Module 2 Chapter 2: Cultural Competence Flashcards
Largest ethnic group is
Largest racial minority group is
African Americans
define Effective care:
positive outcomes and satisfaction for patients
define Respectful care:
considers values, preferences, and expressed needs of patient
Define Cultural and linguistic competence:
congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system among professionals that enables work in cross-cultural situations
Socialization or enculturation:
the process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the norms, values and behaviors of that group
process of social and psychological exchanges that take place when there are ongoing encounters between individuals of different cultures with subsequent changes in either or both groups
when immigrants take on the characteristics of the dominant cult ure
organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe, especially belief in a divine power
borne out of each person’s unique life expereince and personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life
what are the different beliefs and practices?
- Biomedical:scientifictheoriesthatexplaindisease
- Naturalistic: holistic approach where in the forces of nature must be kept in balance(Yin/Yang theory,hot/cold theory)
- Magicoreligious :supernatural forces determine illness (Voodoo,faithhealing,santaria)
Biomedical disease causation theories
- Assumes cause and effect
* Viewsthebodyasamachine • Lifecanbedividedintoparts • Endorsesgermtheory
• Naturalistic disease causation theories
- Forcesofnaturemustbekeptinbalance
- Embracesideaofopposingcategoriesorforces
- Yin and yang, hot and cold
• Magicoreligious disease causation theories
- Supernaturalpowerspredominateinareaofhealthandillness
* Examples include voodoo, witchcraft, and faith healing
• Healing and culture
- In additiontoseekinghelpfromhealthcareproviders,patientsmay also seek help fromfolk or religious healers
- HispanicsorAmericanIndiansmaybelievethatcureisincomplete unless healing is carried outfor the body,mind,and spirit
Health-Related Behaviors Affected by Religion
Meditating • Exercising/physicalfitness • Sleephabits • Vaccinations • Willingnesstoundergophysicalexamination • Pilgrimage • Truthfulnessabouthowpatientfeels • Maintenanc e of family v iability • Hopingforrecovery • Copingwithstress • Geneticscreeningandcounseling • Livingwithadisability • Caringforchildren
Culture affects choices parents make for children regarding the following:
• Firsttreatment tried
• Acceptabilityoftreatmentsofferedbyclinicians
For older patients, culture is likely to do the following:
- Definetheirfamilyresponsibilities
* Affecttheirviewandknowledgeofhealthcaresystemsusedbydominantculture
• Culturally sensitive
• Caregiverspossessbasicknowledgeandunderstanding
• Culturally appropriate
• Caregiversapplyknowledgetoimprovehealthoutcomes
• Culturally competent
• Cultural care