Module 6 - Production Flashcards
What are the two types of information needed to begin writing spec sections?
- Specific project requirements
- Product reference materials and construction methods
What are sources of specific PROJECT requirements/info needed to begin writing spec sections?
- Owner requirements
- Owner intent to use FM Global (insurance)
- A/E drawings
- Spec notebook/checklist
- Detailed cost estimate
- If public project, original RFP
- Applicable laws and codes
What are sources of PRODUCT reference material info needed to begin writing spec sections?
- Mfg websites
- Handbooks, education, references by trades
- Info from technical, professional societies
- Commercial master guide specification
- Product rep expertise
- Project team experience
- Specs from similar projects
What are common methods of assembling and recording specification information?
- Notes, emails by A/E to specifier
- Product notebook
- Specification checklists
- PPD, outline specs
How can a full-length or shortform MASTER GUIDE SPECS be converted into outline specs?
- Discard most of Part 1 and Part 3
- Maintain only unique requirements
- Remove generic reference standards
- Condense text by streamlining
- Focus on Part 2 product install and quality
What is streamlining in reference to specification text?
Writing in the imperative mood, subject first: keywords for quick reference
i.e. Adhesive: Spread with notched trowel
How is construction information in UniFormat converted to MasterFormat?
Uniformat provides cross-references to Masterformat Level 1 and Level 2 numbers
- Systems and assemblies described in a Uniformat section can include materials/products from several Masterformat sections
What are the 4 methods of specifying?
- Descriptive
- Performance
- Proprietary
- Reference Standard
What is the Descriptive method of specifying?
Specifying properties of materials and methods of installation without proprietary names
What is the Performance method of specifying?
Specifying required results, criteria for measuring, and method to verify end result
What is the Reference Standard method of specifying?
Specifying products or processes by established industry-accepted standards (include name of org, number of standard, title, date of issue, applicable requirement)
What is the Proprietary method of specifying?
Specifying products by manufacturer’s name, brand, model, type or product characteristics *Restrictive type of specifying
Who does the developing of the specifications into written form at different size firms?
- Small firm - Principal
- Medium firm - Full time specifier
- Large firm - Spec department
- Project team with 1 person writing
- Independent spec consultant
- Bldg mfg product specs, online product service
What is the process for developing specs by extracting info of project design in drawings?
Products are:
- Researched
- Selected
- Evaluated
- Coordinated w/ other products
- Specified
- Coordinated with drawings
What is the importance of complementary drawings and specifications?
Specifications are legally enforceable contract documents
- correct vocab, grammar, coordinated with all stakeholders
What procurement and contracting requirements should be complied into project manual?
Procurement - solicitation, instructions for procurement, available information, procurement forms and supplements
Contracting - contract forms, project forms, conditions of contract, revisions/clarifications/modifications
(Tower of Power)
What is a submittal?
Document demonstrating how the Contractor proposes to conform *NOT A CONTRACT DOCUMENT
What are common quality assurance submittals?
- Certificates
- Qualifications
- Product data, Samples
- Mockups
- Shop drawings
- Waste management plans
- Delegated design submittals
What are common quality control submittals?
- Field tests
- Source or lab testing
- Mfg tests or inspections
- Code required inspections
- Performance testing
- Partial survey (conc or earthwork)
What are common closeout submittals?
- Operation and maintenance data
- Warranties and bonds
- Record documents, Final survey
- Maintenance materials, Keys
- AHJ Permits (Cert. of Occ.)
- System start up procedures
- Final payment waivers
How is submittal information coordinated between Div. 01 and Div. 02 - 49
Div. 01 - common requirements and typical procedures
Div. 02 - 49 - specific requirements for that section in Part 1 - General
Where are preparation requirements organized in specification sections?
Part 3 - Execution - examination and preparation
What is the purpose of including preparation requirements in specification sections?
Quality assurance measure for required actions to ensure the site/area is ready to receive work
Where are preparation requirements coordinated in Division 01?
01 71 00 - Examination and Preparation - details procedures for inspecting and verifying conditions
Includes surveying, acceptance of conditions, protection of adjacent construction
Where are finishing requirements organized in specification sections?
Part 2 - Products - state finishes and reference standards
Part 3 will detail site finishing
Part 1 will list QA and submittals
Where are spec sections by consultants and specialists coordinated into the project manual?
Include sections in Table of Contents, include requirements in Division 01
When should specifications in Division 02 - 49 be written?
Before finalizing Division 01
What is the most effective sequence for preparing a specification section
Part 2 - Products (What is it?)
Part 3 - Execution (How is it done?)
Part 1 - General (How is it documented and reviewed?)
What are the 4 C’s of specification writing?
Clear, Concise, Correct, Complete
What are the ABC’s of specification writing?
Accurate, Brief, Clear
How are specifications edited to conform to writing best practices?
- Simple sentences, declarative or imperative mood
- Simple terms, capitalize global terms
- Change sentences that punctuation can alter meaning
- No abbreviations, symbols, ( )
- Do use numbers
Meaning of Amount vs. Quantity?
Amount = money
Quantity = number, measure, area, volume
Meaning of Furnish vs. Install vs. Provide?
Furnish = supply and deliver
Install = place in position for use
Provide = furnish and install
Meaning of Insure vs. Assure vs. Ensure?
Insure = procure a policy
Assure = give confidence
Ensure = make certain
Meaning of Observe vs. Supervise?
Observe = to watch
Supervise = oversee and direct
Meaning of Party vs. Entity?
Party = signer of a contract
Entity = a general person or company
What is the intended use for CSI standards and formats?
To give order to specifications
What are the 6 CSI formats?
- OmniClass
- UniFormat
- PPD Format
- MasterFormat
- SectionFormat
- PageFormat
What is OmniClass?
Multi-table system for organizing information for the AEC industry
What is UniFormat?
Classification system for organizing systems and assemblies with Levels of detail
What is the process for final publication of the project manual?
- Process edits into final draft and review
- Coordinate header/footer
- Subdivide into volumes, max. 700 pages
- Cross check sections with TOC
- Final review by Owner
What is the process for final distribution of the project manual?
- Publish PDF, bookmarked
- Print for procurement if need physical
- Distribute to all team members, AHJ for permits, plan rooms for public projects
How is the project manual version maintained with a Revision Log?
- Use a consistent naming
- Can include date in file name
- Use security features to prevent modifications
- Revision log: section #, section title, brief description of change