ADA guidelines Flashcards
Accessible routes
unobstructed path that connects accessible arrival point to all accessible elements
can’t be totally separate from general circulation
accessible route not required when there’s no pedestrian route at all
minimum clear width 36” continuous, 32” at doors which can’t exceed 24” depth, if double passage, 60” with smaller passing zones every 200ft
in bathrooms, a turning space is needed (60” square or 36” T, can overlap with required clear spaces
turnarounds in corridors must either be 48” long btwn two parallel passages of 36” min, or 48” deep with 42” approaches
slope must not exceed 1:20/5%, if so, then it’s officially a ramp, must meet ramp guidelines
Reach Range
forward reach: max 48” min 15”
depth of obstuction is 20”- max 25”, then max ht is 44”
parallel reach: 48” max, if 10”-34” max obstruction, still 48” ht
Accessible doorways
minimum clear = 32” when 90 deg open, max depth 24” (if deeper, must be 36” wide)
must have adequate maneuvering clearances at operational side - for front approaches: pull side is 18” min, 24” preferred, with depth of 60” - push side is 12” min if has a latch and closer with 48” depth
for doors in series, need 48” between each, with 18” clearance past doors on either side is door action is the same, 12” if door action is opposite
if adequate clearance not provided, must include power door operation
Opening force
cannot be more than 5 lbf-ft, unless it’s a fire door/code regulated
must take at least 3 sec to move 3 in when closing from 70 deg
auto and power door operators needed when can’t conform to this
Accessible door hardware
thresholds can’t exceed 1/4” change in elev
elevation changes btwn 1/4-1/2” must be beveled, never more than 1:2 slope
must be easy to grasp, no round doorknobs allowed
mounting max ht is 48”
ADA Toilet stalls
door clearance is 32” min
clear floor space (wc can protrude into, counted from back of wall) is 56” deep for wall mounted wcs, 59” for floor mounted wcs with 60” width
toilet partition must have 9” ht 6” deep toe clearance
grab bars at 33-36” AFF, must go to 54” deep (max 12” from wall) and 36” (12” from wall edge, 24” to room edge, max 6” from wall) wide
if door swings in, must have 36” extra added to stall
wc must be 16-18” away from wall
where six or more wcs/urinals exist, at least one ‘ambulatory toilet stall’ is required, with 35-37” width and two 42” side grab bars (but usually made a fully accessible one)
side approach doors must have 42” if latch, 48” if not
toilet paper dispensers must allow continuous dispensing, must be btwn 7-9” in front of wc, between 15-48” AFF, with adequate grab bar clearance
urinals must be at least 13.5” deep, have extended lip, be max 17” AFF, have a clear space of 30x48
ADA Lavatories, sinks, drinking fountains
have to be able to get under lavatories, no sharp surfaces, pipes protected, all handles easy to operate
max depth of bowl is 6.5”, 30x48 clear space (from wall)
mirrors can’t be more than 40” AFF of bottom edge
spout can’t be more than 5” from front of drinking ftn, same floor clearance
IBC requires one wheelchair ht, one standing ht
ADA Bathtubs
in-tub seat req, near controls, also grab bars, no enclosure tracks on tub rim, enclosure can’t interfere w wheelchair transfer or operation control
ADA Showers
either 36x36 stall (seat req) or 30x60 stall (folding seat req)
if accessible sleeping rooms provided, min number of these stalls req
grab bars req
ADA Floors, ramps, stairs
stable, firm, slip-resistant, if 1/4-1/2” change, then beveled
if greater than 1/2” rise, is a ramp
ramps cannot exceed 1:12 slope, 30” total (or 1:10 is 6” total, 1:8 if 3” total)
min clear is 36”
landings at least 60 in long, square if change of direction
6”+ rise or 72” lengths, handrails req, at 34-38” AFF, 12” past ends, rails of 1.25-1.5” diameter (unless adj to assembly seating)
stairs: max riser ht is 7”, min tread is 11”, no open risers, smooth nosing undersides, must have contrasting stripes at leading edge
handrails at least 1.5” from wall, btwn 1.25-2” diameter at 34-38” AFF (nosing)
if bldg isn’t sprinklered, clear width is 48”
areas of refuge req for temp waiting for non-stair ppl, must have 30x48 for each 200 occupants (not req in sprinklered bldgs)
Protruding objects and detectable surfaces
if more than 27” AFF, can only be 4” max from wall
if less than 27” AFF, can be any depth as long as clear widths maintained
must have head space of 80” min, or else guardrail req
truncated 0.2 at 1.6-2.4” o.c. square patterned domes that warn of hazard, 24” width at passenger transit platforms
ADA Signage and alarms
alarms must be both visual and auditory, must be at least 15 dB ab. normal sound, visual must flash at 1 Hz
permanent rooms must be id w letters 5/8” to 2” high, raised 1/32” from surface, all caps, sans or simple serif w Grade 2 Braille
signs btwn 48”/bottom - 60”/top
all pictograms at least 6” high w verbal description below
signs must be non-glare/eggshell surfaces, background must contrast
signs mounted adjacent to latch side w 18x18 clear space outside of door swing or directly to right/left (match door swing)
direction sign letter from 5/8” to 3”, lower case allowed
ADA symbol req at ADA parking spaces, passenger loading, entrances, and toilets, bathing, when not all are accessible
ADA Telephones
if public telephones provided, at least one per floor must be ADA, at least one per bank
if 4 or more telephones, one must be a TTD (text telephone)
must use deafness ADA symbol for phones or assistive listening sytems,
27” max bottom, 48” max top, with clear space of 30x48
ADA Seating
fixed/built in seating: 5% and no fewer than one must be ADA (either fold down arms or no seat/for wheelchair w companion seat)
must be near accessible paths of travel, must be in all the use types, pay area, lines of sight, etc. (unless non-feasible in a remodel) and be marked w sign
ADA Elevators
hall lantern at 72” min, side floor designation sign at 60”, call buttons at 48” max
hall lantern must be visible and audible
interior buttons max 48”, unless side approac, 54” ok, all emergency buttons all at bottom of panel, no less than 35” AFF