cathinones?
β-keto amphetamines
What the metabolites of fentanyl?
Despropionylfentanyl, Norfentanyl, Hydroxyfentanyl