Module 1&2 Exam 1 Flashcards
What defines psychology?
Science of behavior and mental process
What are behavior and mental processes?
behavior is any action that can be observed or recorded. Mental process is internal subjective experiance infered from behavior
What isn’t psychology?
Focused only on mental health, analyzing people, people trying to fix their own problems, or psychiatry (people who give others medicine)
Who was the first psychologist, and what did he study?
Wilhem Wundt and he studied people’s reaction time
What’s the difference between structuralism and functionalism?
Structualism used introspection to define the minds makeup (how things relate) ; functualism focused on how mental processes enable us to adapt, survie, and thrive(purpose)
What was the research method of introspection?
What is Psychodynamic Theory?
empisised how uncounsious thought process and emotional responces to childhood experiances affect later life behavior (freud) development process->personality
the scentific study of observable behavior without reference tyo mental process (only what we do head empty)
Focused on ways that current enviroment nurture of limit growth potential and importance of having needs met to be satasfied (hierarchy of needs)
Why do we study Freud?
cultural influence; historically important, and because he had the first compreshensive personality theory
What are the three levels of consciousness?
Councious- ideas we’re aware of and think about
pre-counsious- ideas on the verge of awareness
uncounsious- ideas not avalible for recall that are trheatening to you
What are the three parts of your personality?
ID- basic urges, uncounsious to them basically the devil on your shoulder
Superego- your moral values, causes guilt if ignored, basically the angel on your shoulder
ego- the part of you that deals with real world constraints and chooses to listen to ID or Superego
What are defense mechanisms?
they uncousiously protect you from anxiety aused by your uncousious (violent impulses, ect)
What is repression?
use of “brute force” to push ideas into the uncousious
What is Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages and how does it cause your adult personality?
children go through a series of stages of development and growth requires you to advane through stages, but some get stuck and if your stuck this influences your adult peronality
What is a case study?
detailed observation and anylisys of a single person
What is a projective test, and what does it assess?
bassically an ambigious image (ink blob) that supposivly reveies uncousious thoughts through your interpretation
Why did Freud analyze dream images?
because he thought symbols reflected uncousious thoughts
What’s a Freudian slip?
a verbal error that revels uncousious thoughts
What makes psychology unique in how it examines human behavior?
focus on individuals, collect data through observation or self report and focus on carefully controlld experiments
What is critical thinking, and why is it important in psychology?
don’t assume everything is true and it’s important so we aren’t biased
What are the major areas of psychology?
biological, cognative, developmental, social and peronality, mental and physical health
What’s the difference between a research psychologist and an applied psychologist?
reaserch psych study basic questions on how people function and appled use this to help people
What is positive psychology?
study of human flourishing with the goals of discovering and premoting strengths and virtues that help people and communities thrive