Exam 3 intellegence Flashcards
What is intelligence?
A mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
What does Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence suggest?
scores on intelligence tests tended to correlate with each other. He proposed that there is a general mental ability that is at the heart of everything a person does
What is g in Spearman’s two factor theory of intellenegce
General intellectioal ability\
A contemporary of Spearman, Thurstone collected data that showed seven different types of primary mental abilities. Later analysis still demonstrated the presence of a single, g factor.
What is s in Spearman’s two factor theory of intellenegce
Specific ability in a single area
What does the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory suggest about intelligence?
the modern Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory intelligence is based on a general ability factor as well as other specific abilities, bridged by crystallized and fluid intelligence
What does Gardner’s Theory say about intelligence?
There’s more to success in life than having “book smarts.” Intelligence consists of multiple abilities that come in different packages.
Eight relatively independent intelligences exist, including the verbal and mathematical aptitudes assessed by standard tests
What is savant syndrome
A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing.
how does is savant syndrome support the existence of multiple intelligences?
It supports it because they are usually only gifted in one intellegence
What does Sternberg’s Theory say about intelligence?
proposed a more limited number of intelligences.
Analytical intelligence (school smarts):
Traditional academic problem solving.
Creative intelligence (trailblazing
smarts): Ability to generate novel ideas.
Practical intelligence (street smarts):
Skill at handling everyday tasks
Looking at all the theories, what do we now believe regarding the existence of “g” and other forms of intelligence?
Factor analysis confirms the existence of g, which predicts performance on a variety of complex tasks.
However, there’s more to intelligence than just g. There are many ways that a person can be smart
What’s the evidence that genes influence intelligence?
Intelligence test scores of identical twins raised together are nearly as similar as those of the same person taking the same test twice.
Estimates of the heritability of intelligence (the extent to which intelligence test score variation can be attributed to genetic variation) range from 50 to 80 percent
What’s the evidence that the environment influences intelligence?
Malnutrition, sensory deprivation, and social isolation slow normal brain development. Poverty-related stresses impede cognitive performance
Overall, what do we believe about the influence of genes and the environment on intelligence?
Your genes provide a foundation or baseline for your intellectual ability.
The environment you’re raised in can influence your
intellectual growth, within your genetic
Are there gender differences in intelligence?
There are some differences in specific abilities. For example…
o Girls have higher verbal fluency.
o Boys have better spatial ability.
What to group differences in intelligence tell us?
Intelligence tests are misleading because they detect not only innate differences in intelligence but also
differences caused by cultural experiences.
What is stereotype threat and how does it influence IQ test taking?
People are aware of stereotypes about the groups they belong to.
If you’re taking a test that could confirm or disconfirm a stereotype about your group (like an intelligence test) this may cause you anxiety.
Anxiety during a test can reduce your performance. In the end, your score does not reflect your true ability
What’s required to accomplish things in life? (motivation; growth mindset)
The idea that things can change and you can grow helps you accomplish things in life ad leds to them being less likely to give up
How is intelligence related ultimately to your happiness?
it isnt, its mainly PERMA
Positive Emotion