MOB Flashcards
Initial Actions Following: Man Overboard
- Engage hand steering, wheel over in direction of casualty
- Throw life ring with light and smoke
- Press MOB on GPS/ ECDIS
- Sound Oscar and raise alarm
- Call master
- Prepare a DSC distress
- Organise Lookouts
- Commence boat specific Manoeuvre
- Prepare recovery methods (ladders, Nets, Rescue craft)
- Prepare Medical team
- Consult IAMSAR vol III/ Emergency manual
- Remain in bridge to assist captain
- Log events
In what publication do we find any and all information regarding MOB?
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue vol 3
What are the three types of MOB situations?
- Immediate and witnessed, when WE see the person go over the side
- Delayed response, when a witness reports it to the Bridge within a close time frame (10 minutes or so)
- Missing Person, when the time of the MOB incident is unknown
What are the 4 different MOB turns?
Factors that affect the choice of rescue manoeuvre:
- Ships manoeuvring characteristics
- Wind direction & Sea State
- Visibility level
- Crews experience and level of training
- Capability of Engine Plant
- Location of Incident
- Recovery Technique
- Possibility of assistance from other vessels
Procedure of the Williamson Turn
Good for immediate response to MOB
Makes good original track line
Good in reduced visibility
Takes ship farther from incident
Slow procedure
60° hard over in the direction of the casualty
Rudder hard over in opposite direction
At 20° off reciprocal course, rudder to midships and proceed vessels wake
Procedure of Anderson Turn
Good for Immediate response, bad for delayed
Fastest recovery method
Good for ships with tight turning circle
Good for ships with considerable power
Very difficult for single screw
May miss the person as it does not follow our track
Single turn, 270° manoeuvre
Rudder hard over (immediate reaction), side of casualty
After 250° deviation, rudder to midships and stopping initiated.
Scharnov Turn
Used for a Delayed Response
Vessel taken back to her own wake
less distance is covered, saving time
Only useful if the time elapsed since casualty is known
Rudder hard over
After deviation from course of 240°, rudder hard over to other side
When 20° off reciprocal course, rudder to midship and follow wake
Lorén Turn
Used in the recovery stage
-Facilitates launch and recovery of the RB
-Facilitates rescue work by other craft
-Circling calms the sea by interfering with wave patterns
-More turbulence created by ship the better
-Additional ships circling to windward will calm the sea further
Lorén turn procedure
- Head into wind at full speed
- Begin the circle and reduce to slow when wind is abeam
- When the wind is across the stern on the opposite quarter, increase to 50%
- Continue circling to further calm the water
- When to windward, slow down or stop to launch RB on the leeward side, inside the circle.X
Which side does the primary Helicopter Pilot Sit, and Why?
Stbd side, as the Ship is instructed in IAMSAR vol 3 to have the wind on the Port Bow
This allows for the primary pilot/winchman to see the vessel on approach
Where do we find information on Search Patterns?
What factors is this table based on?
IAMSAR vol 3, Table of:
Uncorrected Sweep Widths for Merchant Vessels
The Object characteristics
Weather/Sea State
SAR Height Of Eye (HOE)
Search patterns used when the Datum is well known and the area is small:
Expanding square Search
Sector Search
Search patterns used when the Datum is not well known and the area is large
Creeping line search
Parallel Sweep search
Expanding Square Search
Starts at the centre point (datum point)
Expands out in square legs, getting larger each leg
Done by 1 vessel in 1 location
Sector Search
Search a circular area from the datum point
120° course alterations at a time in triangular patterns
Can be used by 1 craft at a certain time and location
Aircraft can do a similar search pattern nearby
Creeping Line Search:
When the datum point is not well known
Done by 2 craft
1 vessel heads in a straight line
Aircraft sweeps in perpendicular direction to the track of the vessel, following its path
Requires instruction from an OSC
Parallel Sweep Search:
Used to search a large area where datum is unknown
1 vessel at each location
Sweep moves in a direction where the long legs are perpendicular to the direction of the drift
How do we rescue a casualty without a RB, and without Bringing them on board manually? (rough seas)
Launch a life raft and wait for the seas to die down, stay attached to the vessel
Duties of the OSC in a SAR situation?
- Co-ordinate SAR facilities on-scene
- Receive the SAR plan from the RCC, or plan it if there is no plan otherwise available
- Coordinate on-scene comes
- Monitor performance of participating facilities
- Ensure ops conducted safely
- Make periodic SITREPs to the RCC
- Maintain a detailed RECORD of situation
- Report the numbers and names of survivors, and which facility they are on board
- Request additional RCC assistance when necessary