EQ3-Globalisation Flashcards
Economic measures GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
-Final value of outputs gds+services in a country divided by pop (GDP per capita
-includes foreign-owned businesses W/their operations
-doesn’t account for purchasing parity in different currencies hiding wealth rich+ poverty of poor
(Data can be misleading China 2nd GDP $11tn but 84th capita £14,000)
Economic measures economic sector balance
Proportion of country’s GDP across 4sectors: primary, secondary, tertiary+ quaternary but doesn’t compare value of sectors
Social measures Human Development Index (HDI)
- 3indicators(soc+econ)GDP/PPP, life exp, literacy rate combing give score 0-1
- used by UNDP(United Nations Development Plan)identify development since 2010
Social measures GII (Gender Inequality Index)
- composite index devised by UNDP(soc+econ)
- reproductive health(maternal mortality+adolescent birth rates), empowerment (Parliament seats occupied men vs women), education and employment(labour force participation rate females+males 15+ doesn’t include unpaid work+25+ same education lvl men vs women)
- doesn’t include family work
Social measures Environ quality (air pollution indices)
- measured by Yale Uni uses amount pollution found outdoors+ inside homes
- many lower income countries score poorly as use wood burning stoves for cooking indoors
- deteriorates as econ development
GINI coefficient
- 0-1or 0-100 measuring degree inequality in distribution income within country (higher=more inequality)
- Lorenz curve shows wealth distribution on graph
- straight diagonal line represents perfect equality wealth distribution A
- Lorenz curve beneath shows reality B
- difference= amount inequality wealth distributions
Difference in GINI
- Haiti(emerging)60.8-big informal sectors, underdeveloped, subsistence farmers but some industries-high inequality
- Mexico(developing)48.2-moderate spread wealth newly developing
- Sweden(developed) 25.2-v gd welfare system W/lots taxation+equal distribution of wealth
Globalisation winners economically
- factory+call centre Asia facilitated growth middle class theses worker’s incomes risen as gained outsourced+off-shored jobs
- about 1800billionaires 2016-most made wealth ownership global TNCs
- developed countries proved v gd maintaining wealth despite rise countries e.g, China
- ppl work TNCs developed=high income+ reasonable job security but high-stress
- many countries advanced low-income->middle income status since 1970s showing ‘three- speed’ world of developed, emerging+ developing
Globalisation losers economically
- isolated rural pop Asia+Sub-Saharan Africa-subsistence farming still dominates+global connections=thin->widening income gap altho incomes risen slowly+absolute poverty fallen worldwide not everywhere+huge gains others
- growing divide within nations e.g.China majority better off but relation richest getting poorer as GINI47%+increase focus mega cities(Beijing, Shanghai)
- workers (especially men)old industrial cities developed world generally lost jobs
- slum dwellers(developing)mega cities like Lagos-reality urban life often much worse off than they exp
- workers sweatshop factories (emerging) suffer exploitation-may be better than rural areas came from
- 2013:8-storey factoring building (Rana Plaza)clothing co collapsed-> killing over 1,000ppl typically built quickly for rising demands clothing industry, new floors added->cracks started show but ‘declared safe’
Globalisation winners environ
- lrg scale global flows cheap food=gd news EU+US
- some countries take advantage globalisation without damaging environ(others can’t)->econ development Sweden not affected quality environment-management maintains biodiversity, water+air quality
Globalisation losers environ
- transformation 40% land surface-productive agricultural land-> habitat loss+biodiversity falls on a continental scale
- negative impacts agribusinesses operate poorest countries e.g. Africa+ S Asia->causes issues due intensive cash-cropping, cattle ranching+ aquaculture->neg effect ground water sources+ remove mangrove forests->increase susceptibility coastal flooding
- econ development->increase energy use+air pollution emissions
Movement ppl who share a Nat+/ethnic identity away from their perceived homeland
Post-accession migration
Flow econ migrants after a country joined EU
Holding extreme views usually pol or religious
Populist extremism
Pol ideology that rejects current pol consensus appeals “common man”
Melting pot
-place where different ppls, styles, theories etc mixed together in a homogenised culture->e.g. London residents from almost every country, ethnicity+lang (65%babies born outside UK, Uk avg 25%)
Melting pot(culturally mixed societies+thriving migrant diasporas) created by
- open borders(EU fee movement->2015 about 250,000 Fr living Ldn )
- Freedom to invest(no barriers/restrictions)
- FDI (Ldn attracted over 32,000overseas ppl work city 2015, home 35% all EU headquarters, leading recipient FDI inv from Fr, Japan, Australia, India+Ireland)
Mixed feeling migration+ cultural mixing
- open borders lots cultural change 2004+8 E EU joined, EU post-accession migration followed UK+Ireland, 1m E EU migrated UK pop 59.5-64.6m in 10yrs
- welcomed many shop keepers increased customers+ jobs hard fill but some feel increase pressure birth pressure on skls
- UK residents began relocating Med (Fr, Italy+ Spain) 1993(1st EU movements allowed) local businesses thrived even GB shops but some young strained relations cultural tensions W/indigenous
Rise of extremism in Europe
-RW UK-UKIP only 10%vote 2013 whereas 15% 2015
-some groups fear open borders increase likelihood terrorism->76% Hungary fear refugees being terrorism, 63%Greece believe diversity will worsen their country
-Austrian Freedom Party 2009 election 12.7-22.5%(RW)+
National Front (Fr) 6.3->21.5%-2014
-Ldn much more diverse than other parts UK as world city+ hub as 1st region white British ppl become minority 45% 2011
Trans-boundary water conflicts in SE Asia
- 1950-2000 75% of 2000int disputes-about quantity water available+25% impacts dams
- conflict most likely developing nations where water=vital feed struggling greying pop+ promote industrial development
- Yayabari dam Laos+2011, 11+dams proposed lower Mekong (9=Laos)
- China owns 1/2 length, S part one poorer regions in country damning river generate HEP+encourage econ development there
- Myanmar-least affected current proposals none 9tributaries affected+no plans atm
- Thailand-36%territory in basin water+electricity generated by dams for industrial development+ aid rural inv stem flow migrants to its cities
- Vietnam-Mekong delta fertile area 50,000km^2supports 40% pop, annual floods allow lrg amounts rice grown, continuing dam Mekong further upstream-reduced river flow 10%already lost
- Cambodia-nearly all within Mekong basin, depends crucial annual flooding rice-growing areas, lack reliable energy sources-> depletion forests for firewood, HEP boost econ but displace villagers fertile land beside river
- Laos-one poorest countries, 90%pop depends agriculture
Control globalisation censorship (most effective)
- China(communist)-intolerant criticisms 1988 students demonstrated->100s died-Google withdrew 2010 as asked hide info, Facebook, Twitter+YT unavailable but 400m interact local soc media (Youku Tudou)
- Amnesty int report 2014 lrg amount imprisoned journalists+ cyber dissidents, 60internet regulations+2m monitoring internet for govt as open door policy threatened
- N Korea no access cos sate controls
Control globalisation limiting migration
- since 2010 5-tier pt system UK checking econ migrants possess desirable skills
- rules don’t apply EU-free movement+no control refugees allowed remain human rights law
- UK govt 2010pledge cut net migration-100,000/yr-target now met cos fewer left UK live overseas since 2008 fin crisis+£-€exchange rate weakened
- across EU, Australia+ USA debates migration W/increase RW as cheap migrant labour undercuts local wages+govt not planned adequately increase demand welfare
- debates UK=difficult as skills shortages knowledge econ+booming market overseas uni students
Control globalisation trade protectionism
- protectionism=econ policy limiting trade thru tariffs, quotas favour domestic co’s to ‘protect’ econ+standard living domestic workers+ dominant culture-many argue impossible businesses+ industries early stages survive unless protected from free trade
- ‘l’exception culturelle’ pol concept intro Fr allows culture treated differently other commercial products restrict foreign imports foreign films 2005-11 50%American cinemas unlike 60-90%other EU, media limit cultural erosion subsidising activities e.g, taxes cinema tickets aid production+distribution FR cinema+ 40% radio Fr
- free market challenged Nat govts 2016 cheap Chinese steel entered global market prices heavily subsidised by govt-protect own manufacturers->in UK largest manufacturer Tata Steel out all plants up sale+ threatened close if no deal raise tariffs but against WTO rules
First Nation groups Canada
- 1st indigenous ppl mostly N+NE-oil+tar sands found here govt+ TNCs want exploit
- tensions already risen-residential skls ‘to kill the Indian in the child’ 150,000children taken+3,200 died->mistrust
- environ tensions W/pollution land+animals many rely (subsistence farming)
- soc protect culture+ lifestyle exposure oil workers+ westernised culture effects drugs+ alcohol especially impressionable young, noxious side effects more cancer rates+deformed bad meat animals, resource exploitation destroying environ-culture move elsewhere
- TNCs+govt exploitation over time take priority
Not harming environ for today’s generation/future
Range pol philosophies that prioritise local over regional/global production e.g, transition towns 1 response sustainability
Transition towns
-settlement where individuals+businesses adopted ‘bottom-up’ initiative W/aim make community more sustainable+less reliant global trade
E.g. Todmorden town (S Pennines Eng)-‘Incredible Edible Todmorden’ campaign received Nat lottery funding+ created 40public fruit+ veg gardens+ stages regular educational talks+events in town encourage consumers+ growers work together long-term gd planet
Pros transition towns
- consumers many small products UK adopted organic farming methods using fewer pesticides better for health (soc)
- producers UK farmers moved up value chain manufacturing locally source items e.g. jams, fruit juices, wine (econ)
- local sourcing sometimes helps ppl reduce carbon footprint size as travels less food miles (distance farm-consumer)(environ)
Cons transition towns
- tomatoes UK grown heated greenhouses+ poly tunnels during winter->larger carbon footprint than imported Spanish (environ)
- less demand from UK consumers (90%eng fish exported elsewhere)+ means arrested econ development e.g, Ivory Coast producers (econ)
- can be v expensive for consumers especially if low income (soc)
Fair trade
- offers guaranteed higher income farmers+some manufactures even if market price changes letting shoppers known what spend find way pay pockets poor workers
- not all shoppers want pay more, no. Schemes grows harder ensure money correctly distributed+ not possible all world’s farmers join scheme offering high fixed price for potentially unlimited crop yields
Supply chain monitoring
- lrg businesses increasing accept need corporate soc responsibility->largest 1,000suppliers increase risk branded products being linked W/worker exploitation
- hard monitor working conditions+ pay for workforce of every single supplier they buy from+ especially hard workplaces of suppliers’ suppliers
NGO action
-NGOs limited fin resources->can limit scale whet achieve or slow progress altho NGOs e.g. Amnesty International work hard increase awareness ethical issues many ppl remain unaware/unconcerned W/worker exploitation
Ethical shopping
-deliberately choosing/boycotting a product cos ethical nature to reduce inequalities in global trade+ improve working conditions for disadvantaged groups
E.g, buying clothes from charity shops/fair trade
-not every 1 wants more for these products in some situations+ down be more time consuming