module 2 Christianity Flashcards
What are the criteria for a just war?
Reasonable chance of success, aim to bring peace, used only after non-violent methods have failed, no innocent civilians killed, cause of war is just, methods used are fair.
What is the nature, history and importance of the just war theory?
Largely Christian doctrine, provides guidance about a war. Applies to states not individuals and provides framework for discussions of possible wars. Doesn’t justify wars but prevents them. Idea came from St Augustine, later St Thomas Aquinas formulated into criteria.
What are Christian teachings on just war?
Of Catholic Church founded in 1992 Catechism of Catholic Church, many Christians accept doctrine. Appears to be some Bible support for just war theory, many Christians believe right to have armed forces protecting country. Can be argued violence is necessary.
What is the quote for the just war theory?
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”(Romans 13:1).
What are the divergent views on just war?
Christians disagree on weather war is ever just. Some accept just war theory, using arguments similar to Catholics, while others feel that both sides in war may claim their cause is just and, instead, use teachings relating to peace.
What are situation ethics?
Many people:religious/non-religious may take a situation ethics standpoint when deciding whether or not war is just, judging each individual situation at the time
What are the quotes for a holy war?
“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worth of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it”(Matthew 10:38-39).
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.(Matthew 5:44).
For all who draw the sword will die by the sword.(Matthew 26:52).
Why might some Christian say that the bible suggests that war may sometimes to the right action?
The quote “The Lord said to Moses, Take vengeance on the Midianties for the Israelites.”(Numbers 31:1-2). However, were in Old Testament teachings, today Christians not support view war is justified to defend God, believing is better to find peaceful solution to conflict.
What is the bible’s general message of conflict?
General message of peace, Jesus given title of ‘Prince of Peace.
What is the quote that recognises importance of peace and that holy war is therefore wrong?
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”( :).
How do Quakers respond to conflict?
Some Christians may be pacifists-they don’t support war at all.
What are non-religious attitudes to holy wars?
As don’t accept God, almost certainly oppose holy wars. Most would also oppose war in general, except in exceptional circumstances, but religion would never be justifiable reason for war.
How do Christians respond to non-religious attitudes to holy wars?
Generally agree wars shouldn’t be fought in God’s name and violence should only be used as a very last resort.
What are the perceived benefits of WMD?
Stronger and quicker way to win war. Minimal losses are incurred on side of attackers. Threat to deter other nations from starting war.
What are the perceived problems of WMD?
Moral question of weather devastation caused is ever justified. Dangers from stockpiling WMD. Conditions of Just War theory would not be met using WMD.
What are Christian responses to WMD?
Most Christians accept that problems of WMD outweigh any benefits. Christian teachings focus on ideas of peace found in Bible and taught by Jesus suggesting violence is unacceptable. Christians would be concerned about high loss of of life caused by WMD. Christians recognise that nature of war has changed since biblical times, but respond to benefits and problems of WMD by arguing that their use cannot be justified.
What are biblical teachings of WMD?
Deuteronomy 20 may be interpreted in 2 ways. God tells his people ‘Completely destroy’ cities in war and ‘do not leave alive anything that breathes’ which might seem to imply that complete destruction is acceptable in some cases. However, in other sections He tells them not to destroy women, children, livestock and trees, which would suggest that mass destruction is against God’s wishes.
Non-Christian attitudes to WMD?
Atheists: if have seen results where WMD have been used aren’t likely to support their use.
Humanists:Believe life is special, but for non-religious reasons. They are unlikely to support use of WMD because cause so much damage and threaten life to such a great extent.
How does utilitarianism affect the use of WMD?
Some right refer to ethical theories e.g. utilitarianism, where right action is that which belongs about greatest happiness for greatest number. WMD shouldn’t be used as would cause too much destruction and suffering.
How do Christians respond to Christians respond to non-religious attitudes of WMD?
support non-religious views. Would offer religious reasons , e.g. sanctity of life argument or teaching that peace is more important than war.
What are Christian attitudes to violence?
Christians don’t believe fighting is way to solve conflict, as Bible and Jesus’ teachings support ideas of peace.
What are Christian attitudes to terrorism?
Christian recognise changing nature of world and growth of terrorism. Christians can never justify use of this extreme method, as it targets innocent lives.
What are Christian attitudes to war?
Some Christians believe Bible suggests war is acceptable in some circumstances, and if all peaceful methods have first been tired. Many Christians, however, believe that war is never answer, especially today when weapons are more destructive today when weapons are more destructive than ever before.
What is the quote about solving conflict?
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them tho other also.”(Luke 6:27-29).
What are humanist attitudes to issues surrounding conflict?
Don’t believe in afterlife, so consider life on Earth very valuable. Violence costs, so they would always seek to find non-violent solutions. Might point out that conflict can be caused by religious differences, believe to be pointless.
What are atheists attitudes to issues surrounding conflict?
Also value human life, although also not for religious reasons. Believe that conflict in world is wrong and that it’s often caused by religion differences.
What are Christian responses to non-religious attitudes to issues surrounding conflict?
Agree human life is important because is sacred, so non-violent means should be tried to resolve conflict-violence is last resort e.g. against injustice. Would say Christians today seek peace, rather than fighting wars in name of God.
How have Christians worked to overcome conflict in the world?
After conflict has happened, Christians believe is important to come together and form sense of community. Sometimes hold candlelit vigils and pray; at other times offer practical help to those affected help to those affected by conflict. Christians charities offer support to those affected.
Why is peace important to Christians?
Is central belief of Christianity, idea of seeking peace and justice within world. Believe all members of Church are part of community-shaking hands during services seen as ‘sign of peace’. Many examples of peace being promoted in Bible. Jesus represents and taught many ideas of peace wand Christians want to follow his example.
What is the quote for peace?
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.”(John 16:33).
What are the divergent Church teachings on peace?
Is important. Jesus taught his disciples to ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’(Matthew 5:44). Church uses Jesus’ teachings to show Christians should strive for peace within world.
What is the quote that appears to teach a just use of violence?
“But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”(Exodus 21:23-24)-conflicts with Jesus’ later teachings.
When does the Church teach that violence may be allowed?
In order to bring about peace, although church actively promotes ideas of peace.
What is the quote from Jesus to love one another and treat others as they would like to be treated?
“Do to others as you would have them do to you”(Luke 6:31).
What was Jesus like as a peace maker?
He embraced worst sinners, cared for sick and dying, performed miracles to help others and showed that all people were equal and should be at peace. Jesus died on cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation between God and humanity, forgiving his enemies even as he was dying.
What is the quotes Jesus taught on the sermon on the mount?
“Blessed are the peacemakers”(Matthew 5:9), “Love your neighbour as yourself”(Mark 12:31
What is the importance of justice?
The idea of fairness being achieved. Christians believe is direct link between ideas of justice and peace. Lack of peace often seen in places around world where injustices occur. If justices can be attained, peace will naturally follow.
What is the quote for justice?
“Do to others as you would have them do to you”(Luke 6:31).
What is the importance of forgiveness?
To be able to move on from what has happened and attain peace through working together. Christians believe they should follow examples of Jesus, who taught about importance of forgiveness.
What is the quote for forgiveness?
“…if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them…“(Mark 11:25).
What is the importance of reconciliation?
Idea of making up after conflict. According t Christianity, when people talk through their issues and reconcile, peace can be achieved.
What is the quote for reconciliation?
“be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”(Ephesians 4:32).
What is the World Council of Churches?
Ecumenical organisation founded in 1948. Fellowship of churches that encourages Christians from all denominations to heal divisions and work together for common good in world. Involved n struggles in South Africa, South Sudan, the Korean Peninsula and Latin America.
What is Pax Christi?
International Catholic organisation constituted in 1920. Organisation is opposed to war and violence and works to create peaceful world. Encourages peace and governments to solve conflicts through discussion, peace ans reconciliation.
What do the World Council of Churches and Pax Christi do?
Hold interfaith conferences to demonstrate unity and pray for those without peace, go into schools and youth groups to promote peace, encourage peace talks between groups to end conflict and support reconciliation. Take part in public demonstrations, e.g. against war or injustices within world to raise awareness and campaign against oppressive governments. Helps victims of injustice, educate others about injustices across world and teach forgiveness.
Why do Christian organisations work for peace?
Believe God intended peace in world and have duty to work to achieve this. Believe unity is important and Christianity teaches that working together in harmony with others will help lead to peace. Believe sources of authority, e.g. Bible, teach peace is important .Teachings about Jesus e.g. Beatitudes suggests peace is important.
Christians responses to nature and causes of conflict?
Christians believe they have duty to work to end causes of conflict, e.g. differences over politics, money, resources, culture and religion. Christians feel Bible promotes striving for peace and unity within world so people can live in harmony.
What are Christian teachings on conflict?
Bible provides guidelines on how Christians can work for peace, reconciliation and justice, which they should follow. Christians believe is their duty to work for peace as is what God intended. Christians follow example of Jesus who gave many teachings about peace and set an example.
What are Christian responses to problems conflict causes?
Christians may try to reconcile groups and help them to resolve and achieve peace. May take position of pacifism and non-violence and be totally against any form of conflict or fighting. May refer to examples of Jesus’ arrest, where his disciples tried to defend him using violence. Jesus responded by healing guard who was injured and teaching disciples that violence wasn’t answer. May refer to situation ethics, which states each and every situation needs to be dealt with separately rather than applying 1 absolute rule to each situation.
What is the quote explaining that violence causes more violence?
“all who draw the sword will die by the sword”(Matthew 26:52).
What are non-religious attitudes about role of religion in causes of conflict.
Many non-religious people such as atheists and Humanists may claim that religious is at root of many conflicts in world. May believe differences in beliefs causes conflicts and religion cannot offer satisfactory solution to bringing peace to world. Might argue without religion, would be less violence. Non-religious people may not agree with conflict but may advocate that sometimes violence is required in order to bring peace to world.
What are Christian responses to non-religious attitudes to causes of conflict?
Christian emphasise that although is division both between and withing religions, many conflicts aren’t caused directly by religion. Would suggest that rather than identifying differences between people, should work on finding things held in common to unite people and bring peace. Christians would give examples of many Christians who work for peace and believe that their religion provides teachings on how to do this.
What are Christian views on pacifism?
Some Christians refuse to take part in war and may join peace rallies. Some Christians may not accept pacifism, believing that sometimes fighting is only way to bring about peace.
What is the history of pacifism?
Many Christians see Jesus as pacifist, many of his teachings were about peace: “Blessed are the peacemakers”, some British pacifists (conscientious objectors) refused to fight in the two world wars. Martin Luther King was pacifist who, refused to use violence in his fights to overcome injustices.
What are Christian teachings on pacifism?
10 commandments forbid killing-supporting idea of pacifism, Jesus taught that people should love their enemies, this recognises the need for peace and not using violence in world.
What are the quotes for pacifism?
“You shall not murder”, “…all those who draw the sword will die by the sword”, “So God created mankind in his own image”.
What is passive resistance?
Non-violent opposition to authority, especially a refusal to co-operate with legal requirements to fight. Some christian agree with this.
What is the quote for passive resistance?
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you”.
What are Quakers?
(Religious Society of Friends) are Christian denomination opposed to violence. Believe God is in every person, and oppose anything that harms people. Believe should act in world against injustice-peacefully. Many Quakers many be conscientious objectors. In past, some Quakers refused to defend themselves from attack.