Miscellaneous information Flashcards
The ___________ covers the anterior and posterior cervical triangles extending from the ligamentum nuchae to the midline and splitting around the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
investing fascia
The ___________ surrounds the thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, larynx and lower pharynx, and blends laterally with the carotid sheath and investing fascia.
pre-tracheal fascia
The ________ is thick and prominent where it covers the anterior vertebral muscles and is thin and non-distinct deep to the trapezius. It covers the cervical ventral rami and is continuous with the axillary sheath
pre-vertebral fascia
The ________ is a fascial tube surrounding the common and internal carotid arteries, the internal jugular vein, the vagus nerve and portions of the ansa cervicalis.
carotid sheath
There are two important spaces associated with the deep fascial layers of the neck. The_________ space surrounds the trachea bounded by the anterior wall of the espohagus, the pretracheal fascia and infrahyoid muscles.
The ___________ triangle is bounded by the inferior margin of the mandible, midline of the neck and anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid. It is further subdivided into four triangles
anterior cervical

The ________ space is positioned between the prevertebral fascia and the posterior wall of the esophagus, and is continuous with the retropharyngeal space (between the prevertebral fascia and pharyngeal constrictors).
The _________ triangle is bounded by the base of the mandible, and the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle. The mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles form its floor, and it contains the submandibular glands and lymph nodes.

The _________ triangle is bounded by the two anterior digastric muscles and the body of the hyoid. The mylohyoid muscle forms its floor and it contains the submental lymph nodes.

The _________ triangle is bounded by the midline of the neck, anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid and superior belly of the omohyoid muscle. The muscular triangle contains the infrahyoid muscles and thyroid gland.

The ______triangle is bounded by the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, superior belly of the omohyoid and the posterior belly of the digastric. The floor is formed by portions of the thyrohyoid, hyoglossus, and inferior and middle constrictors, and contains the upper portion of the carotid artery and its bifurcation. Portions of the hypoglossal and superior laryngeal nerves and ansa cervicalis may also traverse the carotid triangle.

The ________ triangle is bounded by the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, the superior surface of the middle clavicle and anterior margin of the trapezius. It is further subdivided into supraclavicluar and occipital triangles:
posterior cervical

The _________ triangle is bounded by the clavicle, inferior belly of the omohyoid and posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Its floor is formed by the 1st rib, middle scalene and upper serratus anterior muscles, and it contains a portion of the subclavian artery and trunks of the brachial plexus.
The ________ triangle is bounded by the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, anterior border of the trapezius and inferior belly of the omohyoid. The splenius capitis, levator scapulae, scalene and semispinalis capitis muscles contribute to its floor, and it contains the *****accessory nerve and lymph nodes.