Arterial Blood Supply of the Brain Flashcards
Which two major vessels provide the arterial branches supplying the brain?
Internal Carotid Arteries
Basillar Arteries
Which arteries converge to form the basillar artery?
Vertebral Arteries
(enter through the foramen magnum)
What are the two major branches of the internal carotid artery providing the anterior circulation to the brain?
Middle Cerebral Artery
Anterior Cerebral Artery

Which lobes of the brain are supplied by the middle cerebral artery?
Lateral Ascpect of Frontal Lobe
Lateral Aspect of Parietal Lobe
Superior Aspect of Temporal Lobe
What is the clinical relevance of damaging the blood supply to the lateral aspect of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobe, given that these include the central-sulcal region?
potential damage to the primary motor and sensory cortex at the lateral homunculus
loss of cortical areas supplying the face

What is the purpose of the anterior communicating artery?
connects the two anterior cerebral arteries together - providing a collateral circulation should one of the preceeding bracnhes become occluded

Which area of the brain is supplied by the anterior cerebral arteries?
medial portions of the frontal and patietal lobes

Outline the major arterial branches leading to the formation of the 2 x posterior cerebral arteries
Vertebral arteries > Basillar arteries > Posterior cerebral arteries
How are the posteior cerbral arteries connected to the anterior circulation?
via the posterior communicating arteries, which connect to the internal carotids

Which area of the brain is supplied by the posterior cerebal arteries?
Occipital Lobe
Inferior Portion of Temporal Lobe

Which area of the spine is supplied by the anterior spinal artery and from which vessel does it arise?
Arises from Vertebral Arteries
Supplies Anterior 2/3 of Spinal Cord

What risk to the patient is posed should the pontine branches of the basillar artery be damaged during neurosurgical procedures?
“locked in syndrome”
pontine arteries supply the pons, which contain major motor pathways

Which 3 major arterial branches supply the cerebellum?
Superior Cerebellar Artery
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

Occlusion of which artery(ies) can lead to lacunar strokes?
lenticulostriate arteries
lacunar stroke leads to small ischemic infarctions in the deep regions of the brain or brainstem

Why do patients with signs of cerebellar dysfunction possibly due to a stroke, require an examination of their brainstem function?
cerebellar arteries also give off branches to the brainstem - therefore it is possible for the brainstem to be affected as well as the cerebellum