Module 3 Lesson 2 - APPROACHES TO SCHOOL CURRICULUM Flashcards
what are the 3 ways of approaching a curriculum
-content or body of knowledge
curriculum as a content or body of knowledge is aka?
traditonal curriculum
traditionalists equate curriculum with the ff:
-topic outline
-subject matter
-concept to be included in the syllabus
what happens if the curriculum is equated as content?
-focus will be on the body of knowledge
-teaching will be limited to acquisition of facts, concepts, and principles of the subj matter
-content can also be taken as a means to an end
what are ways of presenting the content in curriculum
-topical approach
-concept approach
-thematic approach
-modular approach
what are the criteria in the selection of content
Content should contribute to ideas, concepts, principles, and generalization that should
attain the overall purpose of the curriculum.
under criteria in the selection of content
Authenticity of the subject
under criteria in the selection of content
Usefulness of the content is
relative to the learners who will
use it
under criteria in the selection of content
Complexity of the content should be within the range of experiences of the learners.
under criteria in the selection of content
Can the subject be learned within the time allowed, resources available, expertise of the teachers and the nature of the learners?
under criteria in the selection of content
Is one of the driving forces for students to learn better.
under criteria in the selection of content
what are the basic principles of curriculum content according to (Palma) 1952?
fair distribution of the content accross subjects
under basic principles of curriculum content
(Palma, 1952)
curriculum is arranged vertically or horizontally, seamless in the content
under basic principles of curriculum content
(Palma, 1952)