Moisture Protection & Thermal Insulation Flashcards
controlling moisture that is not under hydrostatic pressure
always applied on positive (wet) side
admixtures: to concrete, salts of fatty acids, mineral oil, powdered iron, can reduce concrete strength
bituminous coatings: asphalt or coal-tar pitch, hot or cold, won’t work on cracks that appear later
cementitious coatings: portland cement mortar, with powdered iron, makes a smooth surface for coatings, but also dampproofs
membranes: hot or cold applied asphalt felts, butyl, polyvinyl chloride, etc., membranes, more costly, usu. for waterproofing
plastics: polyurethane or silicone coatings, for above grade dampproofing
for controlling movement of water under hydrostatic pressure
positive side: wet side, applied after in place; negative side: applied after element is in place, but on dry side; blind side: applied before pour
sheet membranes: built up layers of bituminous saturated felts or butyl, polyvinyl chloride, sometimes nailed, better if adhered
fluid-applied: asphalts, urethanes, all on positive side
cementitious: portland cement, sand, plus waterpoofing agent, eg, metal oxides, positive side best, can do negative side as backup
bentonite system: bentonite clay in kraft paper packages or plastic liners in panel form, often combined w geotextiles, for both blind and positive sides
protect during backfilling w/ XPS or asphalt impregnated glass fiber mats
geotextile or drainage board to relieve hydrostatic pressure against wall insulation
crystalline waterproofing: concrete admixture or surface applied that fills pores and cracks, and contintues whenever water is added, so self-healing
Footing drainage
4” or 6” perf pipe layed just below basement slab, at footing
gravel that surrounds it separated from backfill by geotextile
sloped to a storm drain or sump pump, depending on water expected
positive slope away from bldg of at least .5”/ft for 6 ft
seal construction joints in concrete walls that will be waterproofed
rubber or neoprene strips, ribbed or dumbell shaped
half goes in first half of pour, second half in second pour
Weather barrier design considerations
climatic zone, microclimate, indoor environment, type of structure, type of cladding, expected bldg movement, cost, desired appearance, security, acoustics, fire resistance, durability
Water barriers
ext. surfaces of walls, roofing, membranes within walls, below grade waterproofing, drips, flashing
should be a continuous exterior barrier, but joints, leaks, wind-driven rain, construction defects often let water through, so water must be allowed to exit
Rain screens
deal w weather at exterior surface, then, under an air cavity (so that pressure differentials aren’t created), a vapor barrier and flashing prevents what little water makes it through from getting into structure
true = cladding stops water, pressure-equalized, vented, compartmented air cavity behind cladding, with continuous air barrier behind it
drained = exterior cladding does not stop water when pressure differences arise, but allow water that gets in to drain out, ventilated air cavity allows this
air barrier always at drainage plane/back of air cavity
Vapor retarders
slows water vapor movement, increases insulation effectiveness
vapor pressure encourages warm, wet air into areas w drier, cooler air/surfaces, can cause condensation
vapor barriers most effective where warm, wet air should be prevented from migrating
can also be air barriers, if they’re in the right location
made of polyethylene, aluminum foil, self adhering sheet membranes, fluid applied membranes
Permeance ratings
perm = 1 grain of moisture per hour per sq ft, per inch of mercury diff in pressure
less than 0.1 is impermeable (Class I), 0.1 to 1 is semi-impermeable (Class II), 1-10 is semi-permeable (Class III), 10+ is permeable
Vapor barrier placement
in very cold climates, place vapor-imperable barrier on warm side of insulation, inside, with a vapor-permeable air barrier on the cold side, outside, in case of weather moisture coming in
in very hot climates, vapor-impermeable placed on warm side of insulation, outside, also acts as air barrier
in mixed climates, a vapor-permeable air barrier should be placed on the outside of the insulation, vapor passes freely
Climate zones & vapor barriers
1A, 2A, 3A = hottest, humid
2B = hot, dry
3A, 4A = mixed, humid
3B, 4B = mixed, dry
4C = cool, marine
5A, 6A = cool, humid
5B, 6B = cold, humid
7, 8 = very cold, sub-arctic
1,2,3,4: no Class I/IIvvapor barriers on inside of framed walls
marine 4, 5,6,7,8: Class I/II vapor barriers req on inside of framed walls
Class III only allow where wall assembly reqmts met
Insulation on inside v outside of framing
inside = standard, but then vapor barrier subject to damage, leaks
outside = usu. double insulation (cavity gets filled any way), and vapor barrier can be protected by ext. insulation, must then use clips to not break insul./vapor barrier too often when attaching cladding
Detailing of weather barrier
air barrier continuous, supported, and sealed ab. windows (w/ SASM, eg)
air space should be 2”, 1.5” min
cladding/structure cnxns have thermal breaks, and must be moisture proof
on interior side of insulation, limit air movement/ventilation
only one vapor barrier!
vinyl wall coverings or impermeable paints may accidentally act like a vapor barrier!
masonry, since absorptive, can conduct moisture, especially when heated (sun radiation, eg)
sill flashing must have turned up dam edges
Ideal insulation
vacuum is best, but impossible
totally still air is next best, but also not possible
all insulation attempts to make small pocket of still air that aren’t so big as to allow convection currents
Insulation types
loose fill: bits blown in, used where hard to reach, esp retrofits, bits of mineral wool (heavy), cellulose (heavy, compacts), cotton, fiberglass, perlite, vermiculite; all need vapor barrier or retarder
mineral wool: rock wool is melted basalt or other, and long fibers made from molten material, bound w chem agents; slag wool is from blast furnace slag, same method, is most common, since req 50% recovered material
cellulose: recycled paper plus fire retardant, binders can prevent settling, wet or dry applied (when wet, called sprayed fiber insulation, blow in blanket system or BIBS), very green, but concerns about dust
cotton: recycled clothing plus polyester for binding, and fire retardant, loose or in batts, slightly higher R-value
fiberglass: melted sand and glass, fibers collected, then binder used (no longer formaldehyde)
perlite: siliceous volcanic rock cooked to puff up, used under floating concrete floors and in hollow CMUs (and elsewhere in bldg materials)
vermiculite: hydrated laminar Mg-Al-Si, forms small wormlike pcs when heated to puff up, sometimes as asbestos, so careful
Batt insulation
glass fiber or mineral fiber faced w something
kraft paper, which can also be a vapor retarder
can have reflective surface, and/or flame resistant facings, esp for where it will be left exposed
Board insulation
organic (outdated) from wood, cane fiber, straw layered w bitumen, paper, foil, etc. but can’t acheive high R-values as inorganics
blowing agents for inorganics were CFCs, then HCFCs, but now hydrocarbon or carbon dioxide (still bad?)
EPS expanded polystyrene: closed cell, aka beadboard, bc polystyrene (a petroleum product) in beads before heated/blown (no HCFCs) and formed in molds, comes in various densities, cells can abs moisture, so vapor retarder needed
XPS extruded polystyrene: closed cell, pellets mixed w chemical, then blown (right now w HCFC), forced through extruder, denser, more expensive than eps, better insulation, often used at roofs, slabs
polyisocyanurate: closed-cell, polyiso, starts as liquid components (from PET/plastic bottles), heated, catalyzed, blown (only hydrocarbon), then layered in lams between facing material or directly onto surfaces, very water abs., greener?
polyurethane: closed-cell, no HCFCs, high R-value, but very expensive
Sprayed foam insulation
polyurethane or polyicynene in tanks, head mixes, expands in place, so very tight seals
spray polyurethane insulation can be liquid-applied, when makes open-cells, but no harmful gases used in blowing process, though lower R-value
cementitious foam insulation: Mg-O Cl cement, compresed air, expander in sprayer to use in cavities bc mold resistant, fireproof, non-toxic, no VOCs, high R-value
no spray foam can be exposed to interior bc of potential offgassing
Radiant barriers
thin sheet of reflective material, usu Al that bounces heat back, must vace a ventilated air space, even if just corrugations
must have reflectivity of .9 9 (out of 1) and emissivity of .1 (out of 1)
used freq in attics, if in hot climate, pointed up, if in cold, pointed down
if backed by insul, called reflective insulation
Insulated concrete forms
ICFs, blocks or panels of foam (XPS) used as forms for concrete, left in place
must eventually be covered by a fire-resistant surface, eg gypsum wallboard
freq used at foundations
Roof shingles
asphalt or fiberglass: felt, asphalt or fiberglass, mineral stabilizer, mineral granules in shingles layed over asphalt-impregnated roofing felt nailed to wood sheathing (2”-4” vert rise for low slope shingles, 4”-12” vert rise for regular)
wood: cedar usu, no.1 blue label is best, if hand split, called shakes, edges can’t touch so moisture doesn’t build up there, same asphalt felt underlay (min 4” vert rise slope)
Roofing tile
heavy, and can’t do low slopes (min 4” vert rise)
slate: quarried stone is split, usu .25” thick, edges not touching, layed over asphalt felt over sheathing or concrete decking, attaced w copper or galvanzied nails through pre-punched holes, very $ but durable (100 yrs), v fireproof
clay tile: made from same clay as brick, many shapes (English, Spanish, Mission), layed over asphalt felt, prepunched holes, also $, durable, fire-proof
concrete tile: portland cement + fine aggregates, either flat or made to mimic slate, clay tiles, layed the same way, but less expensive
Sheet metal roofing
copper, galv. iron, Al, terneplate (coated steel, terne is alloy of Sn w/ Pb (old school) or Zn, SS, Sn, Zn
min slope is 3” rise per foot
need matching accessories: gutters, leaders, flashing, cleats, fasteners, etc. to prevent galvanic action
interlocking joints at panel edges must allow expansion/contraction, fabbed in field
if Sn is present, can’t use asphalt underfelt, must use red rosin paper
standing seams are folded, cleated, fastened, parallel to slope; if needed, perpendicular seams/flat seams are folded, soldered
Preformed roof panels
can also be used as walls; fastened directly to structure
2 layers corrugated metal w insulation btwn
eges have corrugation overhang to allow lapping, interlocking and/or weather sealing (if butt joined only, then must be flashed, usu only at walls)
metal can be Al, galv. steel, porcelain enameled steel
often used in industrial settings
Built-up roofing
built-up roofing: several layers of bituminous-saturated roof felting cemented together w/ asphalt or coal-tar pitch over nailable or non-nailable roof deck, each layer cemented so that felt does not touch felt, 3-5 layers, overlaid w gravel or crushed slag to prevent UV degredation/weathering
inverted built-up is where insulation is on top of layers, keeps layers protected from expans/contr weathering, walking damage, etc.
minimum slope: 1/4” per foot, positive drainage, crickets for diversions around pockets, scuppers/overflow drains at parapets, all intersecion of planes flashed, no 90 deg angles (ease them), items projecting through have curbs and flashing
Single-ply roofing
less labor intensive than built-up, fewer places for errors, less weather and movement damaged, becoming widespread
modified bitumens: 50 mils of reinforcing fabric impreg with chemical-modified bitumen (make it more elastic), layed over separator sheet, over decking, covered w gravel ballast to prevent UV degr.
thermoset plastics: heated only once (will char after that), EPDM: ethylene propylene diene monomer, resists weathering, heat, fatigue, but only comes in black, must be sealed at seams, usu adhered to decking, can been fastened, v common; CSPE: chlorosulfonated polyethylene, Hypalon, v weather resistant, comes in white, adhered, but not common bc thermoplastics
thermoplastics: heated and reheated, can be recycled; PVC: polyvinyl chloride, inexpensive, hearty, easy to install, looses flex over time, so KEE (ketone ethylene ester) added, seams are heat welded, can be adhered, loose w ballast, fastened, white/tan/gray, bad manuf. process; TPO: thermoplastic polyolefin, polypropylene + ethylene propylene, loose w ballast, adhered, fastened, multicolored
all often reinforced w polyester fibers or glass fibers to get more dimensional stability, tear strength, better puncture, wind resistance, lies flatter for easier seaming, req for adhered, fastened; non-reinforced are cheaper, move better, good for laid loose/ballast
Elastic liquid roofing
fluid applied chemicals: butyl, neoprene, hypalon, etc. good for complex shaped roofs, eg thin shell concrete domes, same as stuff used for below grade waterproofing
directs water away from joints/seams, angles, low spots
often still allows movement of jt or seam
made of galv. steel, SS, Al, Cu, plastic, elastomers
Roof accessories
expansion jts (every 100-150 ft), copings, roof hatches, smoke vents (in case of fire in hazardous occupancies), other vents
sealants (low/intermediate/high performance is about max allowed movement), caulking (low perfomance, less movement); jts should not get too deep, especially the wider they get
exterior insulation and finish system
wet-applied cementitious finish o/ rigid insulation board attached to sheathing
types of cementitious finishes:
Class PB (polymer based) uses expanded polystyrene insul, embedded fiberglass mesh supports acrylic polymer, sand, pigment, etc.
Class PM (polymer modified) extruded polystyrene insul, reinforcing mesh, polymer, sand, pigment, but thicker, more portland cement finish, so they need control jts, more impact resistant, more water and heat transfer resistant
Class MB (mineral based) portland cement stucco as finish
1990s many lawsuits bc of flaws/failures leading to moisture infiltr., moved to rainscreen assembly