Module 6.2: Substance use & misuse Flashcards
What is the difference between substance use & substance misuse?
Substance use =
use of any substance does not lead to detrimental health effects;
where as
Substance misuse does
Define and describe the harm minimisation approach to substance use.
Harm minimisation: is an overall aim to minimise /limit the damage arising from the use of alcohol & other drugs to both individuals and the community.
In action:
- Supply reduction
- legislation/law enforcement (customs/ justice system)
- Community attitudes
- Demand reduction
- information & education
- treatment / rehabilitation
- Harm reduction
- education
- information
- treatment
- community intervention
What are the 6 stages of the Transtheoretical Model of Change?
1) Pre-contemplation
2) Contemplation
3) Preparation/determination
4) Action
5) Maintenance
6) Relapse & recycling
What are some of the potential adverse affect of substance abuse on a person’s well-being (physical, psychological, social) ? (Roizen’s model - the 4L’s)
1) Liver:
Physical or psychological health; accidents or injuries while intoxicated.
2) Lover:
Relationships, family, friends, intimate partner and children.
3) Livelihood/ Lifestyle:
Professional life - lack of concentration
activities / hobbies - impact finances / accommodation
4) Law:
Legal problems related to illegal drug use, drug acquisition, trafficking, criminal activity, DUI
What are the main principles of motivational interviewing?
MI is a goal orientated, collaborative counselling style, that seeks to activate a persons intrinsic motivation to change.
1) Engaging
2) Focusing
3) Evoking
4) Planning
What are the principles of treatment for individuals with co-occurring disorders?
1) Engagement & Therapeutic alliance:
* non-judgemental
* empathetic
* encouraging
2) MH & A&OD use:
* Harm reduction framework
* Negotiate treatment goals, plans & options
3) Family members:
* Treatment plans & support
* provide information
* keep engaged in treatment
When conducting the nursing assessment - what are the questions the nurse would ask to gather information with regards to the person’s current/history of drug / alcohol use/misuse? (5)
- Age of first use
- Reasons for use
- Route of administration
- when & how much last time used
- Triggers