Module 8.1 : Normal Fetal Anatomy - Heart Flashcards
when does heart tube begin to develop
- develops from the mesoderm at 5th week LMP
when is the heart tube fully formed
- 10th week LMP
heart tube evaluations done when
- evaluated from 18 or 20 weeks to term or delivery
- best between 18-24 weeks
fetal circulation - specialized structures
- ductus venosus
- foramen ovale
- ductus arteriosus
- 3 places where there is shunts
heart position within the fetus
- sits completely horizontal in the fetal chest
- located left of midline
- apex points 45’ to left
- occupies 1/3 of chest
chambers of the heart
- 2 atria sit posterior to 2 ventricles
- left atrium most posterior
- right ventricle most anterior
moderator band
- thick muscle makes right ventricle chamber look smaller than left
- used to prove which chamber is right ventricle in abnormal hearts
mitral valve
- aka bicuspid valve
- contains 2 cusps
- passes blood from left atrium to the left ventricle
tricuspid valve
- contains 3 cusps
- passes blood from right atrium to the right ventricle
- mitral and tricuspid valves open and close together and at same level in heart
aortic valve
- 3 cusps
- assess oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the aorta to be distributed to the rest of the body
- seen in LVOT view
pulmonary valve
- contains 3 cusps
- passes deoxygenated blood from right ventricle to pulmonary artery to be oxygenated by longs
- pulmonary artery sits more anterior than the aorta
- want to see it in long axis not short axis
ductus arteriosis
- shunts blood from the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch to bypass the lungs during fetal life
- after deliver the ductus arteriosis closes
foramen ovale
- opening between the atria
- blood flows from right atrium to the left atrium
- also helps bypass lungs
- ovale flaps open into left atrium
- bring deoxygenated blood back from the body to the right atrium
- long horn vie you see both
pulmonary veins
- 4 pulmonary veins the bring oxygenated blood from lungs to the left atrium in new born
- on ultrasound usually see 2
routine images of heart
- 4 chamber heart (trans)
- left outflow tract (more superior)
- right outflow tract (more mores superior)
- 3 vessel view (most superior)
- cine clip
- fetal M mode
+ 120-160bpm in 2nd and 3rd trimester
+ can go higher but worrisome if goes lower
4 chamber heart
- shows all 4 chambers with the septum
- valves closed = systole
- valves open = diastole
- demonstrates the left ventricle with the aorta
- anterior wall of the aorta should continue with the IVS
- demonstrates the right ventricle with the pulmonary artery
- LVOT and RVOT should cross eachother
- if parallel to each other the tubes didn’t twist
3 vessel view
- should see pulmonary artery
- aortic arch
- assess diameter
cine clip 12 seconds
- begin at level of AC \+ demonstrate stomach for situs - sweep cephalic - demonstrate 4 chamber - then LVOT - then RVOT - then 3 vessel - sweep all the way to fetal neck
heart tracing
- use M mode
- place cursor over the heart area where you catch wall of one atria and one ventricle
- usually one beat
- only way to prove viability
- assess if atria and ventricle beating at same rate
- fetus won’t survive in tachycardia
- heart is quivering no blood into systems
- may see hydrops - end stage disease fluid in one or more cavities
normal fetal heart rate
- 120-160bpm
heart rate under 100 in first
- concerning
- early pregnancies heart may actually stop for a few seconds (conduction is weak)
- move to different area then go back
third trimester heart rate
- up to 180 in third is normal with activity
- under 100 sustained in 2nd 3rd trimester
additional images
- short axis (circle and sausage)
- SVC IVC with right atrium
- aortic arch
- ductal arch
- pulmonary veins with left atrium
short axis view
- demonstrates the right and left atrium
- right ventricle
- pulmonary artery
- ductus arteriosis
- all circling aorta
- shown with right atrium
- steers head
aortic arch
- candy cane
- see 3 vessels
+ brachiocephalic artery
+ left common carotid artery
+ left subclavian artery
ductal arch
- right ventricle with ductus joining the aorta
- hockey stick
pulmonary veins
- usually see 2 veins entering right atrium