EQ1- Health, Human Rights And Intervention Flashcards
Change for the better usually economic which leads to improvements in quality of life may include industrialisation but disagreements on development who’s to say we are more developed in our own lives and experiences.
GDP per capita (PPP based)
Total values of goods and services a country produces in a year divided by the number of people in the country according to Purchase Power Parity- considering the difference in costs of living between countries
Gross national income (GNI) per capita
Total wealth created by a country including income form exports (-[taxes+debts])
The Happy Planet Index
By New Economic Foundation (NEF) combines impacts on natural environments (ecological footprint, efficiency resource use without damaging environ) w/ wellbeing of ppl (life exp)
The Freedom Index
Considers pol rights, civil liberties+ freedom status
Differences between traditional (GDP per capita PPP based, GNI) and contemporary measures
Trad= generally linear scale involving numbers+ focusing on econ impact Contemp= generally more holistic values as been around shorter time+ more opinionated
As country’ econ grows more money generated from industries+ businesses-
Ppl become wealthier due regular employment+ wages- govts become wealthier thru raising taxes- wealth can be used ppl+govts improve wellbeing pop
Growth of economy- improve environ quality
Econ growth damages natural environ thru pollution+ degradation-> tipping point- wealth from econ growth can be used develop eco-friendly lifestyles+ tech+ inv protected areas
Growth of economy- improve health
Developing countries experience increased mortality rates as econ growth enables inv health care+ ability afford medicines
Growth of economy- improve life exp
Economic growth ppl can afford better housing+ amenities+ machinery -reduction physical labour+ govts can provide services
Growth of econ- improve human rights
Rights increase w/econ development cos greater wealth provides education+ access to decision-making pathways
Generally positive correlation between health+ wealth but dependent on each other as (examples)
Norway- one of best HDI+ GDP per capita BUT Qatar one best GDP per capita but not HDI
Sharia Law
- doesn’t separate Nat govt from religion (secularisation) as Muslim beliefs law of Islam-legal system covers wide range topics w/ different countries adapting it differently
- e.g. theft= amputation R hand, non-Muslim marries Muslim woman=death, women can’t speak alone man not husband/ relative
- one most intrusive+ strict+ treatment women problems w/Universal declaration of Human Rights
- some world’s richest- Qatar+UAE, poorest- Sudan+ Yemen
Bolivia’s development strategies:
- Evo Morales- socialist model sharing wealth w/ppl (not necessarily=) derived from county’s natural resources
- Bolivians lifted out poverty yet remains one poorest Latin America, 1/4 live $2 a day according World Bank
- 2009 new constitution+ 2012 ‘Law of Mother Earth’ ->putting nature 1st response CC (affecting mining operations main part econ)+ Andean spiritual world- recent reduction agricultural production increase rural- urban, pests+ diseases+ avg temp predicted increase 4 degrees end century
The role of education:
Pivotal role econ development (skilled workforce), inv education regarded human capital (econ, pol, cultural+ Soc skills within a country), increase awareness’s human rights, environ conservation, pol freedom, healthy living etc
Access education not equal globally UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific+ Cultural Org) does work throughout world everyone access education as fundamental right found:
- inaccessible over 60m primary skl children worldwide
- sub-Saharan Africa (highest number) 32m primary aged children
- gender imbalance- girls=54% non-schooled pop
Factors prevent fair access education- GENDER (varies IN countries)
Girls 54% non-schooled pop- cultural+ trad give privileged treatment males as workers
Factors prevent fair access education- SOCIAL CLASS (IN)
Private skls USA score 3.1 pts higher ACT tests on avg as in Aus+ US big difference state+ private as lrg annual fees (for elite)- smaller class sizes+ more attention each student
Factors prevent fair access education- WEALTH (BETWEEN)
Sweden 7.7% GDP education+GDP= $537.6bn, compared Cambodia 1.9% GDP education+ GDP= $25.29bn
Factors prevent fair access education- ETHNICITY (IN)
Marginalisation certain ethnic origins e.g. indigenous Canadians
Factors prevent fair access education- PHYSICAL+ MENTAL DISABILITY (IN)
Some countries disabled kept together homes+ no education
Maternal mortality
Number of deaths of females per 100,000 live births in a year while pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy finishing
Infant mortality
Number deaths of children under 1 compared total number live births one year in an area % or out of 1,000
Variations health+ life exp developing world + example
-Food:pop growth increase pressures food supply-> starvation+malnutrition
-Water:CC, pop growth+ econ development put pressure freshwater supplies-> water insecurity affecting health
-Sanitation:urbanisation due rural-urban migration+ increase birth rates-> rapid urban expansion so sanitation systems unable keep up-> slums w/unhealthy conditions
E.g. Congo higher health expenditure %GDP than many other African countries= lowest life exp+ HDI cos GDP $800 (3rd lowest) altho rich natural resources-> conflict w/ neighbours, unstable governance, civil conflict from power struggles-40% 5-14 forced work rather attend skl
Developed world variations health+ life exp- lifestyle
No. Factors affect health e.g. diets some countries don’t eat healthy balanced foods -> obese + increase risk heart disease
Developed world variations health+ life exp- deprivation levels
Deprived areas due econ change-> may be unable afford nourishing diet, get involved crime/ drugs/ unable afford health care
Developed world variations health+ life exp- medical care
Health service may not be universal/ too costly poorer ppl/ ineffective in meeting everyone’s needs
Developed world variations health+ life exp- examples:
- Japan life exp 83.7yrs balanced diet under $4,000 health expenditure per capita
- 48% gap male life exp US+EU accounted for injuries from firearms, drugs +vehicle accidents
- US low life exp 79.3yrs despite 3rd highest expenditure health $9,403 as not free so poorer no insurance- limited access
- Russia $893 life exp 70.5yrs+ Switzerland highest $9,673 life exp 83yrs
Variations health+ life exp within countries- UK variations due income levels
- Approx N/S divide longest Dorset (S) 82.8yrs+ Glasgow (N) 72.6yrs (10yrs)
- lifestyle impacts as % smokers regularly, diet, drinking +% males involved heavy industry (climate, education+ income impacts)
Variations health+ life exp within countries- Australian variation due ethnicity
Indigenous ppl (3% pop) life exp men+ woman about 10yrs lower may be genetic element but many other factors: Poor housing, dispossession of trad lands, low education lvls (no educational understanding health) , high unemployment, incomes 40% lower (can’t afford medical care), hidden ethnic discrimination, smoking rates 2x, poor diet+ 25% choosing live remote areas mean many lack transport gets them to medical centres
Variations health + life exp within countries- Brazil life exp+ health discrimination
-Life exp highest SE around 77 hrs (São Paulo) big cities including capital feel least discrimination as more econ provide health services where many ppl+ more difficult remotes areas (disparity provisions) as lowest around 70yrs remote border regions e.g. Rondônia, -climate has influence as NE= semi arid-> difficult living conditions +SE= subtropical
Influence govt decisions on econ+ Soc development- largest % GDP on health+ education
UK, Japan, Cuba+ SA as often set up ‘welfare state’ citizens= top priority
Cuba= socialist, SA= democratic+ UK+ Japan (basically democratic) constitutional monarchy
Influence govt decisions on econ+ Soc development lowest % GDP Health+ education
Myanmar as civil war+ totalitarian structure therefore larger budget defence/ security, supporting econ/ controlling pop
Influence govt decisions on econ+ Soc development choice of more % GDP on education or health
- UK (9.1% GDP health+ 5.5% education)+ Japan (10.3% GDP health+ 3.5% education) cos age structure w/ an ageing pop putting pressure health+ inv into it (older ppl= less inv education as doesn’t bother them)
- Saudi Arabia 5.6% education+ 3.2% health as absolute monarchy want spread ideas younger pop to control
Govt spending varies- France
- 1highest lvls govt spending G20 56% GDP
- largest proportion health budget govt-funded altho residents pay top-up insurance (4th% highest GDP G20)
- govt welfare+ pensions high 2016 worked full time 40yrs =£15,000 annual compared £7,500 UK by 2018, education £8,500/student, yr compared UK inner ldn £7,000+ rural £3,750
Govt spending varies- Saudi Arabia
- healthcare 80% state funded high quality hospitals+ free state healthcare
- welfare+ pensions vary, 2015 1/3working age official unemployment 12%- hidden rate increase only 22% women work, 2013 Time mag claimed 20% lived poverty, unemployment pay £400/month only 12months+ pensions low (£300monthly)
- education lower Fr as focused religious teachings, teachers poorly trained+ leavers unable find jobs technical oil industry (97% export)/ govt ex-Pact workers skilled+ better qualified
Totalitarian regime
a system of government that is centralised and dictatorial; it requires complete subservience. E.g. North Korea.
Welfare state
a state that has policies in place (health care, benefits, education, social care) to ensure the social progress. Spending on the wellness of all citizens is a priority.
World bank education+ environ- MDGs:
- founding member Global Partnership for Education (GPE) est 2002-> achieve MDGs to be achieved 2000-15-> focus poor+ most disadvantaged children developing early reading assessment systems+ more recent focused secondary+higher education
- 2016 new initiative- CC Action Plan help developing countries use renewables, develop early flooding warning systems+ develop inv agriculture (part new strategy end poverty) as increase recognition CC threat global efforts end poverty+ increase urgent need protect poor ppl+ countries
IMF (International Monetary Fund)+ poverty- Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs)
- strengthen weakening currencies+ foster stronger econ policies ->focused heavily indebted countries- imposed SAPs re-arranging loans adjusted rates interest+ affordable repayments
- SAPs= series conditions state play reduced part econ (privatisation)+ Soc welfare (severe reduced govt spend health/ education)-> benefit TNCs
- since 2000 encouraged poor countries focus MDGs- IMF shift attention global poverty -> poverty reduction programme-> instead imposed conditions- countries required develop own medium- term development plans receive aid, loans+ debt relief e.g. Haiti after 2016 hurricane Matthews target 2030= emerging econ
World Trade Organisation (WTO) +environ
- policies encouraged countries increase trade- promoting econ development+ reduced debts
- however frequently resulted environ degradation e.g. Indonesia rainforest clearance -> growth palm oil production
- most trade policies now try tackle environ problems
- > reduced int movement products/ species potentially harmful/ endangered
- > challenging trade agreements where may be implications for CC
- clear conflict interest most powerful counties in WTO+ limiting trade- may benefit those countries
MDG1- eradicate extreme poverty+ hunger:
Extreme poverty declined more than 1/2, undernourished developing regions fallen almost half 2015 however still over 800m in extreme poverty+ targets not met sub-Saharan Africa+ W Asia
MDG2- achieve universal primary education
Primary skl enrolment reached 91% but 57m still not attending w/ inequality for girls
MDG3-promote gender equality+ empower women
Increase women parliamentary roles (nearly 2x) but parity not reached especially Oceania+ sub-Saharan Africa
MDG4-reduce child mortality
- Rate reduction child mortality 3x globally since 1990s
- child mortality 1/2
- vaccinations more widespread
- but many regions missed targets
MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)=
- Successful overall aim fight poverty+ combat range issues hampering human development
- however varying success due vague+ optimistic targets
- actual success v subjective+ many goals long way go to be ‘accomplished’
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
- go further than MDGs from 8-17 addressing root causes poverty+ universal need style development that works all ppl->more developed+ adequate help close development gap to sustainability+ environ concern
- yet focus still developed world+ lil on developed worlds contribution aid
- connected 3 strategic focus areas UN Development Programme unifying goals so more attainable [sustainable development, democratic governance+ peace building, climate+ disaster resilience]