Miss Jones EQ2 Flashcards
Perception of an area
- place may source strength some but may leave others trapped/ cut off opportunities
- vital part lived experience+ affects how ppl engage, varies individuals+ groups e.g. age, soc class, ethnicity+quality life
- factors may real or imagined
Mydral’s cumulative causation model
- New industry or expansion
- linked industry attracted supplying raw materials or processing product
- more jobs created
- enlarged pool trained labour
- demand services increases
- pop rises more local wealth(immigration)
- spending power increases W/improved tax revenue+ consumer base enlarged
- tertiary sector grows+ new construction starts
- more innovation p+ invention to new industries or expansion
Berkshire= successful region:
More industry W/lots of R+D
Major It co Microsoft+Oracle -more services+ spending power(development)
Wide floodplain so easy to build on+ connectivity close Heathrow airport + M4 corridor increases commuter access
Major concerns in Berkshire
- skills shortage need 70,000 well qualified workers by 2020
- small pockets deprivation-Aldermaston w/poor bus service
- over reliance key businesses e.g. ICT Reading
- lack affordable housing commuter villages price growth 40-50%next 10yrs +some 6 bedroom houses £2m Cookham+Windsor, fastest growing pop SE Eng town 6.4%
- risk flooding
Rust belt
Concentration problems associated loss core employment+lrg scale de-industrialisation of manufacturing areas like in USA 1980s following automation, global shift +increase free trade Great Lakes to midwest steel+car production mainly
Detroit (urban decline)
- In Michigan near Pittsburgh+Chicago used be car manufacturing +steel industry+started decline 1950s loss Ford+GM impacts unemployment- spiral decline bankruptcy lots private sectors
- But Uber, Apple+ Microsoft moved big offices, new expensive housing attract affluent+ Henry Ford museum also demolished abandoned area
Beattyvillle city in Kentucky (rural decline)
- closure coal industry median annual income $12,000 national $54,000
- 1/2 families live below poverty line
- mainly live trailer homes/ log cabins+ homelessness forced fam live together W/3 or more generations under 1 roof
- men life exp 68.3yrs 8yrs below US avg
- 1/3 teenagers left high skl without graduating only 5% residents college degrees
- drug crime rife based re-selling prescriptions 2013 drug OD’s 56% accidental deaths Kentucky (spiral decline)
Gated communities
Controlled entrances+ often closed perimeter of walls+ fences
Sink estate
British councils housing estate characterised high lvls econ+ soc deprivation
Main priorities Berkshire
- deliver 10,500new homes mainly brownfield land
- encourage max house sizes, types+ tenures
- inv sustainable public transport p
- E Kennet Valley Plan- protected employment for Aldermaston, planning new homes+ improved access rail connections
- superfast broadband deployment plan
Civil engagement
Ways ppl participate community to improve quality life others or shape community’s future e.g. voting local+national elections, knowing who local MP/ councillors or who standing for election
Nat decline pop engagement especially 18-24
2014 Scottish independence referendum turnout nearly 85%, 20% higher pol engagement ldn, eu/brexit referendum 73%turnout
Political apathy
Ppl unwilling accept conditions live in but feel powerless do anything- sense frustration may produce greater community engagement, voting or protesting= important local views represented
Factors impacting engagement
- experience lack education, discrimination, access housing+ healthcare+ employment misrepresentation by authorities etc
- ppl longer residence more likely vote as able to+used to
- gender some countries don’t let women vote
- ethnicity more likely apathy as less represented by parties mainly white
- disability less represented
- more wealth more engagement as less deprivation
- religion some parts deeply influential affecting experiences+attachment
- age teenagers experience different from parents or grandparents
CS London riots 2011 different views regeneration
- major ldn inv £28m W/rebuilding Peacock Industrial Estate created 5,000jobs but required temp/permanent closure small businesses
- Haringey council engaged Arup (planning+design consultancy) build 2housing zones W/10,000 homes around Tottenham Hale station
- Spurs long ambitions rebuild stadium lost funding West Ham redevelopment Olympic stadium requirement affordable housing in project removes some profit necessary for further regeneration
- some worried religious diversity churches created African-Caribbean community lost
- new build homes often expensive most local residents losing out gentrification+ high priced ldn attract more here some newspapers describe ‘social cleansing’ network’our Tottenham’ supported co like N17
Causes 2011 riots
- petty criminality
- urban deprivation
- poor relationship police+black community higher% in area stopped+searched more often W/yrs mistreatment
- anger bonuses paid bankers
- give cutbacks EMA
- unusually warm summer
- increasing uni tuition fees
- weak police response insufficiently tough reaction meant more looted
- soc+econ inequality Britain less equal in wages, life chances since 1929
- high youth unemployment most looter U20
- rank opportunism looting involves wider range ppl as doesn’t involve physical violence so more damage done
- alienated+ disaffected youth
Need for regeneration in new Malden
- gd connections ldn+ only my borough station 4 marketing itself to young pro wanting work central
- avg income higher UK avg but lower ldn avg-more affordable land
- pop exp grow next 20yrs most in young pro- increasing spending power of council from taxes
- 2016 report KT need smaller no. 1+2bedroom+more 3+4 due best use land more smaller units built
- 2015-35 over 14,000 need homes+ prediction rise single ownership due affordability+ help buy scheme- more homes needed
- more dependent pop higher 65+, 0-15than rest KT or Ldn + national ageing pop increase need wheelchair+ sheltered accommodation
- 6.8% households overcrowded +2.5 avg household size
- but 72%econ active+ most amount lvl 4 qualifications+above roughly 43% 10% greater KT+Eng mostly IMD decile 8+7
Different regeneration scheme proposals
- lack attractive open space for community use events/markets St George Square plans landscaping
- improving outside NM station lights to welcome
- shop front improvements agreeing on colour palette as inconsistent style+ approx 1/3 high street shops Korean signage=mystery
- blagdon rd redevelopment 91new homes 28affordable+ public space improvement+ more bike+car parking
How media reacted NM
Redevelopment crocks crescent see possible additional 520 homes on site Cambridge estate chaos local residents+ affordability Malden Independent Community org arguing against+ 10-storey tower block erected blogs calling “sore thumb”+ Surrey comet fear becoming “Croydon-on-Thames”
Bais from author+newspaper audience
Guardian more sympathetic minority groups generally labour focus
Daily mail less sympathetic minority groups +conservative
Financial Times more focused business case for regeneration