Module 二 Flashcards
Immediate environment surrounding that an individual directly interacts with. (ex. Family, Peers School)
Links 2 or more MicroSystems. (ex. Parenting Style, Divorce, Friendships)
Group the individual is not in directly, but still affects him. (Ex. Parent’s Job)
Large broad group that develops individual’s growth. (Culture- Collectivism or Independence, SEL, Ethnicity. . . )
Types of Parenting
{Which is Vest ??}
Authoritative- (Best) High control & responsiveness.
Authoritarian- (N=No) High control, low responsiveness. “Rules are rules”
Permissive- Low control, high responsiveness.
Uninvolved- Unaware of child’s behavior.
Characteristics of Children with working moms:
- Females have higher IQ, goals, etc
- Children in less ratchet activities
- Kids have more responsibilities
Culture (MacroSystem) affects academics:
Asian-High parental expectations & involvement
Af.Ame- High expectation, low involvement. More skeptical about edu.
Divorce effects
- Young children
- Boys over girls
- Kids in custody w/ opposite sex
- Kids w/ difficult temperaments
Remariage effects
- Every transition (Partner)
- Girls
- Older kids
- Kids w/ difficult temperaments