Module 6/7 Monitoring and Managing Data Flashcards
Which required tools are used to monitor performance in your instance?
Performance Dashboard
Extending Value
System Diagnostics page
Is used to look for root causes of platform performance issues
A Table
Is a collection of rows and columns (records and fields)
Reference Fields are identified with…
a reference lookup Icon (Magnifying glass)
Reference Fields refer to…
A record elsewhere, on another table
4 Table relationship
Database Views
One To Many relationship -
On an incident record, when you go to related records, there is a problem field. The reference to a problem record creates a one to many relationship, because several incidents may relate to that problem. From an incident we can’t indicate more than one problem for example.
Many to Many Relationship Definition…
When you create a record and then a role, and a group, these are all many to many relationships.
Groups and Roles are examples of (what type of relationship?)
Many to Many
Group VIew is an example of a…(record type)
Many to Many Relationship. Group member record has a single name (Sys_user_GRMEMBER), which has a large list of records, junctions between reference fields (Group and User)
Many to Many relationship Defined as
Two or more tables that can be related in a bi-directional relationship
Many to Many relationship Defined as
Two or more tables that can be related in a bi-directional relationship
One-to-Many relationship defined as
Within a table a field can hold a reference to a record on another table
Database Views are defined as
Tables that can be joined using the database views plugin (also known as a table join)
Table Extensions are effectively where…
When a parent table becomes the parent of a child table, that child table inherits all of the database structure (Columns, but none of the rows)
Task Table is a parent, base and core table (T/F?)
Core table Types
Base Table Names
What does a Schema Map do?
Schema map provides a graphical representation of other tables related to a specific table
What colors are on the Schema Map? (THIS IS ON THE TEST)
Subject Table - Highlighted in Yellow
Blue Bars - Extend the subject table Further down the line (IE: Unix Servers would also have AIX, HPUX, etc.)
Red Bars - are referenced by the subject table
Green Bars - Extended Tables (all the way back to the base table) (IE: Unix Table would extend the CMDB, CMDB_CI, CMDB_CI_HW, CMDB_CI_COMPUTE)
One-To-Many relationship fields (3)
Reference Fields
Glide List
Document ID Fields
Common Many to Many example
Students and classes - A student can register for many classes, and a class can include many students.
What makes a base table different than a core table?
A bas table is not an extension of another table, and has no parent. A base table can also be considered a parent or core table depending on circumstance
Is CMDB_CI a base table?
No - This is a child and extension of the CMDB base and core table
CRUD - Stands for…
Create - Read - Update - Delete
Access Control is ….
a security rule defined to restrict permissions of a user from viewing and interacting with data