Misc Info Flashcards
How do you say capital letters?
T majuscule
N majuscule
How do you say double letters?
deux n
deux t
Forward accent is called?
accent aigü
Backwards accent is called?
accent grave
What is the little roof/hat accent called?
accent circonflexe
What is the tail called used under the letter ‘c’?
What is the two-dot accent called?
In French, decimal numbers are written with a comma (une virgule):
5,30 € (cinq euros trente)
3,50 € (trois euros cinquante)
In spoken French, when a decimal number is not followed by a unit of measurement, for example euros,the word virgule must be said:
5,30 (cinq virgule trente)
3,50 (trois virgule cinquante)
une virgule - a comma (or decimal point)
If you are not specifying the quantity, you will need to use the following words which normally mean ‘some’ or ‘any’
· du - for masculine singular nouns · de la - for feminine singular nouns · de l’ - for masculine and feminine singular nouns beginning with a vowel sound · des - for all plural nouns
Note that some adjectives of colour do not agree with what they’re describing in gender or number. And when two adjectives are combined, they do not agree in gender or number.
Il a les cheveux châtain clair.
He has light brown hair.
J’ai une voiture bleu marine.
I have a navy blue car.
To describe particular physical features you use avoir + definite article (le/la/les) + part of the body.
You can also use avoir + indefinite article
(un/une/des) + part of the body.
However, for specific physical attributes you can only use une/une/des:
Jean a une barbe/une moustache.
Jean has a beard / a moustache.
Elles ont des taches de rousseur.
They have freckles.
Ils ont des lunettes.
They wear glasses.
Josette a des fossettes.
Josette has dimples.
To talk about what an item is made of
You can use en +noun
Nous avons un fauteuil en cuir.
We have a leather armchair.
Le tapis est en laine et (en) soie.
The rug is made of wool and silk.
J’aime beaucoup tes rideaux en coton.
I like your cotton curtains very much.
To say what an item is for:
You can use de +noun
Dans le salon, il y a un meuble de télévision. (= un meuble pour la télévision)
In the lounge, there is a TV unit.
J’ai une jolie table de chevet en pin. (= une table pour le chevet du lit)
I have a nice bedside table.
Ma lampe de salon est en bronze. (= une lampe pour le salon)
My table lamp is made of bronze.
Note the absence of any article (le/la/les or un/une/des) in both cases.
At the age of 15, students take the brevet,which gives them access to the lycée and three years of study leading to the baccalauréat (le bac). Alternatively, after the brevet, students can work for vocational qualifications, for example, the brevet d’enseignement professionel (BEP) or certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (CAP).
le brevet
le baccalauréat (le bac)
le brevet d’enseignement professionel (BEP)
le certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (CAP).
There are three main types of baccalauréat
(général, technologique and professionnel )…
…and within these there are different subdivisions:
the bac général can be ES (économique et social),
L (littéraire) or S (scientifique).
The baccalauréat gives access to higher education (les études supérieures) either at a university, or at other institutions such as les grandes écoles, les Instituts universitaires de technologie (IUT) or
les Instituts universitaires professionnels (IUP).