(Module 1) Pharmacognostical Scheme and Terms to Remember Flashcards
includes biological names of plants or animals yielding the drug and family to which it belongs
Biological Source
includes areas of cultivation, collection, and route of transport of drug
Geographical Source
important to mention because they are responsible for the quality of a drug
Cultivation, Collection, and Preparation
morphological characters that include the length, breadth, thickness, surface, colour, odour, taste, shape,
organized drugs
organoleptic properties (colour, odour, taste and surface) should be mentioned
unorganized drugs
one of the most important aspects of pharmacognosy as it helps in establishing the correct identity of a drug. under this heading all the detailed microscopical characters of a drug is described
Microscopical Characters
determines the intrinsic value of a drug to which it is used is generally described
Chemical Constituents
includes pharmaceutical, pharmacological, and biological activity of drugs or the diseases in which it is effective
drug used during non-availability
same type of physiological API but percentage quality may be different
substance added to a product but not listed as ingredient
may cause a product to be harmful/inactive
more important in case of unorganized drugs whose morphology cannot be identified
Chemical Tests
plants growing in native countries
Indigenous plants
plants growing in foreign lang
Naturalized plants
study of relationships between plants and humans
biologically active, naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants
Phytochemicals / Natural Products
use of plant extract for medicinal purposes
leaves, roots, and flowers of plants grown and processed for use
vegetable or animal drugs of natural substances that have undergone ONLY collection and drying
Crude Drugs
chief principle separated from crude drugs that are used for more specific therapeutic use
Derivatives or Extractives
way of separating the desired substance from a mixture using a suitable solvent in which the desired substance is soluble
product of extraction aka derivatives
Extractives / Percolate
Undissolved portion of drug that remains after extraction
chemical entities that are contained in crude drugs / responsible for therapeutic properties
Plant Constituents / Active Constituents
no definite pharmacologic activity
Inert constituents
causes chemical changes in the preparation
Pharmaceutically Active
responsible for therapeutic activity
Pharmacologically Active
biochemical pathways leading to the formation of secondary constituents used as drugs
abundant in plants but lower in value
Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids
Primary Metabolites
unique to a particular species usually possessing therapeutic effect
Alkaloids, Steroids, Flavonoids
Secondary Metabolites