Miss jones EQ1 Flashcards
Redeveloping former industrial areas or outdated housing to bring about economic+social change.
Plans focus fabric of place:new buildings+spaces w/new purposes
- may describe area or location
- can be artificial urban or modified rural landscapes
- may vary characteristics
- shaped internal+external connections
- place boundaries fixed or fluid
- different meaning to individuals perceptions, engagement or attachment
- changing sometimes rapidly or slowly driven processes 3 scales local, national+global
Differences in economy Kingston, hackney and England
Income: K-£35,500 H-29,500 E-28,000 mean
Employment: K-70.9% H-63.6% E-71.1% employed
Differences in social Kingston, Hackney and England
Education: K-48.3% H-14.4% E-16.5% degree/higher
Health: K-1.1% H-6.8% E-4.5% bad health
Life exp: K-83.8 H-80.9 E-81.6 years
Why differences economic activity reflected in social factors
- unemployment clear impact health,life exp +education
- growing up overtly and likelihood dropping out further education associated poorer health later on
- Ill health+disability impact on ability work
- inter generational habits cycle of passing on to children i.e. expectations doing home work in family
Index of multiple deprivation (IMD)
- used by govts+local authorities to target regeneration aid, allocated resources+target hotspots of crime
- not everyone=‘deprived’ in a deprived area and vice versa
- data set may be qualitative or quantitative
Functions(determined by type ppl live there+many influences on their life) administrative-
To organise everyday life e.g. county courts, banks
Office space e.g. headquarters for commerce
Shopping areas as a leisure activity+restaurants
Reasons for change in function
- mechanisation reduced need manual labour workers moved into industrial areas or just physical space influences
- areas grew into commercial centres+ emerging middle class needed to org everyday life with administrative functions
- post-industrial economic gds transported all over world+ distributed around country towns compete become important retail destinations + more disposable incomes growing growing pop spend tourism
Demographic characteristics (ppl who live in an area;age+ethnicity) gentrification-
Richer ppl improve poorer areas more expensive houses, shops
CS London dock lands reasons change physical factors:
- containerisation meant too big for shallow Thames water 1970s until 1970 Uks largest dock
- cranes replaced traditional workers so fewer jobs available
- becoming derelict= gd for new buildings
CS London dock lands reasons change accessibility+ connectedness:
Aeroplanes made transporting gds faster and fresher
Developing docklands light railway+Ldn city airport 5km from Canary
Gd location as central London
New transport development+links allowing ppl travel longer distances work heavily inv W/ tube, city airport, jubilee line
CS london docklands reasons for change historical development:
WW2 docklands bombed+ as rebuilt many ppl found alternative means of trade
CS london docklands reasons for change role of local and national planning:
- planning permission granted 1991 co’s could obtain tax breaks on new building to attract investors
- LDDC(London Docklands Development Corporation) flagship project Canary Wharf everyday 100,000commuters+325,000work in city inv banks+knowledge econ now ldn’s 2nd CBD huge transformation to high-rise office blocks and higher earning jobs generating other jobs
- 1980s Right to Buy scheme those living council housing right buy at reduced price transferring housing public-private pushing lower income ppl out
Remaining problems in London docklands:
Those poor health unable work in remaining low-cost social housing led to deprivation in Tower Hamlets W/ lowest avg life exp ldn 77yrs
Regional influences hackney
- 4Ldn overground tube stations Hackney:central,wick,downs +homerton
- links Liverpool st stating allowing greater commuter access all over ldn+UK also facilitates businesses setting up (6different tube lines running thru+4national rail services)25mins on DLR or 20 road
- main road A10, runs from N to central ldn
- Hackney Empire, Lido+ Victoria parks+ pubs,bars+ restaurants allowing wide range ppl use including family changing soc characteristics
Regional influences Kingston
- train station into+out ldn allowing commuters
- Waterloo station about 25mins on train
- many bus routes allowing connection places not on train line
- many shops+businesses allowing local jobs+attracting ppl to area
National influences Hackney:
- labour govt in power=focus social development major Philip Glanville
- 1 website advertising ‘most fashionable post code in capital’ can change type ppl living in area
- traditionally housed dockland+factory workers+heavily bombed WW2 post war industry primarily bottom end enterprise but post 1980 govt deregulation led growth industries coz Canary Wharf Stratford
- emerging cross rail hotspots e ldn led house price growth
National influences Kingston
- labour govt Ed davey= focus soc development
- articles: “top spot”for fast broadband, “among best performing councils about social care”, NM ldn “little Korea”
- 20th century local industry declined+ factories redeveloped for offices, housing+food+drink premises W/more transport initiative shopping grew
International influences Hackney:
- 2016 £1bn EU inv affordable homes ldn including Hackney
- EU Inv bank firm commitment support social+affordable housing ldn
- twinned Soweto SA show anti-apartheid movement at time lrg black SA pop
- lrg Jewish community post war led twinning W/Israel still exchanged skls+hospitals
- culturally diverse area significant ‘other white’ black+Turkish communities
International influences Kingston
- EU social fund aids education June 2011-July 15 helped support 1100 young ppl yr10+11 risk NEET
- twins Jaffna (Sri Lanka)W/ Tamil community approx 12,000
- predominantly white area but reasonable amount other ethnic groups W/quite lrg Asian community NM
Global influences Hackney:
- High broadband speeds info connections W/lrg no. tech firms inv area, much connections communications>rest Uk enables social communications+global trading
- many global brands along Hackney Walk Nike,Burberry+UGG due artistic rep some global fashion brands headquarters (Anya Hindmarch)
- global brand may out compete local
Global influences Kingston:
- gd internet connections W/highly residential+gd int co
- many int brands e.g. 2 McDonalds
- these co may out compete local brands altho most shops national/local
Kingston age demographics
Kingston ethnicity demographic
Black and Asian=22.5%
And others
Kingston type of housing
2013 avg £340,000
Most ppl detached/semi housing
More affordable homes but slow rate
Hackney age demographic
Hackney ethnicity demographic
Black African=11%
Other white=16%
Significant ‘other’ black+Turkish communities
Hackney type of housing
45% social housing
Lots affordable rented+shared ownership+more housing
Hackney employment status
Public services=28%
Knowledge based sector=33%
Largest pro scientific + technical both at 13.4%
Overall lower than ldn avg
Hackney highest qualifications
High lvl qualifications increased 30% than 10yrs ago
Reasons for change in a place role of national and local planning
- national govt policies to increase housing, improve accessibility and connectedness e.g.Hs2
- national govt policies to conserve culturally or environmentally important places
- local planning grants or refuses permission for changes to places
Reasons for change in a place accessibility and connectedness
- developing motorway and railway networks
- increased migration
- access to fibre-optic broadband
Reasons for change in a place physical factors
- coastal erosion
- increased flood risk
- concern about climate change
Reasons for change in a place historical development
- primary,historic functions of places often no longer important e.g. port cities can lose their primary functions when trade routes change
- change in residents’ needs and priorities e.g, increasing demand for detached housing
- repurposing of historic buildings e.g. warehouses into apartments
Reasons for change in a place globalisation
- deindustrialisation in the UK, as manufacturing co have moved production to cheaper places
- migration into the UK e.g. from the European Union
- changes to retail e.g. Amazon