Module 2 (LAB): Skeletal System & Joints Flashcards
shoulder joint
humerus + clavicle + scapula
elbow joint
humerus + radius + ulna
wrist joint
radius + ulna + carpals
carpometacarpal joint
between carpals and metacarpals
metacarpophalangeal joint
between metacarpals and phalanges
proximal interphalangeal joint
between proximal and middle phalanges
distal interphalangeal joint
between middle and distal phalanges
hip joint
femur + pelvis
knee joint
femur + tibia + patella
ankle joint
tibia + fibula + tarsals
tarsometatarsal joint
between tarsals and metatarsals
metatarsophalangeal joint
between metatarsals and phalanges
do not perform any movement
provide small amount of movement
allow free movement
fibrous joints
two bones connected by fibrous connective tissue
types of fibrous joints
sutures, gomphosis, syndesmosis
- synarthrotic
- sutural ligament
- ex. sutures of skull
- synarthrotic
- joints holding teeth into tooth socket
- amphiarthrotic
- two bones held by interosseous membrane or ligament
- ex. distal tibiofibular joint
cartilaginous joints
two bones connected via hyaline cartilage
types of cartilaginous joints
synchondrosis, symphysis
- mostly synarthrotic
- sternocostal joints
- amphiarthrotic
- connected via both hyaline and flat disc of fibrocartilage
- intervertebral discs
synovial joints
contain synovial cavity (fluid filled space) allowing for wide arrangement of movement
types of synovial joints
hinge, gliding, pivot, saddle, condyloid, ball-and-socket
uniaxial joints
restricted to one plane
hinge joints
elbow and knee joints
gliding joint
intercarpal joints
pivot joint
proximal/superior radioulnar joint
biaxial joints
permit movement across two planes
saddle joint
CMC joint
condyloid joint
radiocarpal joints (flexion, extensions, abduction)
multiaxial joints
provide almost complete rotation
ball and socket joint
shoulder/hip joints
where muscle tendons attach to bones
where ligaments anchor two bones together