module 3 test Flashcards
Who are the 10 obligatory acts and five pillars for?
10 obligatory acts-Shi’a five pillars-Sunni
How many of the pillars are in the obligatory acts?
What is the purpose of the 10 obligatory acts?
guide Shi’a muslims in how to live their lives, allow Shi’a muslimsto get closer to Allah in preforming the acts he wants, help Shi’a muslims achive the reward of paridise after death by following the rules of Allah, help Shi’a muslims focus actions in life to Allah, unite Shi’a muslims and give meaning to their lives.
Who were the 10 obligatory acts given to, and who were they?
Twelve Imams. Shi’a muslims believe Allah chose them to rule after Muhammad.
What are the 10 obligatory acts?
Salah, sawm, Zakah, Hajj, Khums, Jihad, Amr-bil-Maroof, Nahil Anil Munkar, Tawalla, Tabarra
What is the first pillar?
Shahadah (also in 10 obligatory acts)
What is Shahadah?
statement of belief or declaration of faith. Shows acceptance of Allah and Muhammad.
What does the Shahadah contain, and how often is it practiced?
The basic beliefs of Islam, practised daily (reminds importance).
What does the Shahadah mean?
The basic statment of Islamic faith.It contains the basic beliefs centrel to Islam. Muslims believe it demonstrates their loyalty to Muhammad Allah, and Islam.
When is Shahadah recited
Outloud to witnesses to profess the Muslim faith, wispered into newborn’s ear, so it is the first thing they hear, thought the day (forms part of salah[in adhan-call to prayer]). Sais before death to demonstrate commitment to Islam.
What is the third pillar?
What is the nature of zakah?
Type of worship or self-purification involving obligatory almsgiving.
What is the role of zakah?
Giving 2.5% of one’s wages to benefit the poor annually.
What is the significance of zakah?
Contained in Qur’an, and has a long history in Islam Will be asked how helped others after death. 1 of 5 pillars.
What is the purpose of zakah?
Benefits: obey Allah, to show everything a muslim owns is from Allah, to support ideas of sharing and charitable actions.
What is belived to be a gift from Allah that should be shared?
What is one importance of zakah?
it is what Allah wants them to do. They will be judged on their actions, and how they helped others after death.
What is a sign of unity and support of the ummah?
What helps a Muslim to grow spiritually and frees them from greed and selfishness?
Where does money go in zakah?
to those who need it the most, some go to Islamic charities which respond to natural disasters.
What is the fourth of Islam?
What month is Ramadan in the Islamic calendar?
Why is sawm important?
In Ramadan the qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad. It is an act of worship of Allah. Helps Muslims develop discipline skills, and understand problems other might face.
Who is exempt from sawm?
the elderly, young children, pregnant women, those travelling, those who are physically or mentally unwell.
What should a Muslim do if they don’t fast?
Do it on another occasion, or donate to the poor.
What is the purpose of the night of power?
To remember gift of Qur’an on being given to humanity, to give Muslims the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, and worship Allah, to commemorate Muhammad receiving revelation from Allah.
What is jihad used to describe?
the personal struggle of every Muslim to follow teachings of Islam.
What are examples of greater jihad?
studying Qur’an, doing good deeds, regularly attending mosque, resisting temptation, greed and envy.
What are examples of lesser jihad?
fight for just cause, fight as last resort, authorized and excepted by Muslim authority, minimum amount of suffering caused, ends with enemy surrender, innocent civilians not attacked, aims to restore peace and freedom.
What does greater jihad mean?
Inner struggle to be a better Muslim and closer to Allah.
What does lesser jihad mean?
outer struggle to defend Islam.
What do most Muslims and Muhammad say is the most important jihad?
greater jihad.
If the religion of Islam or Allah is threatened what are the conditions.
What is the fifth pillar?
What month is hajj?
Dhul-hajjah takes place for 5 days.
What is the role of hajj?
Allow mulims to get closer to Allah. To follow example of Muhammad
What is the significance of hajj?
to recognise all Muslims as equal in the ummah. Reminds Muslims to be patient, gives them time to reflect on Allah and Islam.
When did Muhammad demonstrate the actions to his followers?
shortly before he died.
What do muslims have to wear?
ihram(white seamless robes).
How many times do they circle the ka’bah to complete tawaf?
What hills do they run between and why to complete sa’y?
Safa and Marwa in remembrance of Hagar searching for water in desert.
What do they do on mount Arafat?
pray and read from Qur’an.
What festival do they celebrate?
What are the benefits of hajj?
shows commitment to Allah (they will be rewarded in Jannah), strengthens ummah and faith of individual Muslims, gives opportunity to focus on Allah, and ask for forgiveness.
What are the challenges of hajj?
have to be physically fit and financially stable, can’t have personal experience due to high numbers, have been incidences due to large numbers of people.
Why do Muslims celebrate celebrations?
to remember past events and important people in Islam, to strengthen and unite ummah, share common beliefs, cycle of special days marked throughout year.
When is Id-ul-Adha?
end of hajj
Who celebrates Id-ul-Adha?
Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
What is Id-ul-Adah known as?
The festival of sacrifice.
What is the story behind Id-ul-Adha?
Ibramin’s willingness to kill his son when God asked. Reminds Muslims of test of faith and to apply it in their own life. Aswell as mercy shown by Allah.
What does Id-ul-Adha signify?
The end of Hajj.
What are given in Id-ul-Adha?
prayers,cards and presents.
Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal?
To remember their own willingness to sacrifice anything at God’s wishes. Animal is shared with family, friends and poor.
What is the second pillar of Islam?
What is the nature of Salah?
Demonstrates unity.
What is the purpose of Salah?
Bring Muslims together. Prophets of Allah preformed daily prayers and it was commanded by Muhammad
What is wudu?
The ritual cleansing. To ensure spiritually and physically fit for Allah. Gives time to be in correct mind to pray.
How do Shi’a Muslims pray?
combine 5 prayers to 3. Raise hand 3 times at end of prayers, touch foreheads directly to floor when prostrating.
How do Sunni Muslims pray?
5 times daily, move head from right to left, may rest head while prostrating on piece of wood.
Who is expected to attend the mosque to pray?
Where can prayer happen?
Anywhere that is clean, and wudu is preformed.
What happens on Friday?
All men are expected to attend the jummah as part of salah, women can also attend.
What is the history of the acts?
Was Ali Taib-Muhammad cousin became successor to Muhammad, 10 obligatory acts established for shi’a.
What is salah?
compulsory prayer 5 times daily, shi’a combine prayers to 3 daily.
What is sawm?
fasting during daylight hours in Ramadam
What is hajj?
pilgrimage to mecca has to do it once.
What is khums?
taxation anual historic obligation of Muslims in army to pay one-fifth of spoils of war, today given to decedents of Muhammad and shi’a Muslims, also to help needy and shi’a leaders.
What is Jihad?
striving to overcome evil, struggle to resist daily temptations.
What is amr-bil monoof?
commandment from qur’an instructs shi’a muslims on how to act and behave.
What is nahi anil munkar?
forbidding what is evil, resist temptations and not sin against Allah.
What is Tawalla?
express love to what is good, follow examples of prophets.
What is Tabarra?
Moving away from evil e.g. staying away from those who choose to turn away from Allah.
What is said about the shahadah in the qur’an?
“The patient, the true, the obidient, thoses who spend [in the way of Allah], and thoses who seek forgivness before dawn. Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angles and those of knowledge-[that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the wise.” (Surah 3:17-18).
What are the quotes for Salah?
“So exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord and be of those who prostrate [to Him]. And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death). “ (Surah 15:98-99) highlights importance of praying.
What is the quote that demonstrates importance of prating on a regular communication?
“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.”(Surah 29:45).
What is the quote about when the qur’an was revealed to Muhammad?
“O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you…“(Surah 2:183).
What is the quote for Laylat al-Qadr?
“Worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months.” (Surah 97:3).
What is the purpose of Layat al-Qadr?
remember gift of qur’an given to humanity, give Muslims opportunity to ask for forgiveness for things they have done wrong and worship Allah, commemorate Muhammad receiving revelation from Allah. Muslims believe they will be rewarded for marking occasion.
What is the quote for Zakah?
“Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] an for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [standard] traveler-an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (surah 9:60).
What is the quote for Khums?
“And know that anything you obtain of war booty-then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for [his] near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the [standard] traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Or Servant on the day of criterion-the day when the two armies met. And Allah, over all things, is competent.” (Surah 8:41).
Where is hajj mentioned in the qur’an?
Surah 2:124-127 story of Ibrahim believed to built ka’bah, shrine of mecca. Surah 22:27-29 talks about proclaming hajj to followers.
What are the quotes for lesser jihad in the qur’an?
“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.” (Surah 2:190).
“Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.” (Surah 22:39).
What is the quote for the qur’an citing Id-ul-Gadheer?
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Surah 5:3).
What is the quote from the hadith citing Id-ul-Ghadeer?
“Whomsover to him I am master (Maula), Ali is also his/her master (Maua). O God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those who are hostile to him.” (Hadith)
What is the festival Id-ul-fitr (End of Ramadan)?
time to celebrate and thank Allah for help in getting month of fasting, begins in 1st moon, first Id to been celebrated by Muhammad so commemorates event in Islamic history, homes decorated. Special services and celebratory meal is shared.
How is Ashura celebrated-tenth day of Muharran, 1st month of Islamic calander celebrated for sunni and shi’a muslims?
Sunni:Day of fasting and mourining to remember how Nuh(Noah) left ark and how Musa(Moses) and isralites were saved from Egyprians. People wear black, no music allowed
Shi’a: As Sunni but event is also one of mourning to remember the martyrdom at Karbala in 680ce of Muhammad.
How is Id-ul-Ghadeer (occurs on 8 days after Id-ul-Adha) celebrated for Sunni and Shi’a Muslims?
Sunni:don’t celebrate festival as don’t recognise Iman Ali as successor to Muhammad
Shi’a: celebrate appointment of Imam Ali as successor to Muhammad.
What is the history of salah?
Prophets of Allah performed daily prayers and it was commanded by Muhammad
What is the quote for the shahadah?
“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger”
What is the history of the ten obligatory acts?
Given to ‘twelers’ shi’as believe chosen by Allah to lead after Muhammad’s death a.k.a. ‘the Twelve Imams’. After death of Muhammad shi’as believe was Ali Tail-Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law who was successor to Muhammad. 10 obligitory acts established as foundational practices in Islam for shi’as.
Why do they throw stomes at pillars in hajj?
symbolise rejecting devil.
What is the importance of khums for shi’a muslims?
Gives special recognition to Muhammad, his decendents and leaders within shi’a Islam. Used to help build Islamic schools or Islamic projects. Used to help poor or thoses who may be suffering. Used to promote religion of Islam through education. 1 of 10 obligitory acts.