Module 6 Flashcards
What is a little t trauma?
When ‘traumatic event’/’resources at the time’ is bigger than 1.
What is the thriphasic modal for trauma?
- Stabilisation; where you give them breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, medication.
- Memory work; focussing on the traumatic event, EMDR, EFT.
- Connecting to the social environment.
This can happen in one session.
Where does EFT fit in the thriphasic approach?
In the first step (stabilisation) as palliative care and in the second step (memory work).
How does trauma develop?
- Trauma happens (T or t)
- Disruption of energy
- Affect (emotional system) disregulates
- Defences go up, more energy disruption
- More chaotic flow of energy/information (more rigid/chaotic)
- Less access to resources
- Less resourceful behaviour, more prone to more trauma, limiting belief or narrative is created.
This creates a circle.
What is the condensed version of the polyvagal theory?
The main function is: ask the question ‘am I safe?’.
If not, the vagal nerve let’s go of the brake. The vagal braking system regulates the affect (as well as the heartbeat). Tapping helps downregulatie the vagalsystem.
How can the vagalsystem be regulated?
Mammals co-regulate each other. You’re down regulating yourself when tapping, so you are in a way co-regulating according to the polyvagal theory.
How does the polyvagal theory combine with the work of Levine?
If the vagal system says: I’m not safe the sympathic fight/flight/freeze system is engaged.
What is the theory of memory reconsolidating?
Memories come out of the store with the whole package. But when you do some tapping it is stored differently. The next time it will come up it will have a different load attached to it.
What comes up when you have a traumatic memory coming up?
Cognitive memory, narrative memory, biology, everything that comes with it. You can retraumatise yourself by telling the trauma over and over
What does tapping on the acupressure points do to the nerveus system?
Tapping on the meridian acupoints causes the nervous system to down- regulate, facilitating a switch from sympathetic to para-sympathetic nervous system activity.
Which EFT techniques can be used in the Phase 1 of the Tri-phasic model of trauma treatment?
Basic recipe to reduce negative affect, constricted breathing, tearless trauma.
Which EFT techniques can be used in the Phase 2 of the Tri-phasic model of trauma treatment?
Tell the story technique, tearless trauma, personal peace procedure.
Which EFT techniques can be used in the Phase 3 of the Tri-phasic model of trauma treatment?
Here we can check if the new beliefs that have been created at the end of the therapy are meeting any resistance, this might be a point to apply EFT.
What happens according to the vagal theory when we use tapping?
The memory of the event is still there, but the sympathetic or dorsal vagal reactivity has been replaced bi ventral vagal regulation. This can result in cognitive changes.
Why does the cognition change when the SUD drops?
The mind is no longer under the control of the intense affect dysregulation, information can be processed in a new way. When this happens it is good to consolidate them in the identity (3rd phase). This can be done for example by having the client picture a situation with the stimuli they were afraid of and seeing themselves calm. Then have a conversation on how they feel about themselves after.
What is the relationship between the vagal system and heart rate variability?
A heart that has more variability means a better vagal braking system is at work.
What are the three conditions that make memories go back into long-term storage without the body based trauma states?
- You need to access the memory itself (have an enlivened experience of it).
- You need to create a counter experience so that the memory is experienced in such a way that it fundamentally contradicts meaning of the original experience.
- It must be repeated a number of times.