Module 11: Communicating with Positive Emphasis Flashcards
What’s the Point of Positive Emphasis?
Positive emphasis is productive.
What Should I Do If My Message Is Bad News?
Deliver the news responsibly. Be clear, correct, and sensitive.
How Do I Create Positive Emphasis?
De-emphasize or omit negative words and information
The following five techniques de-emphasize negative information.
Avoid negative words and words with negative connotations.
Focus on what the reader can do rather than on limitations.
Justify negative information by giving a reason or linking it to a reader benefit
Omit the negative if it is unimportant to the reader
Put the negative information in the middle and present it compactly.
Omit negatives when
The reader does not need the information to make a decision
You have already given the reader the information, and he or she has access to the previous communication
Why Do I Need to Think About Tone and Power?
Think about these factors so that your attitude is always respectful.
What’s the Best Way to Apologize?
Apologize immediately, briefly, and sincerely
Positive emphasis
a way of presenting or framing a situation. Framing a position positively—through conscious choices in layout; media, format, and organization; and word choice—can affect people’s perceptions, their behaviour—even their health
A positive work environment
is essential to recruit, retain, and motivate employees
-leads to better productivity
Positive emphasis is characteristic of successful entrepreneurs
since they perceive opportunities and are undaunted by failure.
Furthermore, people who choose to communicate positively tend to live longer and healthier lives. Positive emphasis is part of successful communication.
For legal, ethical and practical reasons
you want to deliver negative information sensitively.
Straightforward negatives build credibility when you have bad news to give the reader, such as announcements of layoffs, product defects and recalls, or price increases
Negative words to avoid
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hidden negatives
words that are not negative in themselves but become negative in context.
But and however indicate a shift, so after a positive statement they are negative
“I sure hope we can finish the project on time”
“I look forward to completing the project)
the implied attitude of the writer toward (1) the audience and (2) the topic.