what are the 21st century skills categories
- learning skills
- literacy skills
- life skills
what are the types of learning skills
- critical thinking
- creativity
- collaboration
- communication
under learning skills
a careful analysis and digesting of facts we receive day by day.
critical thinking
under learning skills
the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form.
under learning skills
It entails demonstrating ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams.
what are the skills needed in collaboration
work together effectively in team
what are the sub-skills needed in collaboration
- keep communication open with teams to carry out tasks
- carefully identify obstacles and address problems cooperatively
under learning skills
This pertains to articulating thoughts and ideas effectively using oral and written communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
what are the skills needed in communication
communicate clearly
what are the sub-skills needed for communication
- Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety forms and contexts.
- Exercise flexibility and willingness in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal.
what are the 3 types of literacy skills
- information literacy
- media literacy
- technology literacy
under literacy skills
refers to how person is able to look for relevant information from various media with the help of technology
information literacy
under literacy skills
refers to how individual can use the different types of media in communicating information.
media literacy
under literacy skills
pertains on how an individual utilizes technology to communicate and send information to different media platforms.
technological literacy
what are the types of life skills
- flexibility
- leadership
- initiative
- productivity
- social skills
under life skills
Given the rapid rate of change in our world, the ability to adjust and adapt is critical to success. Students need to learn to quickly analyze what is going on around them and make adjustments while keeping their goals and ambitions.
This is the expression of someone’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
when students are flexible, they also do the following:
- set goals
- seek answers
- navigate info
- collaborate with others
- create something
under life skills
This is a suite of related skills that combines the other life skills. Good leaders take initiative, have strong social skills, are flexible, and are productive.
This is someone’s demands for setting goals, walking a team through the steps required, and achieving those goals collaboratively.
when an individual practices leadership, they also do the following:
- identify goals
- inspire others to share those goals
- resolve conflict among members
- give credit where it is due
- encourage group members to reach their goals
under life skills
This is the willingness to step forward with an idea and take the risk of bringing it into success. Students need to learn how to set goals for themselves, plan how they will reach their goals, and enact their plans. True success also requires this, requiring students to be self-starters.
when one has initiative, they do the following:
- question
- plan
- research
under life skills
“Maintaining efficiency in an age of distractions”
It is the need for people to make use of their time and to learn the art of time management so their work gets done on time and they are productive and efficient.
under life skills
“Meeting and networking with others for mutual benefit”
??? such as active listening, communication, and empathy are important for networking and maintaining professional relationships. These skills enable people to connect with others, understand their needs, and build trust.
social skills