Miscellaneous Flashcards
How far out do the Center Fuel tanks extend?
Almost as far as the Engines
What type of Flaps does the 757 have?
-Double Slotted
-Full Wing
Rather than mechanical, what type of IRS is installed in the 767?
A computer detects the time taken for light to travel between mirrors inside the gyro
Lowest RNP value we can fly in the 756 fleet
Lowest RNP requirement we can accept on a missed approach segment
Status messages tell us-
What is not working on the aircraft
If the Seat Belt switch is in Auto when will it come on ?
Langing Gear Extension
What does the “CONFIG” light mean?
Speed breaks out below 800’
Speed Breaks out and Flaps in the Landing position
What is the primary source of Navigation?
IRS- updated by GPS and/or ground based Nav
If GPS updating is selected off before takeoff what happens with the IRS position?
It updates to the takeoff runway position when thrust levers are advanced. If you are doing an intersection takeoff it would be important to have the specified.
How are the main cabin emergency exit lights powered?
Battery Packs charged by right main bus power
If the flashlight is removed how long will it last?
Four hours
What doe sit mean if CPDLC clearance starts with “Cleared Route Clearance”
There has been a change to the route- must call to confirm
Recommended to be configured to ___kts and Flaps__ buy__
-Flaps 15
-No later than 4nm from FAF
Missed Approach Calls-
At 400’ call for-
At 800’ call for-
-“Going Around, Flaps 20, check thrust”
-400’-lateral mode
-800’-vertical mode (call for CMS) bug up, shut up
When do you call from the after takeoff checklist on a go-around?
After cleaned up and in FLCH
“Flaps up, FLCH (CMS), after takeoff checklist”
Why are contaminated runway crosswind limits greater than takeoff limits?
To account for directional control in a V1 cut
Normal pitch/power setting on an ILS
-1° and 57% N1 or 1.04-1.08 EPR
-PW engine-slightly less
-753- slightly more
“Weather to the feather”
-What is the UK version of this?
-The European version?
-Need it to the “Approach Band” at 1000’
-Need it for the whole approach
What year was the 757 certified?
And what was the first airline to operate it?
December 1982
Eastern Airlines
China Southwest was cleared to fly to Bangda Airfield I’m the Tibetan Himalayas which sits at _____’
APU fuel burn in lbs/minute
4-5 lbs/minute depending on if electrical and air is being used or just air
How much fuel is saved by holding in a straight line Vs a race track pattern?
RECMD Alt uses___winds while
OPT ATL uses ___ winds
for the next 250-500 miles
all winds
If the “STEP TO function contradicts the RECMD altitude which should we use?
The “STEP TO” number- Boeing says the difference should not be “dramatic”
FM 4.80.6