MOD 7 Flashcards
it is defined as a test how much we learned how much knowledge we have acquired, and to check for students’ understanding
Process of gathering information to increase students’ learning and development; what students know and have learned;
process of making judgments based on criteria and evidence; it determines the extent in which objectives are achieved; objective process of observing someone
In-class, anonymous, short and non graded exercises that provide feedback for both teacher and learner about the teaching and learning process
Ungraded exercise
Provide the teacher with quick and timely feedback about the effectiveness and the state of student learning
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)
Advantages of CATs :
- gaining insight into student learning while there is still time to make changes
- demonstrating to learners that the teacher really cares
- Building rapport with learners
- Spending only short amount of time to gain valuable information
- Helping learner to monitor their own learning
- Gaining insight into own teaching
this CAT is done within the last 2 or 3 mins of the class period, it help learners develop meta-cognitive analysis and synthesis skills
One-minute paper
2 questions under one-minute paper:
What was the most important thing you learned today?
What important points remain unclear to you?
a very simple and quick to use CAT , the teacher discovers which areas learners struggle with the most, and finds better ways to deal with the content in the future, useful for introductory level and new content
in this CAT, students are asked to summarize a part of the lesson, using OWN words, provides valuable feedback into learner’s understanding and ability to translate information
Directed Paraphrasing
in this CAT, students write down atleast one possible application of the content; application of learners the theoretical material they are being taught; learners see relevance of learning
Application cards
this CAT is used before teaching a new content to discover what learners already know about the topic; ungraded act
Background knowledge probe
an anonymous survey that is done to uncover prior or previous knowledge or beliefs; helps correct mistaken ideas
Misconception/Preconception check
surveys to check how confident the learners in learning certain content; allow learners to express their possible lack of confidence
Self-Confidence surveys
a chart that spells out the content and the level of knowledge to be tested; contains the objectives, a taxonomy of levels of learnings, number of questions or relative weigh to be given to each area
Test Blueprint
- stem an options
- answers and distracters
- easy to score and can be scored by a computer
- Licensure and certification examinations
- cant test the highest level of knowing and cnt test critical thinking abilities
Multiple choice questions
this kind of evaluation totally does not test recall abilities; ability to identify the CORRECTNESS of statements; 50/50 chance guessing
True or false questions
a kind of evaluation designed like the multiple choice question that comprises COLUMNS; useful in determining if learners can recall the memorized relationsships between two things such as dates and events. LOWET LEVEL OF KNOWING
Matching type questions
time-consuming for learners and teachers
-highest level of knowing
essay type questions
2 types of essay questions:
Short answer questions; sometimes termed as RESTRICTED RESPONSE ITEM- limitation
Full essay questions; EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTIONS- permit test takers to select all pertinent info
it is used to analyze the students’ responses to individdual exam questions to evaluate the quality of the exam; important tool for test effectiveness and fairness; worth of items, level of difficulty, can be done manually or with computer software; the teacher calculate the item difficulty and item discrimination
the proportion of test takerss that answer the question correctly
Item difficulty
item difficulty formula:
DIFFICULTY INDEX= no. of correct/no. of total test takers
ability of an item that differentiates students on how well they know about a certain question; estimate of the usefulness of an item in differentiating between learners who did well on the test and the latter; involves ranking test paperss and getting the top 25-30 percent as well as in the bottom
Item discrimination
highest-lowest / half of sample size
Discrimination index formula
a negative index indicates that more people in the highest group got the question wrong than the latter; it ranges from -1 to +1
Discrimination index explanation