Mod 4 Respiratory emergencies Flashcards
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Progressively makes it hard to breathe. Blackening of the lungs.
- Common in Middle age or older.
- Common cause from smoking.
- Bronchiole lining inflamed and excess mucus.
- Affects at irregular intervals.
- Airway swells produces excess mucus.
- Causes include insect stings, air pollution, infection, strenous exercise, emotional stress.
Pulmonary Edema
- Abnormal Accumulation of fluid in alveoli of lungs.
- Occurs when left side of heart is damaged.
- laying down= Fluid moves back into circulation.
- Administer O2 via CPAP.
Congestive Heart Failure
- Excessive fluid build up in the lungs due to inadequate pumping of the heart.
- Causes are from diseased heart values, Hypertension, obstructive pulmonary disease (Emphysema).
- Caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi infecting the lungs.
- Signs and Symptoms include coughing, fever, chest pains, severe chills.
- Use CPAP
Spontaneous Pnemothorax
- Collapsed lung
- Sharp, pleuritic chest pain
- Tire easily
- Tachycardic
- Breathe fast
- Low oxygen saturation
- Cyanosis
- Administer O2 via CPAP.
- Common in tall thin people or smokers.
Pulmonary Embolism
- Blood clot, air, or fat in artery in the lungs
- Chest pains, shortness of breath, anxiety, cough, sweaty, pale, cyanotic skin.
- Infection that swells around or above the epiglottis.
- Sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stridor.
- Administer high concentration oxygen.
Cystic Fibrosis
- Causes thick sticky mucus in lungs.
- Genetic
- Appears in childhood
- Coughing large amounts of mucus or blood, Fatigue, abdominal pain and distension, nausea, weight loss.
Small Volume Nebulizer
- Produces a continuous flow of aerosolized medication that can be taken in during multiple breaths.
- Can cause increased heart rate, jitters, nervousness.
CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure)
-Device blows oxygen continuously into a mask at low pressure providing positive pressure.
Inadequate VS adequate breathing
- Inadequate breathing is not sufficient to supporting life.
- Adequate breathing for adults 12-20 per min, child 15-30 per min, infant 25-50 per min.
Signs or respiratory problems in pediatrics
-Wheezing, Stridor, Grunting, Increased breathing, Nasal flaring, Pale or cyanotic lips or mouth.
Abnormal lung sounds
-Wheezes, Crackles, Rhonchi, Stridor
Deep vein thrombus (DVT)
-Blood clot that starts in leg or pelvis.
Inspiration VS Experation
- Inspiration is an active process where chest rises causing air flow to lungs. Causing a negative pressure (Inhalation)
- Expiration is a passive process that allows chest to relax (Exhalation)