Module 8: The internet protocol Flashcards
what is a
network address
and how is it used
this is the address of a network
a host uses to determine whether it should use ARP to forward a message directly to a host on the same network or if it should send the message to its default gateway so that the message can be routed to a remote network
this can be either a:
- Directed broadcast
- Limited broadcast
what are the 2 types of
IPv4 broadcast
these include:
- the network address
- the broadcast address
what are the two IP addresses that are reserved on every IPv4 network
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class C network address
This class of address was given to customers that had small networks and could support 254 hosts
how does a
subnet mask
determine the network portion and the host portion of an IP address
- when this has a bit set to 1 then the bit in the same position in the IP address is part of the network portion
- when this has a bit set to 0 then the bit in the same position in the IP address is part of the host portion
what is
CIDR notation
this tells you how many bits are set to 1 in the subnet mask (i.e how many bits are representing the network portion of the IP address)
the notation consists of the ip address and then a forawrd slash at the end and a number telling you how many of the bits in the subnet mask are set to 1
IP: /24
subnet: 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.0000 0000
- when this has a bit set to 1 then the bit in the same position in the IP address is part of the network portion
- when this has a bit set to 0 then the bit in the same position in the IP address is part of the host portion
how does a
subnet mask
determine the network portion and the host portion of an IP address
The network address given could be from /8 to /8
what is the address range of the
class A network address
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /16
the address range of this is from
this is a message sent by a hosts that is receieved only by subscribing devices
in general it provides a way for a host to share a message with a goup of other hosts that are concerned about the message
what is an
IPv4 multicast
this tells you how many bits are set to 1 in the subnet mask (i.e how many bits are representing the network portion of the IP address)
the notation consists of the ip address and then a forawrd slash at the end and a number telling you how many of the bits in the subnet mask are set to 1
IP: /24
subnet: 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.0000 0000
what is
CIDR notation
how does a host write the IP address when sending an
IPv4 limited broadcast
when a host wants to send one of these it will set the IP address to
- this identifies the network
- is the first address on a network
- will have the host portion of the network address at all 0s
in 3 points describe what the
network address
how does a host write the IP address when sending an
IPv4 directed broadcast
when a host wishes to send one of these it will:
- set the network portion of the IP to the network it wishes to communicate with
- set the host portion of the IP address to all 1s
describe the
IPv4 limited broadcast
a host will use this when it wishes to send an IPv4 message to all hosts on the same network
what are the 2 types of
IPv4 broadcast
this can be either a:
- Directed broadcast
- Limited broadcast
The first usable address will always be one above the the network address
The last usable address will always be one less than the network broadcast address
what is the
first usable address and last usable address on a network
This class of network address was handed to customers who had extremely large networks. A network address of this class could support 16 million hosts
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class A network address
what is the address range that is reserved for
IPv4 multicasting on a local network only
the addresss range reserved for this is from
Any message sent within this address range will not be forwarded by the router
this range is from
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /8
what is an
IPv4 unicast
this term is given to peer to peer or peer to server communication
in general it describes a message being sent where its destination will be to one device
what is the address range of the
class C network address
The network address given could be from /24
to /24
this is:
- a binary number containing 32 bits
- it is divided into 4 groups called octets
- each octet has a decimal range from 0 to 255
answer the following questions about
- how many bits are in an IPv4 address
- how is this address divided
- and what are the decimal ranges for each of these divisions
The network address given could be from /16
to /16
what is the address range of the
class B network address
what is a
public IP address
This is an IP address that can be routed across the internet. if a network wishes to communicate on the internet it must use one of these
what is an
IPv4 multicast
this is a message sent by a hosts that is receieved only by subscribing devices
in general it provides a way for a host to share a message with a goup of other hosts that are concerned about the message
this range is from
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /12
hosts use this when they would like to direct a broadcast to a specific network
this can be either their own network or a remote network
describe the
IPv4 directed broadcast
this was abondoned in the 1990s because it does not make full use of all available network addresses. the internet was growing and it was clear that this system was not efficient.
this was replaced by classless addressing formerly known as
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
why was
classful addressing
abondoned and what replaced it
in 3 points describe what the
network address
- this identifies the network
- is the first address on a network
- will have the host portion of the network address at all 0s
what is the address range for
IPv4 unicast
the host addresses are in the address range of
However, within this range are many addresses that are reserved for special purposes.
this is an address used so that hosts can be uniquely identified on a network.
Every host joined to a network must have a unique address
what is an
IPv4 address
used for
This is used when a host wishes to share a message with all other hosts either on the same network or on a remote network.
protocols such as DHCP make use of this
what is an
IPv4 broadcast
what is the address range resrved for
IPv4 multicast
the address range resrved for this is from
describe the 2 portions that an
IP address
is made up of and how it is decided
this is made up of a:
- The network portion - identifies what network a host belongs to
- The host portion - uniquely identifies hosts on a network
the network portion is decided by the hosts subnet mask
This class of network address was given to customers who had a moderate to large sized network and could support roughly 65,000 hosts
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class B network address
answer the following questions about
- how many bits are in an IPv4 address
- how is this address divided
- and what are the decimal ranges for each of these divisions
this is:
- a binary number containing 32 bits
- it is divided into 4 groups called octets
- each octet has a decimal range from 0 to 255
what is an
IPv4 broadcast
This is used when a host wishes to share a message with all other hosts either on the same network or on a remote network.
protocols such as DHCP make use of this
what is an
IPv4 address
used for
this is an address used so that hosts can be uniquely identified on a network.
Every host joined to a network must have a unique address
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /8
this range is from
The network address given could be from /24
to /24
what is the address range of the
class C network address
this is made up of a:
- The network portion - identifies what network a host belongs to
- The host portion - uniquely identifies hosts on a network
the network portion is decided by the hosts subnet mask
describe the 2 portions that an
IP address
is made up of and how it is decided
the host addresses are in the address range of
However, within this range are many addresses that are reserved for special purposes.
what is the address range for
IPv4 unicast
a host will use this when it wishes to send an IPv4 message to all hosts on the same network
describe the
IPv4 limited broadcast
To do this it takes an IPv4 address and a subnet mask and applies the AND operation the outcome of this operation is a IPv4 network address

given an IPv4 addess and a subnet mask
how does a host compute the network address
this is:
- used to send a message to every host on the network
- the last address of the network
- will have the host portion of the address all set to 1s
in 3 points describe the
network broadcast address
what is the address range of the
class A network address
The network address given could be from /8 to /8
the address range of this is from
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /16
when a host wishes to send one of these it will:
- set the network portion of the IP to the network it wishes to communicate with
- set the host portion of the IP address to all 1s
how does a host write the IP address when sending an
IPv4 directed broadcast
- The source host looks at the destination host IPv4 address
- It then uses the logical operation AND with the destination IPv4 and its own subnet mask to determine a network address
- If the network address matches its own network address it will use ARP to directly send the message
- Otherwise it will send the message to its default gateway to be routed to a remote network
in 4 steps describe
how a host finds and uses a network address to determine how it will send the message
these are blocks of reserved IP addresses that may only be used within a LAN.
These addresses cannot be routed across the internet if you attempted to send a message with a private IP address across the internet it would most likely be dropped by the ISP
what is a
private IP address
why was
classful addressing
abondoned and what replaced it
this was abondoned in the 1990s because it does not make full use of all available network addresses. the internet was growing and it was clear that this system was not efficient.
this was replaced by classless addressing formerly known as
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
this term is given to peer to peer or peer to server communication
in general it describes a message being sent where its destination will be to one device
what is an
IPv4 unicast
these were handed out to customers depending on the number of hosts they required these were categorised into classes from A to C
how were internet
network addresses
handed out to customers from 1981
this is the modern approach to handing out or creating IP addresses and subnet masks
it mainly consists of creating a subnet mask depending on the number of hosts required. the benefit here is that the subnet mask can be any length meaning that all network addresses that are available within IPv4 can be used
what is
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
what is a
private IP address
these are blocks of reserved IP addresses that may only be used within a LAN.
These addresses cannot be routed across the internet if you attempted to send a message with a private IP address across the internet it would most likely be dropped by the ISP
what are the two IP addresses that are reserved on every IPv4 network
these include:
- the network address
- the broadcast address
what is the
first usable address and last usable address on a network
The first usable address will always be one above the the network address
The last usable address will always be one less than the network broadcast address
the addresss range reserved for this is from
Any message sent within this address range will not be forwarded by the router
what is the address range that is reserved for
IPv4 multicasting on a local network only
what is the
private IP address range
CIDR notation /12
this range is from
describe the
IPv4 directed broadcast
hosts use this when they would like to direct a broadcast to a specific network
this can be either their own network or a remote network
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class A network address
This class of network address was handed to customers who had extremely large networks. A network address of this class could support 16 million hosts
This class of address was given to customers that had small networks and could support 254 hosts
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class C network address
the address range resrved for this is from
what is the address range resrved for
IPv4 multicast
give a typical use case of how routers might use the
IPv4 multicast
Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2)
the Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2) has an IPv4 multicast address of
routers configured to use RIPv2 would send an IPv4 multicast to this address in order to share routing information with other routers
This is an IP address that can be routed across the internet. if a network wishes to communicate on the internet it must use one of these
what is a
public IP address
given an IPv4 addess and a subnet mask
how does a host compute the network address
To do this it takes an IPv4 address and a subnet mask and applies the AND operation the outcome of this operation is a IPv4 network address

the Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2) has an IPv4 multicast address of
routers configured to use RIPv2 would send an IPv4 multicast to this address in order to share routing information with other routers
give a typical use case of how routers might use the
IPv4 multicast
Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2)
in 3 points describe the
network broadcast address
this is:
- used to send a message to every host on the network
- the last address of the network
- will have the host portion of the address all set to 1s
what is
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
this is the modern approach to handing out or creating IP addresses and subnet masks
it mainly consists of creating a subnet mask depending on the number of hosts required. the benefit here is that the subnet mask can be any length meaning that all network addresses that are available within IPv4 can be used
what is the address range of the
class B network address
The network address given could be from /16
to /16
when a host wants to send one of these it will set the IP address to
how does a host write the IP address when sending an
IPv4 limited broadcast
in 4 steps describe
how a host finds and uses a network address to determine how it will send the message
- The source host looks at the destination host IPv4 address
- It then uses the logical operation AND with the destination IPv4 and its own subnet mask to determine a network address
- If the network address matches its own network address it will use ARP to directly send the message
- Otherwise it will send the message to its default gateway to be routed to a remote network
this is the address of a network
a host uses to determine whether it should use ARP to forward a message directly to a host on the same network or if it should send the message to its default gateway so that the message can be routed to a remote network
what is a
network address
and how is it used
describe the type of customer who might receive a
class B network address
This class of network address was given to customers who had a moderate to large sized network and could support roughly 65,000 hosts
how were internet
network addresses
handed out to customers from 1981
these were handed out to customers depending on the number of hosts they required these were categorised into classes from A to C