Module 8 Lesson 1 - Psychological Disorders One Flashcards
What are the most common mental health concerns in the United States?
They are anxiety disorders which about 40 million adults have according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. 8% of children and teenagers experience these negative side effects.
What are some anxiety disorders?
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Panic Disorder
- Specific Phobias
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Causes daily anxiety, in which one constantly worries.
- Makes it difficult to focus on and complete tasks at work, home, or school
- Causes individuals to feel exhausted.
Panic Disorder
- Causes panic attacks and intense feelings of terror.
- Typically a panic attack may occur without warning and often feels like a heart attack
- Sometimes, sufferers find relief by blowing into paper bags
Specific Phobias
Caused by an irrational fear of places, objects, or events
Ex. claustrophobia is the fear of being in small, confined spaces and being unable to escape.
A specific type of phobia that causes one to fear being in wide open spaces and crowds.
Individuals with agoraphobia often avoid public spaces
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder is a severe fear of social interaction in which individuals feel self-conscious and worry about embarrassing themselves.
This disorder has led to isolation and may cause panic attacks in forced social situations.
This woman’s social anxiety keeps her from joining others in conversation.
Obsessive-compulsive disorders used to be classified with what?
Anxiety disorders, as they involve anxiety. Under the DSM-5, they have been placed in their own category because they also involve repetitive behaviors and obsessions.
When do symptoms of OCD begin?
This typically begins during childhood, teenage years, or young adulthood. More than 2% of the U.S. population will be diagnosed with OCD, and there is a 25% chance that another immediate family member will also have it.
What does OCD involve?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) typically involves repetitive, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts coupled with compulsions that are needed to act in a specific manner.
Behaviors tend to be excessive since it is difficult for individuals with OCD to control their thoughts and behaviors interfering with daily living.
Hoarding Disorder
Occurs when one becomes consumed with acquiring and keeping various objects over time. The home eventually becomes overwhelmingly cluttered and the individual refuses to let these objects go.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
BDD occurs when one becomes preoccupied with a particular part of the body, which causes insecurities and obsessive behavior.
Oftentimes, these individuals will go to great lengths to correct misconstructed body parts by having multiple plastic surgeries.
Trauma-Related Disorders is under a category of…
Under the DSM-5, moving PTSD out of the anxiety disorders category.
In order to be classified under this category, a stressor must be involved along with an intrusive behavior.
Trauma-Related Disorders is under a category of…
Under the DSM-5, moving PTSD out of the anxiety disorders category.
In order to be classified under this category, a stressor must be involved along with an intrusive behavior.
Statistics on PTSD
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 7.7 million Americans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that about 37% of those cases are classified as severe.
How does PTSD occur?
It occurs when one experiences a traumatic event such as an accident, natural disaster, or military combat
What are the effects of PTSD?
They leave long-lasting negative effects on one’s mental health. Individuals struggle to form/maintain relationships, experience flashbacks of the trauma, and may have multiple psychological disorders.
What is Acute Stress Disorder?
Similar to PTSD, its exception is that symptoms do not last as long as PTSD, lasting anywhere from three days to one month following exposure to a traumatic event.
Mood disorder classification
The DSM used to classify Bipolar disorders and Depressive disorders under the same category, known as mood disorders. Now, it has removed the title ‘mood disorders,’ separating the two types of disorders into their own categories.
Statistics on Bipolar disorder
It affects men and women equally; according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2.9% of the US population is diagnosed with bipolar disorder each year, and about 83% of those cases are classified as severe. The average age of onset is 25.
What are the 4 Bipolar and Depressive disorders?
- Bipolar Disorder
- Major Depressive Disorder (IMD)
- Persistent Depressive Disorder
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
Bipolar disorder effects
Bipolar disorder used to be manic depression
It causes extreme highs and lows in one’s moods
These phrases are often characterized as periods of mania and depression.
Depressed stages of this illness have similar symptoms to depressive disorders.
Moved out of the depressive disorders category due to the mania phase
One experiences high energy and feels extremely confident and powerful
Major Depressive Disorder (IMD)
Is diagnosed when one experiences unhappiness that extends past two weeks.
There typically is no explanation for the unhappiness, it’s just there
An individual may have trouble sleeping, cannot eat, feels tired all of the time, and doesn’t feel like doing anything
MDD could affect one’s home, school, or work environment.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
PDD was once called Dysthymia. It is a milder form of depression that may still affect one’s relationships and life activities
The difference between PDD and MDD is that PDD is chronic
One who has PDD stays depressed all the time and can’t rarely remember ever being happy; whereas, one with MDD does have normal moods when they are not experiencing an episode of depression.