Mononeuropathies Flashcards
General causes of mononeuropathies (2)
- Trauma
- Entrapment due to tumour
Most common mononeuropathy
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Proximal/anterior interosseus median nerve lesions presentation
- Precision grip loss
- Weakness of flexion of distal phalanx (fingertips) of thumb + index finger
- Can’t make a fist
- Can’t feel thumb index and middle finger
Cause of proximal/anterior interosseus median nerve lesions (2)
- Dislocations at elbow level
- Blunt trauma at elbow level
Two main types of median nerve lesions
- Distal medial nerve injuries i.e carpal tunnel syndrome
- Anterior interosseus/proximal median nerve lesions
Radial nerve (C5-T1) lesion presentation (3)
- Wrist and finger drop
- Anatomical snuffbox sensory loss
- BEAST (posterior forearm) weakness
Abductor pollicis longus
Why do radial nerve lesions cause wrist drop? (2)
- All muscles in posterior compartment innervated by radial nerve
- Injury = unopposed wrist flexion
Cause of radial nerve lesion and why? (2)
Humeral shaft fracture
- Due to compression against humerus
Axillary nerve injury (C5-C6)
- Deltoid pain
- Loss of shoulder movement/senstation
- Weakness deltoid/teres minor (abduction + external rotation)
Axillary nerve injury common cause
Humeral neck fracture
Ulnar nerve C7-T1 injury common cause
Medial epicondylar fracture (elbow trauma)
Ulnar nerve injury signs (7)
- Weakness/wasting of medial (ulnar side) wrist flexors
- Interossei wasting (can’t do “fingers crossed”)
- Medial 2 lumbricals wasting (claw hand)
- Hypothenar eminence wasting
- Weak 5th digit abduction
- 4th/5th DIP joint flexion
- Sensory loss over ulnar (medial) side of ring + little finger
Phrenic nerve injury signs
- Orthopnoea
- Raised hemidiaphragm in Cxray
Phrenic nerve injury causes (5)
- Lung cancer
- TB
- Myeloma
- Thoracic surgery
- Infections e.g HIV/HZV/Lyme
Peroneal nerve injury presentation
- Foot drop
- Dorsiflexion and eversion of foot weakness