module 4 Flashcards
cover your cough (and sneeze)
- cover mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
- cough or sneeze into your sleeve if you have no tissue
- throw tissues away after use
- wash hands often or use alcohol based hand cleansers
absenteeism and presenteeism
- absenteeism can have detrimental economic and response effects
- we rather you be absent then come to work and get everyone sick
- presenteeism can spread disease
- small colds are ok -> there is a balance
- treating biological diseases before they happen
- vaccination- pre-exposure; post-exposure
- mass prophylaxis- strategic national stockpile
- stokes the disease from developing
- emergency plans for families
- emergency supply kits
- seasonal preparedness information
- social media resources
- community preparation information
containment measures
- stay home when you are sick
- restrict public gatherings by canceling schools and large public events
- know who has legal authority to institute various social distancing methods
exposure vs contamination
- exposure- does not always require decontamination
- contamination- always requires decontamination, or can lead to exposure
- exposures affect your body in a negative way -> disease process, response
- once you are exposed disease cannot be “removed”
- covid inhaled -> exposed
- covid droplet on your arm -> contaminated
exposure to an agent
-dose x time = exposure
self protection principles
- time
- distance
- shielding
- as low as reasonably achievable -> least amount of exposure possible
awareness level responders
- not likely to be in situations requires higher level PPE
- know how to recognize when PPE is required to avoid hazardous areas
level A ppe
- highest level of skin and respiratory protection
- fully encapsulation suit
- self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or supplied air respirator (SAR)
- pathogens will penetrate overtime
level B ppe
-all the respiratory protection with a little less skin protection
-highest level of respiratory protection, less skin protection than A
-protective suit
-self containing breathing apparatus (SCBA) or supplied air respirator (SAR)
level C ppe
- less respiratory protection than A and B, same skin protection as B
- protective suit
- air purifying respiratory (APR) or powdered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
level D ppe
- lowest level of protection
- scalable work uniform
- hat and gloves
types of respiratory protection
- supplied air- self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) OR supplied air respirator with escape bottle
- air purifying- full mask. half mask, powdered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
filtration of gases, particles, or vapors
- proper use of air purifying respirators can afford a great deal of protection
- fit testing is essential
- many filters can remove particles down to .3 micron
make safe by absorbing, destroying, neutralizing , making harmless, or removing a hazard
-control contamination
types of decontamination
- gross or mass- hose -> consists of the initial removal of significant contamination and serves to reduce exposure levels of the general public and emergency responders who may become contaminated during a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) incident
- personal- shower -> performed to maintain personal hygiene and often used instead of gross decontamination; usually performed in portable or mobile shower trailers or vehicles; the use of soap and water or some other type of solution is involved
- spot - performed to remove possible contaminants from an individual who has come into contact with bodily fluids from another person
- emergency- performed in the event of suit failure, breach of downrange personnel, or injury -> special process for emergency team/staff
isolation zones
- exclusion zone
- contamination reduction zone
- support zone
exclusion zone
-incident site
-area of maximum hazard
-access is tightly controlled
-rescue, containment, and sampling occur here
-The exclusion zone is the area in which the biological agent is located and is the area of maximum hazard. Exclusion zone access is tightly controlled at either a single entry point or, in the case of a large incident, multiple controlled-entry points. Time spent within the exclusion zone should be minimized through careful planning and monitoring to lessen the potential for contamination and exposure.
-Entry is restricted to essential personnel who are trained at the appropriate level and who use appropriate PPE. Never enter an exclusion
zone unless you know it is a safe environment for your level of training and PPE.
contamination reduction zone
- transition area
- located in clean area, upwind side of incident
- prevents contaminants from spreading
- secured area
- decontamination occurs here
- The contamination reduction zone is a secured transition area between the exclusion zone and the support zone. It is set up in a clean area on the upwind side of the exclusion zone. Its purpose is to help prevent contaminants from spreading to unaffected or clean areas
- Responders use this zone to enter and exit the exclusion zone, and decontamination takes place here. The line that separates the exclusion zone from the contamination reduction zone must be defined as the area from which the contamination is reduced and may be marked with barrier tape.
- This zone is a secured area because, once decontamination starts, it will become contaminated. Usually, a HazMat team will be responsible for setting up and performing decontamination. Personnel must use appropriate PPE in accordance with the hazard level.
support zone
- planning and staging area for emergency functions
- located beyond the range of potential contamination
- public is excluded
- contains command post and treatment center
- The support zone is the area beyond the range of potential contamination
- The support zone is a planning and staging area. The command post, treatment area for decontaminated patients, and rehabilitation area (for emergency response personnel) are established in the support zone. Because there is no contamination in this zone, PPE and respiratory protection are not required.
- The public is excluded from this area to allow emergency response agencies room to function
-requires a host cell to replicate and persist
-harmful chemicals produced by living organisms
-complete, single celled organisms 8
which of the following routes of exposure poses the greatest threat
biological agent is best described as a
-microorganism or toxin
anthrax is a
what you got is all you will get
the ____ zone contains the contaminated incident site
a standard work uniform is class ___ according to OSHA
level D