EQ2-Globalisation Flashcards
Global shift
Changing geographical locations of manufacturing beginning 1970s+80s from EU+USA-migrate Asian countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, China, India+Taiwan
- Asian counties became involved shift early=now major players globalised econ
- 1960s low-tech production textiles+ toys moved emerging ‘tiger’ econ Taiwan+ S Korea, 1980s accelerated consumer electronics Japan+ 1990s moved China+ other low cost areas
Global shift is accelerated by
- individual Asian countries e.g. India/China began allow oversea’s co’s access their markets ‘open door policy’
- TNCs began seek new areas manufacturing (China)+ outsourcing (call centres India) FDI began flow emerging/re-emerging Asian countries+ pol links India
- ‘race to the bottom’ for lower costs of labour for TNCs but also need infrastructure
China benefits of ‘global shift’
- reductions in poverty 1981-2010 680m+ extreme 84%1980- 10%2016+by 2022 est 45%urban middle class-increase income more ppl working+paid from increased FDI-more taxes govt inv health+ education+ can buy clean water, better food+medicine so live longer+ demand better conditions
- education free+compulsory 6-15, 15+ 94%literate compared 20% 1950, 2014 7.2m graduated Unis 20x more than 2000-growth higher education-skilled workforce expanding knowledge+ service sectors higher income- healthier lifestyles+conditions
- Infrastructure 82airports since 2000 total=250, rail system 100,000km length linking all cities+provinces (longest)-more access+ connectivity for job opportunities+FDI meaning increase income+soc connections
- largest recipient FDI since 2000+share global trade by value 3%-2001->10%2013+ rapid urbanisation along industrialisation 30 cities over 1m 2000-150 2015
China costs of ‘global shifts’
- land degradation 40%farmland suffering (China 6.4%world, 7.2% farmland), over 3hectares arable land(size Belgium) polluted W/heavy metals since 2000
- industrialisation, use fertilisers+ pesticides+ demands pop->over-intensive grazing affecting productivity of land
- over-exploitation of resources- Amazonia rainforest cleared Chile, Cerrado Savannah converted soy fields Brazil+ oil fields developed Venezuela’s Orinoco belt all for China altho has abundant oil+ coal+ key metals can’t keep up demand so govt sought additional resources Africa+Latin America affecting econ+health these countries
- pollution-2015 US climate research air pollution kills avg 1.6m/yr, 70% rivers+lakes polluted+ 360m not access safe drinking water-factories= making manufacturing regions increasingly unhealthy causing major harm irreversible
- increase unplanned settlements-big increase informal homes:expanding housing villages edge cities add extra storeys houses +rent migrant workers, farmland (owned collectively under communism) privately developed for housing without permission- rapid industrialisation created urgent need more urban housing, land prices rocketed made decent housing unaffordable particular near city centres
Deindustrialisation Leicester
- 1920s over 300,000worked textile mills
- by 1960s 1 factory supplying knitwear MandS employed 6,500 workers on own this demand for extra workers brought Indian, Pakistani families
- by 1970s overseas competition meant cheaper clothes available from Asia so manufacturing jobs lost(deindustrialisation)
Impacts of deindustrialisation Leicester
- many textiles co’s forced close+lots previous industrial land left abandoned/ derelict
- much of derelict land=contaminated prev dumping chemical waste (e.g. dyes)or from manufacturing domestic gas from local+ other industrial waste disposal
- as traditional industries closed pop fell+became run down+ housing low cost-many ppl low incomes/unemployment moved-> pockets deprivation- inner city Leicester wards:Belgrave 6.7%unemployed (20%ENG)+Spinney Hills 7.9% unemployed (top 5% eng most deprived wards)
- most areas gained rep crime mainly property related(theft) or antisocial behaviour
Rapid urban growth
- 2008 over 1/2pop live urban
- by 2050 extra 3bn exp living urban areas
- > birth mega cities(more 10m) 1970 7-2020 30 from rural-urban migration+ natural increase
New Delhi pull factors
- increased FDI created many new jobs W/financial district-hub
- growth mass transport+ improved commun means less obstacles ‘shrinking world’
- range work opportunities+ hope promotion+ advancement pro role non-existent rural
- schooling+ health care may be better in urban areas-gd place young migrants aspirations children
New Delhi push factors
- poverty aggravated pop growth depressed wages+ under employment
- scarcity gds, resources, loss/ degradation farmland due development, pollution, conflict, natural disasters->crop failure
Natural increase
- difference between a society’s cycle birth rate+crude death rate
- migrant pop as found mega cities often have high natural increase due higher proportions Young fertile adults+less older
Rapid urban growth soc challenges
- growth>local authorities ability provide basic services e.g. housing, education+ sanitation challenging them
- new ‘informal’ jobs more available ppl rushing in without qualifications- govt don’t receive tax for services provided
- most countries private co’s more likely govt-provide housing, water, healthcare, energy+ sanitation- target high earners 1st in cities
- sprawling squatter settlements from uncontrollable growth
- competition for more jobs causes more crime
Rapid urban growth environ challenges
- WHO(World Health Organisation) New Delhi judged worse for air quality W/153micrograms of particulates/cm^3 Ldn only 16
- New Delhi increase pop+ prosperity vehicles predicted increase 4.7m 2010->26m 2025+ air pollution India’s 5th largest killer
- sewage, chemicals dumping from factories+ fuel spillages all increase from outsourcing factories+ poorly maintained vehicles
A hub city
Become focal pt for activities w/global influence, flows of money, gds+ workers help link them+form a network to grow
Elite migrants
- Skilled, Wealthy (experts in finance+inv)or socially influential
- foreign buyers involved 82%property deals central W/Qatari inv buying into The Shard, Canary Wharf, Harrods etc
- 1/3 foreign purchases residential property Ldn 2004-14went Russians this high demand->property price inflation most too expensive natives e.g. 2011 Hyde Park Development apartment Ldn’s most expensive £136m
Interdependencies UK+ E EU relation migration
- some sectors UK econ highly dependent E EU labour+ in turn relies migrant remittances from UK
- e.g. 2009 global financial crisis many UK buildings projects cancelled-> many migrants stopped sending money home-Estonia econ shrank 13%
- soc+pol ties can be strengthened thru migration e.g. lrg Indian pop UK
Low wage migrants
- entry visas tied particular jobs so always risk being deported when contract ends (But escape poverty at home)
- UAE(9m) +Qatar(2m) benefited flows cheap labour both labour shortages cos small pop
- often working $4a day rapid building infrastructure for high-end int tourism+ service e.g, stadiums World Cup 2022->workplace accidents common Guardian reported 964 died Qatar 2012+13
- but tighter laws+regulations mean developed countries less likely exploit low wage migrants
Host benefits
- fills particular skills shortage key areas
- receives skilled+ lower skilled workers for jobs difficult fill as locals reluctant
- sustain growing leisure sector+ life middle class cleaning, childcare, elderly care
- often balance ageing pop W/young adults+increased birth rate
- spend wages rent benefiting landlords+ tax+ some ambitious entrepreneurs
Host costs
-pressure housing, healthcare+skl places, soc tensions some pol parties change policies address concern migration+some illegal
Source benefits
- earns remittance payments sent home by overseas migrants
- less public spending housing+health as costs transferred host
- increased employment remittances paid build new homes/ invest local business or migrants return W/new skills
Source costs
- many Young leave-dependent pop elderly+ creates long-term econ challenges
- reduced econ growth as consumption falls
- closure some unis cos lack students+urban services for young adult market->decline+ dereliction
- loses most skilled+dynamic workers (Brain drain) key areas healthcare+ entrepreneurship+ business skills
Cultural diffusion
Powerful civilisations bring cultural change to their places
-by TNCs major role uniform products globally bringing cultural change to places+sometimes adapt glocalisation, global media window different culture+festivals, migration+ tourism exposing different cultures can being enormous change e.g. language
How cultural change affect ppl+ environ global media (TV, news, music)
Culture lost W/translations, vocab starting culturally diversify
How cultural change affect ppl+environ Nutrition transitions Asia
Chinese annual meat consumption increase 10x, old healthy lifestyle changing more westernised consumption meat as more prosperity+ growth middle class+ fast food high calories-increasing methane damaging environ
->as TNCs spread western foods- v unhealthy bringing obesity+ diabetes+ food not meant be sustainable damaging effect environ
How cultural change affect ppl+ environ loss of tribal lifestyles in Papua New Guinea
- cultures lost ppl attracted TNCs especially young
- many wear modern westernised clothing (t-shirts) usually wore nothing
- no longer value local ecosystems same used to soc goals more important as hunt endangered species for food/ sell
- increasing moving from rainforest (Amazonia)- urban areas (Manaus) leaving behind traditional homes
- want income, education+ health improvements for their children
Cultural erosion
Loss of Lang, tradition+ soc relations which can also change built+ natural environ e.g, clone cities
-Increases as more globalisation as world becomes more connected, -built environ can be preserved thru UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) since 1972 UN given special recognition places unique cultural/physical significance 1,000recognised
Hyper globalisation
Largely westernised culture emerging as result cultural erosion around world
Cultural imperialism/ colonialism
Domination of 1 culture over another econ/ tech factors may also play role
Pro-globalisation + optimistic hyperglobalisers
World Economic Forum, groups support globalisation as winners+ losers competition+ promote free trade+ free markets as ways eradicating inequality.
Optimistic hyperglobalisers see merit in emergence global culture as values equality, freedom of expression + reduced discrimination
Anti-globalisation+ pessimistic hyperglobalisers
World Social Forum, groups oppose globalisation as feel caused inequalities from colonialism, capital v labour, men v women etc
Pessimistic hyperglobalisers believe that traditions, lang+ ecosystems disappearing due focus econ growth not sustainable development
World Social Forum
- Social movements, networks, NGOs+ other civil society org opposed new-liberalism+ world dominated capital or any form imperialism
- debate ideas democratically formulate proposals share experiences+ network effective action->aim more equal distribution wealth
World Economic Forum
- 2500 business leaders+ heads state meet at an exclusive Swiss mountain resort to make big deals FDI+ trade+ discuss global issues
- see globalisation as means drive econ growth+ cooperation as means ensure that all countries+ co’s can benefit
- ‘commuting to improving state of world by engaging business+ pol, academic+ other leaders society shape global, regional+ industrial agendas’
National resistance France
- govt excluded culture from agreement on trade
- limited foreign culture (music, film, TV) broadcast 40%Fr, no more than 55% American film imports
- internet downloading music+ films affected this+ since 2007 govt more accepting cos successful Fr TNCs e.g, EDF Energy
National resistance Iran
- early 2000s govt confiscated Mattel’s Barbie dolls from toy stores denouncing it’s un-Islamic image
- since govt liberalised position partly cos need int cooperation against racism+ Iranian youths accessing banned soc media e.g. Twitter+ Facebook anyway
How cultural change affect ppl+environ new awareness of opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Athletes at the 2016 Rio Paralympics-more widely celebrated, changed attitudes to disability more equal rights W/sterilisation programmes lasting until 20th C+ increase more tolerant other ethical+moral issues