Miss McDonald EQ3 Flashcards
Water scarcity
Imbalance demand+supply:physical scarcity not enough water meet demand, econ scarcity ppl can’t afford it (below 1000m^3per person)
Water stress
If a country’s water consumption exceeds 10% renewable freshwater supply (difficulties obtaining new quantities, poor water quality usage) (below 1,700m^3per person)
Water insecurity
Where present and future supplies can’t be guaranteed-need physical/pol+econ solution
Water stress facts
- by 2050 2/3rds approx 5.5bn living water stress
- atm SA, India, E Africa main areas+ high density EU countries e.g. SE UK
Water scarcity facts
- 1.2bn 1/5pop physical scarcity, 500m approaching
- 1.6bn almost 1/4 econ water shortage as water demand growing 2x rate pop increase last century
- N Africa, Middle East, Asia e.g. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen etc spreading much more 2025 include India, China+Central Asia
Global mismatch supply and demand
- Est 60% accessible freshwater used in theory plenty future use but…
- 66% pop live areas receiving 25%annual rainfall
- Widening availability gap ‘haves’developing countries and ‘have nots’developing countries
- Rising demand +dwindling supplies-man reason over exploitation groundwater stores for irrigation
Physical factors causing water insecurity
- natural climate variability affects distribution as annual+seasonal rain
- rain greater low pressure zones+most secure, areas seasonal rain+low annual totals (Sahel)greater variation-poorer reliability supply
- ENSO exacerbates short term deficiencies water scarce areas(Sahel)
- steep relief locations more relief rain+more run-off+surface storage lakes/reservoirs especially mountainous impermeable geology may reduce insecurity
- however melting cryosphere mountains may reduce storage water+seasonal meltwater (Himalayas+Andes)increase water scarcity
- permeable chalk+porous sandstone can store huge amounts water underground-crucial reduce scarcity not susceptible evaporation loss can be accessed well/spring
- W/warming climate increase E/T-less effective precipitation(amount added+stored soil after losses)
- natural sea lvl rise(storm surges/storms/flooding) means slat water intrusions can occur at coast (salt water moves into soil+aquifers) increase fresh water scarcity
Human factors causing water insecurity (by 2030 world have 60%water it needs)
- over abstraction(rivers, lakes+groundwater) est 20%aquifers exploited, removal fresh water aquifers coastal-salt water incursions+salinisation wells,boreholes+wetlands, 2025 est withdrawals over 5000km^3/yr
- agriculture largest user 70%global+90%developing countries, 2050 need 60%more food growing pop, inefficient use water crop production-depleting aquifers,reduce river flow,degrade wildlife habitats, increase pesticide+fertiliser pollution seep groundwater, causing water logging +increase salinity (20%irrigated land suffers)
- industry demand manufacturing increase 400% 2000-50(most) mainly emerging+developing not well regulated-pollution W/industrial spillage+poor waste management causing contaminated water
- energy biofuels needs increase amounts water altho tech advancements, thermal80%+hydropower15% global electricity use lrg amounts water
- increasing pop 80m/yr est 9.1bn 2050 demand water 2x as fast, more 1/2 lives urban est 6.3bn 2050-local pressure, est 90% all waste developing countries discharged untreated rivers, lakes, oceans from inadequate water infrastructure
- increase demand-rising income+living standards w/growing middle class developing+emerging countries(unsustainable) increase meat consumption, use cars, larger homes, appliances+energy consuming devices more water consumption both production+use
Increase in demand will lead to water insecurity
- pop growth 80m/yr (9.1bn 2050)
- demand water rising 2x as fast pop growth
- 1/2pop live urban(6.3bn by 2050)->2x Africa/Asia by 2030 -high demand high density areas
- increasing econ growth manufacturing demand increase by 400% 2000-50 focus developing+emerging
- “global middle class”increase 1.8bn 2009-5bn 2030bulk Asia some Africa
- agriculture 70%demand (90%developing) 2050feeding 9.1bn require 50%increase production+ 15%increase water withdrawals unless energy efficiency savings can be shared
Why prices water varies so greatly
- transporting source-consumption Cali expensive pipes transport mountain reservoirs/rivers Colorado-coastal cities e.g. LA
- poverty+insufficient infrastructure in squatter settlements e.g. Accra, Ghana poor rely water tankers+bottled Manila 4x piped
- developing countries often free but not treated women+children African villages walk up 10km collect lose days learning+earning
- when demand>supply+scarce 2015cali poorest can’t afford supplies
- colonial govts installed limited infrastructure-urban outgrown massively
- Cuba govt subsidised water till recently so available all
- 1980s World bank+IMF gave loans developing countries so privatised provision water hope competition reduce costs but opposite e.g. Barranquilla, Colombia(rise)
- privatisation profit rise co’s+many supply reduce+ cost consumers increase e.g. 1999 Agua del Tunari took over Bolivia city Cochambamba system increase price 20%avg income-protested4days+govt cancelled contract
- varies developed Canada 80%less Ger, Ireland only started charging 2016 before 75%less UK, Denmark most expensive try cut water consumption, by 2015 many major cities taking back privatisation
Why water is so important for economies
- key all econ productivity, demand manufacturing increasing 400% 2000-50, industrial development-reduce water quality+ supply by contaminating rivers+groundwater developing (rapid industrialisation)
- energy use water intensive+increasingly used renewables (fracking, HEP), over 1/2 used generating HEP/cooling thermal nuclear power stations returned source unchanged but warmth can impact
- agriculture used 2/3rds extraction ground/surface takes 3000L produce 1kg rice, 6x produce 1kg beef
- strong link poverty+lack water
Why is water so important for societies
-unsafe spreads disease but water used personal+domestic hygiene can prevent disease transmission
-lack sanitation est 10% ‘global disease burden’ fundamental source related disease on site dry systems as well water bourne sewage combined low standards personal hygiene
-disease transmitted faecal-oral routes (major issue)thru dirty water e.g. cholera, typhoid+dysentery+Guinea worm parasite
-water related diseases high lvl morbidity affect ppls ability work+look after fam-ability escape poverty+water breeding ground vectors e.g. malaria mosquitoes
-Millennium Development Goals aimed 1/2no. ppl without safe drinking water by 2015, 2016 almost 800m still lacked treated
-WHO every $1spent water/sanitation has $7 econ benefits,every yr 433m skl days lost result dirty drinking water, women less wealthy countries avg 200m hrs collecting water every day???
-3.75m die every yr dirty water+3,400 children die every day from water bourne diseases
Potential conflict over resulting trans-boundary(int) water sources
- how demand/supply varies along Nile Egypt dependent 95% but Rwanda+Ethiopia+others need lrg supplies develop crop irrigation, HEP+ industrial-lift out of poverty, high demand as mainly desert(Sahara)+other sources scarce, pop pressure 300m Nile basin+ exp 2x 600m 2030+increase wealth more pressure crops+HEP
- flows thru 7countries resources shared 11, 2major tributaries white+blue meet near Khartoum Sudan
- white Nile provides mere 30%flows measured Aswan dam, while catchment blue relatively small heavy monsoonal rainfall July-Sept greatest contributor lower Nile flows, much located hot, arid areas evaporation losses high entry-exit from Sudd Swamp Sudan white Nile losses up to 50%flow-early summer shortfalls Egypt+Sudan when flows from blue pre-monsoonal low pt
- CC seasonal variations key challenge susceptible major inter-annualc decadal fluctuations brought about El Niño-La Niña cycles+ future worsening droughts+ floods problematic Eritrea+Sudan
- 1929 I Nile water agreement-86%Egypt+ Sudan only 14% others+ Egypt veto any use 4 downstream nations
- 1959 II- effectively 100% Sudan+Egypt increase allocation Sudan 4-18.5bn m^3 irrigation needs, signed colonial powers GB on behalf- Ethiopia refuses recognise
- Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)emerged 1990 all 10basin (Eritrea observing) partnership W/world bank-2 action plans E Nile Program+ Equatorial Lakes Program, 2010 8/10 signed treaty:all riparian countries should =rights Nile (Sudan+Egypt didn’t)
- GERD(Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam)on blue, construction since 2011, 15km E border Sudan, largest HEP Africa+7th world, 2017 60%completed done 5-15yrs, Ethiopia deny neg impact downstream flow+contends increase flows Egypt by reduced evaporation Lake Nasser, angry Egyptian response demanding increase share Nile flow 66-90% est 4.8bn cost 15% Ethiopian GDP
Potential for conflict within a country Murray Darling Basin (SE Australia) SUPPLY
- 1m km^2 covering 1/7continent 20rivers e.g. Murray+ Darling
- generally dry rain about 500m-prone drought till 2011 much country decade long drought
- 2006-9rain mountainous E part(supply 40% rivers)lower any historical time, other parts basin rain deficit 1.5m below normal 1996-2008
- CC warmer temps worsen every 1degrees basin 10%more evaporation- ENSO cycle exacerbates
Potential for conflict within a country Murray Darling Basin (SE Australia) DEMAND
- most productive agricultural area country- 40%production food, 85% irrigation water, 75% water, home more 2m ppl, produces wool, cotton, wheat, cattle, dairy produce, wine etc
- recent decades studies repeatedly confirm environ health basin decline- drought, over extraction past entitlement system+ high salinity lvls+ overall poor water quality, growth blue-green algae, declining wildlife+ land degradation dismal outlook
Potential for conflict within a country Murray Darling Basin (SE Australia) COMPETITION between users
- 5%increase extraction since 1920s not well managed
- agriculture major player taking most+ demanding more irrigation boosts profits+ crops yield best returns beef+sheep also urban residents, industrial users, aquaculture, leisure, local+state govts, environ groups, int heritage+conservation agencies, indigenous ppls
- not every1 happy basin plan determining how much extracted consumption farmers+ rural communities claim take too much back irrigated farmland as whole districts lost much irrigation, no longer grow food communities dying 1 area 500farm jobs disappeared 2012-14+ pop fell 18%
Techno-fix hard engineering scheme Three Gorges dam pros
- Control flooding on Yangtze, improve water supply by regulating flow
- generate HEP+make river navigable
- enables surplus build up+diverted N China via S-N Water Transfer Project
techno-fix hard engineering scheme Three Gorges Dam costs
- controversial, v expensive
- 632km^2 land flooded form reservoir
- 1.3m relocated from 1500 villages+towns
- reservoirs’ water quality=low cos waste from industry, sewage+farms enters from upstream
- decomposing veg reservoir produces methane released when water passes thru HEP turbines
Techno-fix of hard engineering schemes south-north transfer pros
- 3routes take water Yangtze-N China: W route to yellow river, E route via series lakes+central route
- Beijing region 35% pop+ 40%arable land but only 7%water
- reduce risk shortages+ boost econ Beijing+ reduce abastarction groundwater
Techno-fix of hard engineering schemes south-north transfer costs
- $70bn due completion 2050
- submerge 370km^2land
- 345,000ppl relocate
- risk draining too much S China
- E route=industrial+ risks further pollution
Techno-fix of hard engineering schemes Israel desalination pros
- 5plants opened 2013 taking water directly from med not freshwater
- Provide reliable+predictable supply water
- aims provide 70% Israel’s domestic water supply 2020
- much energy use solar
- produced up to 600tonnes potable water/hr
Techno-fix of hard engineering schemes Israel desalination costs
- requires own power station
- adds CO^2 emissions
- provides vast amount of salt/brine
- containing anti-scaling agents that harm ecosystems
Smart irrigation benefits (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation)
- when drip is used allow water drip plant roots thru system valves +pipes reducing water usage+ evaporation
- able save water usage by using sewage water
- putting pipes underground=no water lost thru evaporation
Smart irrigation costs (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation)
Quite expensive,
Especially used lrg scale takes a long time +money implemented
Water restoration (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation) benefits+ what involves
- restoring meanders, replanting veg+using sustainable methods to mange water courses
- environ sustainable, many social/cultural benefits to communities living there
Water restoration (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation) costs
Can b v expensive+difficult to instal
Holistic management (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation) benefits+what involves
- stone circles combo restoration+ conservation using more natural ways change environ e.g. in Burkina Faso
- cheap, local, not changing floral or fauna
Holistic management (sustainable schemes of restoration of water supplies+conservation)costs
- not long lasting
- can be damaged by storms
Grey water recycling benefits
- sustainable makes up majority use average home as reused from shower/tap for mopping, flushing a toilet, laundry+ gardening not effecting anyone health wise (used only certain times)
- reduces water consumption 40%
- overpopulation cities Great demand means great effect+reduce effect droughts
Grey water recycling negatives
- adding older homes=expensive (many older homes city so add new homes/renovations gradually increase schemes)
- less significant managing water supply, more used irrigation, electricity+ industry than domestic
Pros of water sharing treaties+ frameworks
- UNECE (UN econ commission for EU)water convention Helsinki adopting IWRM at basin scale promoting co-ordinated management water, land +related sources in sustainable way
- Water Framework Directive and Hydropower, Berlin(EU) requiring basin-wide assessments all risks to natural environ posed new developers
- National govt agencies checks compliance EU Framework, int co-operation far more common than exception acc military conflict only occurring 0.5 all drainage basin disagreements since 1950, tradition enemies India+Pakistan signed Indus Water Treaty 1960+honoured
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)for Colorado basin pros
- 2007 7states divided shortages rather than supply+have reduce usage- Cali reduce extracts 20%
- 2012 Minute 139-Mexico right store some ‘it’s’ in Lake Mead+ channels built increase supply (Mexico canals+storage) so providers purchase water conserved
- 2017 Minute 323-US inv millions $ conservation projects Mexico- plugging leaks irrigation canals+helping farmers implement water-efficient tech etc
- 11 dams built-local supplies increase altho E/T huge+loses water
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)for Colorado basin cons
- 1922 Colorado Compact=out date due increase pop+ supply falling 10%due CC
- unfair supply-native Americans only 5% could claim more=reservations extend along river+2tributaries, Cali too much 20% more allocation agreed 1963, Mexico only 10%, states lower basin 50%+ upper basin falls short 10%, now shortage 48% than was from demand+CC
- doesn’t tackle water loss inefficient use-30% lost (repairing leaks/ metering supplies)
- too lil done promote restoration water could be planting drought tolerant plants gardens+ smart irrigation systems, re-using waste waters from sewage treatments for landscape irrigation+industry/ recharge aquifers
- farms use 80% Cali water, if irrigation reduce10% acc 2x water available urban areas
- will any of these measures be sufficient cope temp increase 2degrees, river lvls falling 15% since 1990, drought being in place since 2000+ pop rising