Module 5 - Plants Structure + Function Flashcards
Monocot (5)
Single cotyledon Linear venation Flowering parts sets of 3 Fibrous roots Vascular parts arranged scattered
Dicot (5)
Net like venation Taproot Sets of 4 and or 5 flowering parts Vascular parts arranged in rings Double cotyledon
Three main types of plant tissue
Vascular (conduction)
Ground (packing)
Dermal (skin)
Plant Dermal tissue
Outer layer of plant tissue
Periderm (bark)
Tightly packed cells, leaf surface
Bark or cork cambium, replaces epidermis as plants age.
Ground tissue and three types of:
Inbetween filling tissue Nutrient storage etc Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma (dead)
Cortex and pith are made up of ____
Ground tissue.
Companion cells
Helps regulate phloem transport of nutrients.
Conducting xylem cells of gymnosperms
Vessel elements
Conducting xylem cells of angiosperms.
Phloem cell types (2)
Sieve tube elements
Companion cells
Sieve tube plate
Connective tissue of a cell, allowing nutrient and water movement.
Waxy layer on top of the epidermis cells.
Layer of different cell types inside a leaf cross section.
Pith is made up of
Roots function (4)
Storing nutrients, nutrient uptake, moisture uptake, anchorage.
Uptake of nutrients are take up by;
Active transport