module 4 islam Flashcards
What is the big bang?
universe started 14 billion years ago when matter concentrated in great mass and began to expand. Expansion continues today, but at slower rate, with everything moving away from everything else. Stars and planets thought to have formed by cooling matter and more diverse kinds of atoms forming and eventually condensing.
What are Muslim beliefs about the origins of the universe?
everything created by Allah, created balance in universe e.g. night and day, sea and land. Took periods of time to create universe, creation intended, planned design by Allah, after created Earth, Allah created all living things, included humans.
What are Muslims responses to scientific explanations to origins of universe?
science doesn’t affect beliefs, big bang fills gaps of what isn’t explained in qur’an, scientific explanation give better understanding of Allah and creation.
What is the quote for qur’an source of beliefs of universe?
“Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent-[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed-and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving-[And] who created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful and inconsistency. So return [your] vision [to the sky]; do you see any breaks? Then return [your] vision twice again. [Your] vision will return to your humbled while it its fatigued. And We have certainly beautiful the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze” (Surah 67:1-5).
What is the quote for the qur’an’s account of creation of universe similar to that offered by science?
“And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.” (Surah 51:47).
What do some muslims say about the big bang?
contradicts Islam creation story, as appears to question whether a loving God planned the creation of universe.
What are views on if the universe is a gift or commodity?
Some muslims believe humans important part of Allah’s creation. Universe created for them and can take what they need. Some muslims believe gift from God and should carry out task given by Allah to Kalifahs (stewards) who care for universe. To avoid being judged in afterlife, must look after universe and not take what want.
What is the belief in sanctity of life?
That life is holy and special.
What is the quote for why it is wrong to take a life away. Recognising how special life is?
“Because of that We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land-it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one-it is as if he saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors” (Surah 5:32).
What do Muslims believe about the sanctity of life?
Life is special and holy as all life created by Allah, should respect all life and not harm any living thing. All life is holy, every human life is worth same value as any other, as Allah is creator of life, only he can take it away.
What is the quote for life should not be taken and reason for this is because Allah created it?
“O you who believed do not consume o another’s wealth unjustly but not [in lawful] buisness by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you Merciful.” (Surah 4:29).
What is the scientific explanation for evolution?
in ‘On the Origin of Species’. argued development of human life was gradual development over million of years form simple life forms to more complicated. Characteristics or features that are more adapted to change (stronger). While less die out-natural selection. Also used term ‘survival of the fittest’ to describe species best adapted to environment.
What are Muslim attitudes to evolution?
most religious and all non-religious find scientific explanations more believable explanations of the world than religion. Important for Muslims to adapt beliefs to be able to accept religion and science.
What is the quote for Allah creation?
“Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.” (Surah 32:7-8).
What is the quote that reinforces view of Allah is the origin of human life?
“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were joined entirely, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Surah 21:30).
what is the value and sanctity of life in Islam?
some believe traditional teachings may not apply. Some may view abortion as ‘lesser of two evils’ as both options in cases where abortion is being considered may be disliked. Offers ‘slippery slope’ to allowing other actions (Such as infanticide), which are not accepted within Islam.
What do some muslims view traditional views as more valuable?
Maintaining life is holy as created by Allah and should never by threatened or taken away.
What are muslims responses to the non-religious view of abortion is a personal decision and it’s the woman’s right to decide what is best?
abortion is wrong as all life is created by Allah and only he can decide when it ends.
What is the Muslim response to the argument of some parents might neither ready to have child or afford one?
Qur’an teaches: ‘And do not kill your children for fear of poverty.’(Surah 17:32). Sanctity of life
What is the muslims response to the argument that abortion is wrong as foetus is human life?
Unplanned pregnancy, worry about providing for a child and pregnancy as result of adultery are not acceptable reasons for abortion.
What is the Muslim response to the argument that individual circumstances should be taken into account and the best decision decided based on these situation ethics?
Some Muslims believe abortion is acceptable if life of mother is at risk, or in case of rape because upholds sanctity of mother’s life.
What is the quote for ensoulment after 120 days after conception. Sunni muslims forbid abortion before this time-sanctity of life. Under certain circumstances others might agree to an abortion taking place before ensoulment, e.g. is life of mother affected?
“Allah’s Apostle the true and truly inspired said, ‘(as regards your creation), every one of you is collected int the womb of his mother for the first forty days, and then he becomes a clot for another forty days, and then a piece for flesh for forty days. Then Allah sends an angel to write four words: He writes his deeds, time of his death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be wretched or blessed (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into his body’.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 55:549).
What are Muslim teachings about death and the afterlife?
Allah has full control over life and death. World will end when Allah chooses and at time people will face judgment, good deeds and bad deeds will be judged. People either sent to al-Jannah as reward for good life or Jahannam for bad life. Barzakh viewed as barrier between physical and spiritual worlds-it’s where soul waits after death before resurrection on judgment day.
What is the significance of life after death for Muslims?
Important to because affects how live. Constantly aware Allah watching. Qur’an teaches that life is test prepares for afterlife. Death gateway to life after death. Want to go to al-Jannah after death so need to live life as Allah wants. Believing in akhirah gives life meaning and purpose.
What arec Muslim responses to non-religious arguments for life after death?
Memories of previous lives: Muslims recognise afterlife but Islam doesn’t teach that people had past lives. Paranormal: Muslims don’t accept ideas of paranormal. Logically death connot be end: Muslims agree that having rewatd and punishment after death and belief in afterlife gives life meaning and purpose. Reward for living good life: Muslims agree those who had lived a good life deserve to be rewarded after death. Makes people less afraid of death: Ideas to afterlife gives Muslims comfort. Meeting loved ones who have died: Meeting loved ones again isn’t of primary importance in Islam.
What is the quote showing ideas of reward and punishment after death?
“Then is he whom We have promised a good promise which he will obtain like he for whom We provided enjoyment of wordly life [but] then he is, on the Day of Resurrection, among those presented[for punishment in Hell]”?(Surah 28:61)
What is the quote that teaches that Allah is aware of every action and thought of humans?
“And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its Deeds; and Allah knoweth best all that they do”?(Surah 39:70)
What is the quote that identifies the reward for those who deserve it and recognises that those who don’t will be punished after death?
“…those who have believed and worked righteous deeds shall be made happy…those who have rejected faith and falsely denies our Sign…shall be brought forth to Punishment.”?(Surah 30:15-16).
What is the first non-religious arguments against life after death?
Holding beliefs about afterlife offers false sense of hope as no proof that exists. Psychoanalyst Freud suggested religion is illusion that used to provide comfort for those who need it.
What is the second non-religious argument against life after death?
No evidence of afterlife-no one has ever returned to prove it exists.
What is the third non-religious argument against life after death?
Some people have tricked others into believing they can contact people who have died. Takes advantages of vulnerable people-fraudulent claims.
What is the forth non-religious argument against life after death?
Believing in afterlife gives people control over what fear most. Philosopher Karl Marx, believed religion is way of controlling and managing people.
What is the fifth non-religious argument against life after death?
After death body decays and nothing else happens. Life after death is impossible.
What is the first Muslim argument for life after death?
Teachings of qur’an give evidence of afterlife. Offer proof.
What is the second Muslim argument for life after death?
faith means putting trust in teachings. Allah teaches in Qur’an there is afterlife (akhirah) and doesn’t lie, so is sufficient evidence that afterlife exists.
What is the third Muslim argument for life after death?
Recognise can happen, believe shouldn’t detract from importance of accepting belief in afterlife.
What is the forth Muslim argument for life after death?
Belief in afterlife gives meaning and purpose to life. Helps guide in how should behave and act as Allah is watching and will judge after die.
What is the fifth Muslim argument for life after death?
Although body may decay in ground, will be reunited with soul on Day of Judgment. Qur’an teaches there is life after death and death isn’t the end.
What is the quote that teaches is life after death and Muslims believe this?
“And they say, ‘There is not but our wordly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time.’ And they have of that no knowledgy; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, ‘bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful’.”(Surah 45:24-25)
What is the nature of euthanasia?
Voluntary euthanasia: where person’s life ended delibarately and painlesslu at their request
Assisted suicide: where person is given means to end their own life.
Non-voluntary euthanasia: Ending person’s life painlessly when thay are unable to ask, but have good reason for thinking what they want.
What are non-religious view points for euthanasia?
Kindest thing may be to let person end life if what want and are in pain. Humanists support euthanasia if person made decision themselves without persuasion. Believe person should have right to make decisions for thaemselves, especially if suffering from terminal illness. Principles of situation ethics may be applied as many feel action should be taken is most loving action in given situation-even if means ending life early.
What do Muslims believe about euthanasia?
Life is special and sacred, only Allah can decide when should end.
What is the quote for sanctity of life?
“Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”(Surah 2:156).
What are Mulsim teachings about the natrue of euthanasia?
Test of faith: suffereing is test and part of life- it isn’t a person’s decision to end their life.
Hospices: alternatives to euthanasia and include hospices. Places where person with terminal illness can spend final days and reciece palliative care. Care won’t cure illness but manage symptoms, making end of life more bearable.
All life is sacred: It’s important to care for elderly as much as anyone.
No soul: can ever die except by Allah’s leave and at a term appointed (Surah 3:145)
Allah: only Allah can decide how long a person’s life is.
Sancity of life: Euthanasia is suicide and doesn’t respect sancity of life.
Always wrong: Because all life is sacred and holy.
Why should Muslims look after the world?
Allah created world, humans are its trustees. Given duty by Allah to be khalifahs-stewards who care for world. After death will be called to answer for any ill-treatment of planet. Allah created world with love and should they show respect by treating it in same way.
What are quotes of treatment of the natural world?
“And the earth He has laid (out) for creatures.” (Surah 55:10)
“The earth is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you his stewards over it”.(Hadith Bukhari :)
Why are Muslims allowed to use animal for food?
Animals created by Allah and given to humans so Muslims can eat meat. Animals exist for benefit of humans, but should be treated with respect and kindess as creation of Allah
What is the quote for eating animals?
“It is Allah who made for you the grazing animals upon which you ride and some of them you eat” (Surah 40:79)
Why may some Muslims be vegitarian?
Because they believe animals shouldn’t be eaten.
Why do some Muslims believe in ethical theories e.g. utilitarianism?
Utilitarianism states: greatest happiness for greatest number. May refer to using animals to benefit through food or experimentation.