Mod 4 Final Flashcards
With light cured cements, it is not necessary to advise patients to avoid sticky foods, since the cement is set.
In preparation of cementing with a composite resin, the tooth is prepared by:
Placing acid etchant
The most commonly used vasoconstrictor utilized in impregnated retraction cords is:
When there is a possibility of a pulp exposure, or if there is a potential of coming too close to the pulp:
An indirect pulp cap liner is placed
Loss of alveolar bone associated with extended periods of wearing a removable prosthetic will occur most often with the ____ arch.
When all of the natural teeth are missing, this is called being edentulous.
When fitting a stock impression tray, the operator must look to determine if mandibular ____ is present on the lingual aspect.
Final impressions are used for the fabrication of crowns, bridges, and bleach trays.
The material supplied as a cartridge system is:
BIS-GMA composites
Materials used to fabricate removable prosthetic devices include:
Synthetic plastic resins and alloy metals
A primary advantage of the use of polyether impression materials is that polyether may be repoured several times due to its low tear strength and dimensional stability.
A polyether ____ to mix as compared with polysulfide impression material
is easier
Natural teeth or implants used to support or anchor the fixed prosthesis are:
What does the etching do in preparing a tooth for a final restoration?
Removes the smear layer
The dental professionals who might be involved in the actual fabrication process of a provisional restoration are:
Dentist, dental assistant, and dental lab technician.
The three types of bases are
Insulating, sedative, and protective
____ materials are used to record and simulate how the patient’s areches occlude.
Bite registration
Polyether impressions can be adversely affected by immersion in a disinfectant. Which disinfectant can be utilized for immersion?
Chlorine compound
The correct mixing procedure for alginate impression material requires the following
All of above
The components of the removable partial denture include all of the following except:
Border molding is:
Part of the final impression, where softened compound or wax is placed along the borders of the denture.
A full crown for a single tooth is needed to restore a tooth that has lost approximately ____ percent or more of its natural tooth structure.
When making a mouth guard on the vacuum former, the plastic sheet is placed and secured onto the:
Metal frame
One dentin sealer product that is designed to cut off the flow of the tubule fluids by sealing tubules is:
The major connector on the mandibular prosthesis is often a ____ design.
Bar or plate
A properly fitting provisional restoration prevents saliva from leaking onto the dentinal tubules. This will prevent:
Sensitivity to hot and cold.
A vacuum former may be used to fabricate bleach trays, mouth guards, or fluoride trays.
A preformed polycarbonate crown works well for tooth #14, since it is more aesthetically pleasing and only needs to be relined.
____ teeth will resist stain, but are brittle and noisy.
Intermediate restorations provide extended periods of clinical observation for a tooth with a questionable prognosis. Materials of choice are
Reinforced ZOE cements
Alginate impression material will take approximately 2-3 minutes to develop into a ____ state.
A preformed provisional single unit can be fabricated from:
All of the above
____ is released by some varnishes to help with hypersensitivity of the cervical areas.
Due to an acidic element of zinc phosphate when it is used, a liner must also be placed.
A provisional that is improperly fitted might cause some tooth movement, which could require adjustments or even a possible remake of the final restoration.
The teeth most often used to anchor or hold the overdenture are the first premolars.
Which base is best used as an insulating base?
Advantages of the indirect provisional coverage technique include all of the following except:
Less expensive than the direct method.
Which of the following is true of varnishes?
They can be used to seal the dentin tubules.
A precise replica of a prepared tooth created from an impression is a/n:
Newer technology continues to improve the strength, shade choices, setting characteristics, and ____ for provisional materials.
Clinical techniques
Study models, bleaching trays, and mouth guards are all examples of ____ impression.
A preliminary
Provisional restorations should accomplish all of the following except:
Discourage healing of soft tissues.
____ is used to protect the tooth from damaging effects of moisture.
The provisional restoration is referred to as a temporary prosthesis or a/n:
Interim restoration
After spraying hydrocolloid impressions for disinfection, they should be placed in a plastic bag to prevent evaporation of the disinfectant.
The cement that is mixed on a glass slab to minimize the temperature rise from the heat given off is:
Zinc phosphate
____ seals the dentinal tubules that prevent oral fluids and bacteria from seeping between the tooth and the restorative material.
High strength base glass ionomer cements:
all of the above
When sizing the retraction cord, the best judgement for length is the circumferance of the index finger.
____ material is more brittle are than methacrylates, and is not suitable for provisional bridges.
Bis-acryl composite
An opaquer will be utilized to:
Block out the dark color of cast metal restorations prior to stacking the natural tooth-colored preparation
The use of ____ through the interproximal areas will help to dislodge any casual-set dental cement.
Dental floss
The acrylic base may be impregnated with pigmentation and fibers to
Create a natural appearance
Which of the following would not be completed during the first crown procedure appointment?
Removal of the provisional
Calcium hydroxide promotes secondary dentin, is insoluble, and bonds to dentin.
The cast model is a positive representation of someone’s dentition
The dentist will make small preparations on the occlusal, incisal or lingual surfaces of a tooth to accomodate the ____ portion of a removable partial denture.
After acid etching the tooth, if it becomes contaminated with saliva, simply redry the tooth.
One advantage of a removable prosthetic is that it
Replaces missing teeth and structure for function and aesthetics.
____ is the most widely used preliminary impression material in dentistry.
Material or low viscosity resins that are used to improve retention between two objects, such as enamel and dentin, and the restoration are called
Bonding agents
Success will be achieved when taking an elastomeric impression if good retraction techniques are practiced with moisture control and proper ____.
Tissue retraction
Calcium hydroxide is a common type of dental liner that is also known by the manufacturer name:
Bonding agents and restorative materials are considered intermediary materials
Impregnated retraction cords contain astringent- vasoconstrictor agents to control bleeding and shrink the tissue, sich as epinephrine.
When calcium sulfate dehydrate is heated, the end product is called
Preformed polycarbonate provisional crowns are available for both ____
Anterior and bicuspid posterior teeth
The separate restoration fabricated to rebuild damaged or fractured tooth structure in preparation for a crown is a
core buildup
Glass ionomer material has the following properties, except that it
Comes with a solvent
Composite resin cements have thick film, and are easily dissolved by oral fluids in the mouth.
____ is the best used as a protective base
Zinc phosphate
A ____ guard prevents material from spraying the room while using the rag wheel and pumice.
When using a base, the sequence of placement would be base, liner, restorative.
For a temporary restoration, a low strength base with sedative qualities would be used, such as
Zinc oxide eugenol
What materials are used to provide a buffer between the pulp and the final restoration?
Dental bases
To prevent drifting of the dentition, it is important to maintain ____ between the teeth
Proximal contact
Glass ionomer cement mechanically and chemically bonds to enamel, dentin, and metallic materials.
The two parts of a cast model are the ____ which includes the teeth and oral structures.
Anatomic portion
Dentures should be cleaned
All of the above
Type II glass ionomers are used for restoring areas of erosion near the gingiva
Partial dentures most often are made of composite resin or porcelain.
The dental cement used as a temporary restoration, permanent cement for cast restorations, and as a high strength base is called
The two basic components of a compete denture are the:
Denture base and teeth
The cement that has a sedative effect on the pulp is:
Zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE)
____ are a type of provisionall crown that are only utilized on posterior teeth, where aesthetics are not a concern.
Aluminum shell crowns
Should the preparation become moderately too deep or close to the pulp, the dentist will place ____ under the final restoration.
When the tooth responds to the stimuli of saliva coming in contact with the pulp, this is referred to as
After placing the sealer on the tooth, one should wait ____ before air drying.
30 seconds
Zinc phosphate powder is properly prepared by ____ the bottle.
History has found that teeth in dentures were sometimes made from ivory, bone, or teeth from either dead or living donors.
The retraction cord is placed within the sulcus with the use of a/n ____ instrument.
Cord packing
Which of the following is not a contraindication for a fixed prosthesis?
Good adjacent teeth are available for abutments.
Polysiloxane impression materials, commonly known as addition silicone materials, are available in an automatic dispensing unit that includes
An extruder gun and mixing tip
Factors that might indicate the need for a patient to have a full complete denture treatment planned include
All of the above
The portion of the denture that contacts the abutment teeth and prevents movement of the partial when chewing and swallowing the retainer
Galvanism is a pulpal stimuli
Eugenol is an obtudent, meaning it is soothing to the pulp.
Stone model should be soaked in water for at least ____ minutes before trimming to help with the trimming process.
Patients who wear a removable partial denture are encouraged to maintain regular dental exam and teeth cleanings to ensure that the
Remaining teeth do not develop dental caries, and the remaining bone remains healthy
____ is placed on the floor of the cavity preparation to protect pulp from bacteria and irritants
The most common form if gingival retraction is
The forms ZOE comes in for restoration application include capsule, syringe, ____ and two paste systems.
Powder/ liquid
The process or ability of an impression to shrink over time due to the loss of water is called
All dental cements may be used as bases
Methacrylates contain both a base and a catlayst, and work by self polymerizing.
A restoration that covers or replaces the major part or the whole part of the clinical crown of a tooth is a:
Veneers may be fabricated to accomplish all of the following except:
Open spaces or diastemas
A stent is used most often to fabricate a/n ____ provisional.
An inlay is an example of a class ____ restoration.
All impressions should be gently rinsed to remove blood and debris, then soaked or sprayed with:
Hospital grade disinfectant
Hydrocolloid materials change from one state to another due to their:
Thermal changes
Which materials would currently be utilized to fabricate a removable prosthetic device?
Alloy metals and synthetic plastic resins
Imbibition is the process of contracting and shrinking with time because of exuding water
After disinfecting an impression, the impression should be loosely wrapped in a plastic bag to prevent ____
Evaporation of the disinfectant
When finished trimming with a model trimmer, it should immediately be turned off.
The type of prosthesis that utilizes wings that are bonded to the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth is a/n:
Maryland Bridge
Dental cements are more versatile in their properties, ____, and mixing techniques.
A gypsum substance consiting of two parts water and one part calcium sulfate is called
When the alginate impression is removed from the patient’s mouth, the operator should ____ and then disinfect.
Rinse the impression under cold water
Advantages to using the direct technique for fabricating as provisional restoration include
Time eficiency
____ is most commonly used as a sedative base
Excess cement can become lodged within the gingival crevice by ____ the gingiva to provide the operator the ability to visually inspect the marginal area.
Mechanical retraction is accomplished with the use of:
A temporary crown
Celluloid crown form provsionals are available only for
Premolars and anterior teeth
After cementation of the provisional restoration, patients should eb educated that the cement requires ____ for final set.
45 minutes
When taking impressions, the steps after placing the tempered material into a hydrocolloid tray are in the order
ZOE with eugenol is contraindicates for use with composite
A partial and a denture are two examples of a prostheses
A patient might need to wear a provisional restoration for a period of ____ to allow bone and gingival tissues to heal around an implant.
Six months
Dental lab mixing bowls are disinfected with
Hospital grade disinfectant
There are several methods used for fabricating a tempory; vacuum formed matrix, alginate impresssion, and PVS impressions
Retraction cords are placed to stop tissue bleeding and to ensure accurate impressions of the margin
A patient who is ednetulous
is without teeth
The disinfecting of reversible hydrocolloid impression includes
Use of an iodophor or glutaraldehyde solution
Type I ZOE cement has low strength and great anti microbial properties, adn therefore is ideal as a permanent restoration.
Which of the following would not be an important consideration to education of patients who are wearing a provisional restoration?
The provisional might break or come off but will not need to be re cemented
____ is another product placed between the liner and the permanent restoration to help protect the pulp.
Hydrophillic impression materials have an aversion to water and less wetting ability
An exothermic reaction occurs when you are light-curing cements
A dental lathe and model trimmer are used in the same way and can produce the same results
Composite resin cements are utilized for
Bonding orthodontic brackets
All materials used in the restoration of a tooth prior to the placement of the final restorative material are known as
Surgical retraction performed to remove hypertrophied or excess tissue is accomplished with the utilization of an electrosurge, surgical knife or
The temporary crown should extend beyond the margin, so that the margins are protected from decay
Many difficulties can occur when manipulating irreversible hydrocolloid material, including:
All of the above
The consistency of zinc oxide and eugenol cement when used as a temporary restoration
Putty like
When removing dental cement from the interproximal areas, the dental assistant should use a ____
Factors that might result in a patients choosing a removable prosthesis as opposed to a fixed prosthesis include;
adequate bone support
A polycarboxylate cement us utilized for
All of the above
WHile working with vacuum formers, lathes, or model trimmers, hair should be pulled back into a pony tail and all PPE should be worn
The patients dental ____ are mounted onto the articulator with lab plaster
The restoration that is fabricated to be placed into a prepared cavity, and that covers the occlusal surface and one more cusp is
Stone models should be soaked in ____
A high strength base dental cement needed for restoration
Zinc polycarboxylate
The initial setting time for most dental plaster is ____ minutes.
When applying dentin bonding resin material, it is important to air dry the tooth until the tooth is desicated.
A screw like device specially designed to be placed surgically within the mandibular or maxillary bone is a
A tray made specifically for an individual patient
Custom tray
The prepared tooth may also be called the stump
To add a new layer of hard acrylic to the internal portion of a denture, which serves to restore the overall fit
A denture that does not fit the alveolar ridge properly will
cause degeneration of the ridge more rapidly
When mixing zinc phosphate cement, the powder and liquid are mixed over a large area with a ____ motion.
Figure eight rotary
If warm water is added when mixing alginate impression material, the material will set:
A preformed provisional single unit crown may be fabricated from polymer, polycarbonate, aluminum, copper, and
The V Shaped spaces formed by the contour and position fo the adjacent teeth is the
Unused hydrocolloid tubes that have already been boiled are ____ for a total of three times for reuse.
Re boiled
Which of the following is not an important consideration for a posterior provisional restoration
Provide acceptable aesthetics
Provisional restorations must satisfy mechanical, aesthetic, and ____ factors.
Many times the dental assistant will be responsible for obtaining preliminary impressions
Articulation is the term for the position of the mandible when the teeth are fully biting together
Indications for a fixed prosthesis include all of the following except
Supportive tissues bone and gingiva are diseased
A ____ is utilized to restore the anatomical crown on an endodontically treated tooth during the preparation phase of crown placement.
Cast post
To prevent changes in a reversible hydrocolloid impression such as dimensional changes to syneresis or imbibiton the operator should
Immediately pour the impression
The major advantage of an all ceramic crown is that it
Is more natural looking
In addition to the health history, records that would also be utilized during a prosthetic appointment include study models, radiographs, and
The purpose of the retainer is to connect the partial to the abutment teeth and to
Prevent movement of the partial
Reinforcement of a provisional bridge might be necessary of a patient has oral habits such as
Clenching or grinding
The smear layer is created through the use of dental burs
Agar- hydrocolloid material is heated until it flows and is cooled. It changes from a
Gel to a sol to a gel
Most dental cements are also used as a ____ which is applied in a thick layer over a liner
Custom trays are utilized for impression to fabricate complete and partial dentures and:
Long bridge spans
The provisional crown is fabricated before the crown preparation appointment
The chemical setting process of resin materials is known as
The articulator ____ movement of the mandible and the shape of the patients condyle to duplicate the patients occlusion
The type of wax commonly used for registering a patients occlusion is known as
Bite reg wax
During setting, zinc phosphate cement creates an exothermic reaction and therfore needs to be mixed on glass slab.
Zinc phosphate cement is known as the gold standard cement because it was the first cement discovered to have the ability to chemically bond to the tooth structurew
The two paste systems are mixed manually with :
A spatula, an oil- impermeable paper pad, or clean glass slab
With the powder/liquid ZOE, the liquid contains the resin and accelerator
A fixed partial denture is also known as a
Fixed bridge
Reline is a process where softened compound or wax is placed along the borders of the denture
The embrasure is the junction where the temporary provisional meets the tooth structure
Glass ionomer cements release ____ to help prevent caries
Silicone rubber impression material is sensitive to
If any dental cement is left at the contact area, tooth ____ oculd occur
Polycarboxylate cement shuld be mixed for approximately ____ seconds in order to allow time for the seating of a fized prosthesis
The pontic portion of a fixed bridge is
the artifical tooth that replaces the missing tooth
An abutment tooth with evidence if caries should be ___ before taking the impression for denture
A patient with type II periodontal disease and rampant decay on multiple teeth would be a candidate for crowns and or bridges
____ types of liner are used in cavity preparations
Bonding agents bond to all of the following except
Gingival retraction cords are supplied in untwisted and twisted ___ forms
Dentin sealers are commonly known as ____ and are used instead of dental varnishes
A properly contoured provisional should extend to the ___ portion of the preparation but not beyond