Cardiac Flashcards
What organs are located in the RUQ?
- Liver - Gallbladder (murphys sign) - arge and small bowel
What organs are located in the LUQ?
- Spleen - Stomach -Large and small bowel -pancreas - aorta
What organs are located in the RLQ?
- Appendix - Bladder - Right ovary and tube - Large and small bowel
What organs are located in the LLQ?
- Sigmoid colon - Left ovary and tube - Large and small bowel
what organs are midline?
- renal arteries - umbilicaln region - Hypogastric - aorta - Uterus - Bladder
what is the assessment order for the abdomen?
- Inspect - Auscultate - Percuss - Palpate
lines and protects the abdomen cavity
subjective questions about what topics?
Appetite Dysphagia Food intolerance Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain Bowel habits Past abdominal history Medications Nutritional assessment
Any change in appetite? Loss of appetite? Change in weight? How much lost or gained? Weight loss intentional or unintentional?
Are they having any difficulty Swallowing ?
Food intolerance
Any foods the patient can’t eat? What happens? - Allergic reaction? - Heartburn? - Belching? - Bloating? - Indigestion? Use of antacids? How often?
Any nausea? Vomiting? How often? How much? Color? Bloody? Coffee grounds? Associated with colicky pain, diarrhea, fever, chills? What foods have been eaten in past 24 hours? Where? Any recent travel? Drink local water or eat fruit? Swimming in public beach/pool?
Abdominal Pain
Any abdominal pain? Point to it. In one spot, or moves around? How did it start? How long? Constant or intermittent? Describe pain: cramping, burning, dull, stabbing, aching? Relieved with food or worse after eating? Associated with menses, stress, dietary indiscretion, fatigue, N/V, gas, fever, rectal bleeding,
Bowel Habits
How often are BMs? Color? Consistency? Diarrhea? Constipation? Any recent change in bowel movements? Use laxatives? How often?
Past Medical History
Ulcers? GB disease? Hepatitis or cirrhosis of liver? Abdominal surgeries? Colorectal or related cancers? Abdominal xray or CT scans?
Family History
Colorectal cancer and familial colorectal cancer syndromes Gallbladder disease Kidney disease Malabsorption syndrome
when you inspect the abdommen, what are you looking for?
- Contour - scaphoid - flat - obese - protuberant (bulgin - lesions?

where should you start auscultating
Right Lower Quadrant
what are you auscultaating for ?
Bowel sounds, use the bell of the stethescope and listen for buits in the aorta and renal arteries (Patients with HTN and >50)
what are the differences between hyperactive and hypoactive bowl sounds?
- Loud, high-pitched
- tinckling sound
- diarrhea
- laxative use ans subsiding paralytic ileus
- early mechaanical bowl obstruction gastroenteritis
- Diminished or absent
sign of decreased mobility following abdominal surgery or with inflammation to the peritoneum
- peritonitis
- paralytic ileus following surgery
- Late bowel obstruction
(Inflammation of the gallbladder)
Signs and Symptoms
Enlarged, tender gallbladder
Check for Murphy’s sign
RUQ pain
(Inflammation of the appendix)
Signs ans Symptoms
Iliopsoas muscle test
RLQ pain
Free fluid in the peritoneal cavity (cirrhosis, right-sided CHF)
May have RUQ pain
Fluid wave
Shifting dullness
Enlarged, smooth, non-tender liver (hepatomegaly)
Fatty infiltration
Portal obstruction
Lymphocytic leukemia
May have RUQ pain
Enlarged, nodular liver
Late portal cirrhosis
Metastatic cancer
Tertiary syphilis
May have RUQ pain
Diastasis Recti (rectus diastasis)
Midline longitudinal ridge resulting form separation of the abdominal rectus muscle
Ridge is revealed by raising head when supine
Widened aorta
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (>5cm)
(Most located below the renal arteries)
Pulsatile mass in upper abdomen (left of midline)
Diminished or absent femoral pulses
Listen for bruit over the aorta
Lower back pain
CVA tenderness
Indirect fist percussion over the 12th rib at the costovertebral angle (CVA)
Sharp pain occurs with inflammation of the kidney:
Kidney stones
Kidney infection (pyelonephritis)
Accentuated by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (crying, coughing, vomiting, straining)
Distended bladder
Palpate and percuss in the midline above the suprapubic bone
Pyelonephritis/Kidney stones
Infection of the kidney
Flank pain, fever, chills, pain radiating down the groin
CVA tenderness
GI Bleeding
Upper GI (esophagus, stomach)
Lower GI (colon polyp or cancer, hemorrhoids
Hematemesis, tarry stools (melena)
Red blood in stool
GI Bleeding
Upper GI (esophagus, stomach)
Lower GI (colon polyp or cancer, hemorrhoids
Hematemesis, tarry stools (melena)
Red blood in stool