Exam 2 learning Flashcards
What is learning?
A relatively permanent change in feelings, behavior, or knowledge that is the result of experience
What is associative learning?
involves linking two events together to learn new behaviors
includes classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning
What is classical conditioning?
form association between previously unrelated stimuli
you can learn by associating events together in time (ring of a bell with salivating for food).
Classical conditioning: neutral stimulus (NS).
This doesnt generate any response.
This could be a sound, an image, smell, etc
Classical Conditioning: Unconditioned stimulus (US)
will produce an unconditioned response
sound, no response; as they learn more this will change
Classical Conditioning: Conditioned stimulus (CS)
The NS when it’s conditioned to produce the UR.
Classical Conditioning: Conditioned response (CR):
The UR now that the CS produces it.
How does classical conditioning work? Be sure you understand the process.
the process of presenting stimuli together in order to produce classical conditioning.
Presenting neutral stimulus to the subject
Then presenting the unconditioned stimulus.
Eventually, the subject will pair the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned response.
What is extinction? Under what condition does this occur
the diminishing response over time of a conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus
Occurs when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer present
What is recovery? Under what condition does this occur
Reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.
Demonstrates that the learning is still there.
What is generalization?
tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses.
What is discrimination?
learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus (which predicts the unconditioned stimulus) and other irrelevant stimuli.
Which did Little Albert experience?
Classical conditioning, learned to fear rats he preiously didnt fear
What is taste aversion, and what makes it a unique form of classical conditioning?
It is when you get food posinoning from a food once and you now always feel ill around that
Unique because it only has to occur once
What is systematic desensitization?
Way to treat phobias
attempting to associate calm with a conditioned stimulus that currently evokes fear.
Teach the client how to relax.
Expose them to increasing intensities of the feared stimulus (picture of spider vs. seeing a real spider vs. holding a real spider).
The fear response should gradually diminish.
What is flooding?
Way to treat phobias
Immediately exposing clients to their fear and at the maximum level of exposure.
How does flooding and systematic desentiation differ
Systematic desentization is a slow approch to fixing a fear while flooding is everything all at once