Module 2 - Coordination Flashcards
14% of Exam - Approx. 24 questions
Who should be included in intra-office and inter-team communications?
A/E, Consultants, Drafters, Modelers, Specifier
Preliminary Coordination effort should involve coordinating information where?
- Within the project manual
- Within drawings of each discipline
- Between drawings of separate disciplines
- Within specs of each discipline
- Between specs of separate disciplines
- Between project manual and drawings
What should be reviewed/corrected at Final Coordination?
- Correct inconsistencies, errors and inaccuracies
- Specification TOC and drawing TOC
- Schedules check for consistency
What can be used to create a Project Coordination Checklist?
PPD, Outline Spec, or Office checklist
What is the purpose of a Project Coordination Checklist?
- Ensure necessary items are included
- Specified items are consistent w/ drawings
- Drawings do not duplicate specifications
Why should consistent terms and abbreviations be enforced?
Avoids confusion, higher construction costs, delays and faulty construction
What is the precedence between drawings and specifications?
A precedence SHOULD NOT be established in contract documents. They are COMPLEMENTARY
How are conflicts addressed between drawings and specifications?
A/E makes a documented interpretation
What is required to identify owner’s project requirements?
Owner developed project scope, project budget and project schedule
Why does A/E need fully defined owner’s requirements?
Influence size, arrangement, systems, sub-systems, and components
How does the project team select products/systems that meet owner’s requirements? What should be reviewed?
Regular review between specifier and design team to ensure quality
- Discuss project manual preparation
- Product decisions
- Detail review
- Coordinate terminology
What are common methods for coordinating specification information between the project team?
- Checklists
- BIM clash detection
- Cost management
- Document reviews at milestones
- Cloud-based collaboration tools
What can the specifier do to ensure the project manual address all project requirements?
- Planning and setting goals
- Maintaining a set of latest documents
- Obtaining approvals from key stakeholders
What efforts are made by A/E to coordinate design with project manual?
- Regular reviews with design team
- Check on status of product decisions
- Review details of product decisions
- Coordinating terminology
Who coordinates consultant information for the project manual? What information does the consultant need to start?
A/E assumes responsibility for overall coordination. Information to be shared w/ consultants before starting:
- Type of project
- Contract
- Spec format
- General conditions
- Div. 01 requirements
What owner information is coordinated in the project manual?
- Who is preparing procurement requirements
- Include agreement forms
- Reference owner provided info in “Available Project Information”
How does Division 00 include procedures for soliciting pricing for a project?
00 10 00 - Solicitation: instructions may contain guidance for preparing alternate bids or proposals, and considerations for evaluation and contract award
How does Division 00 include contractual requirements for a project?
00 31 00 - Available Project Information: owner provided reports, agreement forms after review of contract and conditions of contract
How should discrepancies be identified between Division 00 and specification sections?
- Owner should review Div. 00 and coordinate their requirements
- A/E responsible for coordinating into specs, alternates, allowances, and unit prices related to bid/proposal form
- A/E cross-reference to instructions for procurement
How should Division 01 sections be revised to conform with procurement requirements?
- Verify who is preparing procurement requirements
- Review contract and conditions of contract
- Revise Div. 01 to coordinate
Who evaluates product and material compatibility and why?
Specifier - incompatibilities not discovered before construction can result in latent defects
Who evaluates product and materials in tested assemblies and why?
Specifier - ensures products/materials are listed in test, deviations are generally NOT permitted
Who evaluates product and materials with prescriptive codes and why?
Specifier - prescriptive code requirements are mandatory, i.e. fire resistance
How should consultants include general requirements in the construction documents?
- General notes on drawings regarding administrative matters
- Terms and conditions in Division 01
How are alternates coordinated with Division 01?
01 23 00 - Alternates: reference spec and drawings relevant to base bid and each alternate
How are alternates identified and listed in Division 01?
Each alternate has a designation (#) and title - the list should clearly describe each base bid and included alternates