Module 1: RIbs Flashcards
where does sympathetic ganglia lie on top of
rib necks
Sharpless showed that the weight of a dime on a spinal root reduces impulse by
recurrent vertebral nerve motor branch controls
blood supply to meninges
recurrent vertebral nerve sensory branch supplies
RMT for costosternal/costochonral joints
pectoralis major sternal division
RMT for pectoralis major sternal division is used for
upper 6 ribs
indicator for anterior constosternal rib
tender and prominent rib
difficult breathing
chronic recurrent subluxation of same vertebrae
costo-sternal and costo-chondral rib indicator
chest pain
difficulty breathing
tender and prominent at costo-chondral space
costochondral line is through
nipple line
what muscle is responsible for balancing thoracic curve lost by anterior dorsals
serratus anterior
upper 6 ribs move like
bucket handle
lower 6 ribs move like
indicators for posterior costals angle adjustment
intercostal neuritis (rule out rib fx) ache along rib narrow space, difficulty breathing, reaching laterally over arm chair
ribs move towards side of
how long does infrascapular pain feel better for after adjustment
2 minutes
what may occur after rib angle adjustment
“warm flush” in chest, shoulder, and arm
how do you check 1st rib
rotate with C-spine flex, restriction indication fixation opposite of rotation
what subluxations cause intercostal neuralgia
costovertebral, costotransverse, costal angles, anterior dorsalis
may stimulate intercostal nerves creating false angina with stabbing chest pains
rib heads
how long does it take to strengthen serratus anterior
at least a month
height differences of how much indicates separation of SC joint
more than 5mm
joint with cartilage pad between clavicle and sternum
most common MOI for SC and AC joint
lateral impact or compression
3 common directions of SC separation
superior, inferior, anterior