Mood Disorder Flashcards
What are the 3 core symptoms of depressive disorders?
Low Mood
Lack of Energy
Lack of Enjoyment & Interest
What is the difference between an adjustment reaction and depression?
Adjustment Reaction
sudden onset symptoms after event
symptoms fluctuate
time limited
energy not low
sypmtoms gradually develop
symptoms continuous
lack of energy
Name 2 potential organic causes for patients experiencing depressive disorders
Hormone Disturbance
(e.g. thyroid dysfunction)
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Liver / Kidney Disease
What are the 3 main functions of the limbic system and which 3 structures in the brain are included in this system?
- emotion
- memory
- motivation
- amygdala
- hippocampus
- cingulate gyrus

Outline the hypothesised circuits that link the areas of the brain and determinants of mood
frontal lobe > projects to > limbic system > projects to > basal ganglia and brainstem
this leads to effects of:
congitive processes (thoughts)
sympathetic output
parasympathetic output
motor systems
Which two neurotransmitters are believed to be important for depressive disorders?
Noradrenaline produced by the locus coeruleus in the brainstem acts on may adrenoreceptors in the brain including beta-receptors, what is the outcome of interaction with these receptor?

play a role in arousal and mood
What is the role of serotonin (5HT) in the brain?
Impulse Control
What predisposing facotors can contribute to a person becoming clinically depressed?
(twin studies)
childhood experiences
(quality of attachement as a child, loss of a parent)
female gender
What life stressors may perpetuate a person developing a depressive disorder?
social economic status
financial hardship
isolation from famil and friends
(divorce, loss of a child, loss of a spouse)
What are the 3 broad categories for the treatment of depression?
Talking Therapies
Social Circumstances
What is the recommendation from NICE surrounding the use of SSRI’s in patinets with depression?
only consider SSRIs in moderate to severe depression
(or in mild depression if other treatments have failed)