Christianity module 4 Flashcards
What is the purpose of prayer?
Get closer to God and communicate with him, praise/thank God, ask God for help, say sorry to God when person feels have done wrong.
Quote of prayer?
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”(Mark 11:24).
What are types of prayer?
Set prayers:prayer book, reflect Christians beliefs, praise/thank God. Informal prayer:When people pray alone, use bible to understand prayer offering to God. Lord’s prayer:Jesus taught to followers-key christian beliefs.
What are the importance of different types of worship?
Different prayers suit different occasions. Different prayers-different denominations-various works as communication with God.
What is the history of Christian pilgrimage?
Roots in Jewish pilgrimage e.g. Passover. First seen when early Christians visited historical places of historical significance-Jesus-Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Sites of where saints visions appeared.
Jerusalem’ significance?
Celebrated Last supper, arrested , crucified resurrected. Visit Garden of Gethsemane, and Via Dolorosa, path he took to his Crucifixion. His death for sins of humanity.
Iona’s significance?
Many saints lived there. Pray at Iona and reflection. Special ‘pilgrimage walk’ takes place weekly visit areas of spirituality, religious/historical significance.
Taize significance?
Join monastic order or experience and share community’s way of life. Brings Catholic and Protestant monks and pilgrims to spend time of meditation, prayer and silence, and live a simple life.
Walshingham significance?
1061 woman in Walsingham saw Mary, showed Jesus’ home in Nazareth. Replica built as difficult to go to Israel.Today Christians use it to pray to Jesus
What is liturgical worship?
When christian worship according to set pattern on regular basis-Sunday. Set prayers and readings-common book of prayer. Catholics and Anglicans often follow liturgical worship patterns.
What is non-liturgical worship?
Less formal-no set pattern-unscripted and improvised forms of worship. Methodism and Pentecostalism are denominations that have more non-liturgical worship services.
What are quotes of worship?
“Come, let us bow down in worship, lut us kneel before the Lord our Maker!”(Psalm 95:6).
“…the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seek”(John 4:23).
What is eucharist/holy communion/mass?
When bread/wine-blood, body of Jesus in Last supper are distributed among congregation. Will be hymns, Bible reading and sermon.
What is Charismatc worship?
Pentecostal churches often have non-liturgical worship involving clapping or dancing as well as use of music, emphasising importance of spreading Gospel. Can also include speaking in tongues. Form of worship represents being filled with Holy Spirit.
What is personal/private prayer?
Can take different forms, with person spending time alone praying praying quietly as group or simply reading Bible. Could involve meditation on God. Some Christians perform as part of retreat, where they withdraw in order to focus on prayer.
What is silent worship?
Some Christians e.g. Quakers follow no set of pattern of worship or services. Instead, followers sit in silence for significant periods of time. Is not understood to be private worship, as are collectively sharing worship together. Some may feel prompted to spread, read aloud or share personal experiences.
What is the significant of Christians completing in different worship of different denominations?
Believe certain practices or rituals bring them closer to God or form closer with him/ Some give more significance to liturgical forms of worship, while others prefer more non-liturgical forms. Although are all united under heading of ‘Christianity’, choose to practice and recognise faith different ways.
What are the different views on sacraments?
Most protestants churches recognise 2 sacraments-baptism and Eucharist. Catholics recognise 7:baptism, confirmation, penance and reconciliation, Eucharist, ordination, marriage, and anointing of the sick. Some non-conformist churches recognise 2-some recognise 0.
What is baptism?
Most Christian groups have ceremony to welcome a baby into Christian faith-christening or baptism. Baby is baptised in belief that will cleanse child original sin. Parents and godparents make promises on behalf of child. Sign of cross is made on baby’s forehead and water is poured on their head from font in church. Lighted candle is given to represent light of Jesus.
What is adult/believer’s baptism?
Some non-conformist churches prefer adult baptism as feel only adult can fully make choice of belonging to church. Each candidate is asked questions about faith and make personal testimony about why they wish to become Christian. Baptised through full immersion.
What is confirmation?
When person freely choses to conclude process of baptism, Anglicans must be at least 12. Held by local bishop. Make statement parents made on their baptism. Person now welcomed as member of church.
What is marriage?
Union of man and women promis before God to love/cherish each other. Shows God are committed to each other. Example for children, good example in church.
What are holy orders?
becoming deacon, priests, bishop. Catholics believe priests descended from Jesus’ original apostles 2,000 years ago. Priests receive grace, have privileged abilities.
What is anointing of the sick?
Sick confess sins and pray with priest, oil rubbed on head to be reconciled to health/forgiveness or to be with God upon death. Helps Christians forgive their sins.
What is the quote for baptism?
“Jesus came form Galilee to Jordan to be baptised by John”(Matthew 3:13).
What is the Eucharist?
Re-enactment of Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. Bread represents body of Jesus and wine his blood. Service given different names. Catholic-mass, Church of England-Eucharist. Baptist-Lord’s supper. Catholics believe transubstantiation that bread and wine became body and blood of Jesus. Protestants accept bread and wine as symbolic of body and blood of Jesus.
What is Christmas?
Celebrates incarnation and birth of Jesus-when God’s son came to earth in human form. Celebrated on inaccurate day of his birth.
How do Christians celebrate Christmas with others?
Helping others by sharing with them.
What is advent?
Marks beginning of Christian year and countdown to Christmas. Takes place 4 Sundays before Christmas and is period of preparation. Advent calendars and calendars are used to count down days.
How is Christmas celebrated?
Cards and presents given, houses decorated and special church services e.g. Midnight Mass held. Carols sung and nativity plays. Families come together to share special meal and Christmas attend special Christmas day service.
What is the quote for christams?
“And she gave birth to her firstborn, as son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in manger, because there was no guest room available for them”(Luke 2:7).
What is the history of Easter?
Remembers Crucifixion and celebrates resurrection of Jesus. Good Friday when Jesus was crucified and then on Easter Sunday sadness at death of Jesus is forgotten and his resurrection is celebrated.
What is Holy Week?
Final week of Lent leading up to Easter. Commemorates last week of Jesus’ life, form he entered Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday to Last Supper and Crucifixion.
What special services are there in Easter?
May be re-enactment of crucifixion on Good Friday, and hot cross buns may be eaten to remind people of Jesus’ death on cross. Cards and presents may be given on Easter Sunday, along with Easter eggs to represented empty tomb of Jesus after resurrection.
What are quotes for Easter?
“Jesus said to her, ‘and the life. The one who believes in, me will live, even though they die’“(John 11:25).
What is the church growth?
The chistian church has responded to the changing nature of society by trying to unite people and bring them to the faith. Education programmes, charity work and missionary work attempt to bring Christiany to all people.
What is missionary and evangelical work?
Missionary is a person who is sent out on religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in foreign places. Evangelical work refers to spreading of faith by missionaries. Christians who undertake missionary or evangelical work are sent into area to share their faith and message of bible, and to provide service to others.
What is missionary and evangelical work?
Missionary is a person who is sent out on religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in foreign places. Evangelical work refers to spreading of faith by missionaries. Christians who undertake missionary or evangelical work are sent into area to share their faith and message of bible, and to provide service to others.
Where is the history of missionary?
Prominent Christian missionaries include William Carey (1761-1834) and Eric Liddell (1902-45).
Where can missionaries take place?
Work take place within local community as well as across the world.