Module 6 Lesson 1 - Lifespan, Physical, And Cognitive Development Flashcards
Order of Prenatal Development
Zygote, Embryo, Fetus
Step 1 (Conception and Gestation)
Conception: When the sperm and egg come together.
This produces a Zygote, beginning the germinal stage or first stage.
This is the period of time when the zygote goes through a massive transformation.
What is a zygote
A combination of DNA from two partners that contains all the necessary genetic information to develop a new baby.
Step 2 (Conception and Gestation)
The zygote enters a two-week period where rapid cell division occurs. Less than half of all zygotes survive past the two-week mark from initial conception.
What happens if the zygote survives a two-week period of cell division?
The zygote turns into an embryo, beginning the embryonic stage which lasts from two weeks through two months.
Step 3 (Conception and Gestation)
Embryo: In human development, this is the time from the second-to-the-eighth week following fertilization of an egg.
- Here, many of the baby’s vital organs will form and the heart will start beating.
- The developing baby will start to hear and recognize sounds and even respond to light stimuli.
- After the second month (8th week), the embryo enters the fetal period.
Step 4 (Fetal Period)
Fetal Period: the period of time from the second month (8th week) until birth.
- The fetus starts to develop fully into his/her organs, develop features, and prepare for birth.
- From conception to birth is usually referred to as the prenatal period.
What is the neonatal period?
When a baby is born until one month of age.
What is infancy?
When a baby is between one month and two years old.
What elements can influence or impact the gestation of a zygote, embryo, and fetus?
Most elements fall under the blanket of teratogens
- Refers to a wide variety of factors or stimuli that can cause potential abnormal fetal development.
- This includes drugs like cocaine or marijuana, exposure to radiation, or contracting viruses/illnesses like measles.
- It can also be a hard fall, being involved in a car crash, etc…
Anything that the mother does or ingests that can harm the development of an unborn baby.
Smoking, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, or other complications. It also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) can occur if the woman drinks alcohol heavily during pregnancy. This increases the likelihood of physical or cognitive abnormalities that can be identified by facial disproportions.
X and Y Chromosomes
X chromosomes are always given by a mother. Women have two X chromosomes: one from the mother and the other from the father.
Men possess one X and one Y chromosome. They can pass down either an X or Y chromosome to decide the sex of the baby. Y chromosomes can only be given by fathers.
Identical Twins
It’s usually normal to have one child at a time, but twins can occur (when two people originate from one fertilized egg and are born at the same time). The twins will share the same DNA, which is a rare occurrence (1/250 births). This rate is unnaturally increasing due to an increase in fertility treatments.
Fraternal Twins
Two people originated from two fertilized eggs and are born at the same time, but do not share the same DNA. Male/Female twins are always fraternal. Same-sex fraternal twins may resemble each other but are not always identical. This rate is unnaturally increasing due to an increase in fertility treatments.
Newborn babies are born with…
Primal Survival Skills… they have innate abilities, like seeking nourishment, desiring to interact with others, and attempts to avoid harmful situations.
What are the five primary reflexes used by pediatricians to examine a newborn to determine that their nervous system is working properly?
- Grasping
- Startle
- Rooting
- Stepping
- Sucking
Grasping reflex (newborn)
When a baby reaches out and grabs something, like mom or dad’s finger.
Startle reflex (newborn)
When a baby experiences a sensation and is startled by it causing them to move or react verbally.
Rooting reflex (newborn)
When a newborn automatically turns their face towards stimuli and makes sucking motions with their mouth.
Stepping reflex (newborn)
When a baby steps (but cannot walk), they are mimicking the action of stepping.
Sucking reflex (newborn)
When a baby puts an object in their mouth and sucks on it, like their mom or dad’s finger.
Timeline for Motor Development
- Grasping or reaching for objects
- Manipulating objects
- Sitting up
- Crawling
- Walking
- Running
What are the two primary motor development principles?
Cephalocaudal Trend and Proximodistal Trend
What is the Cephalocaudal Trend?
This states that development tends to start at the head and end at the foot, meaning that babies gain control of the upper part of their body first in development.
What is the Proximodistal Trend?
Postulates on a center-outward direction of development, meaning that babies first gain control of their torso (center of the body) before gaining control of the extremities (arms and legs).