Mindfullness Flashcards
what does research suggest about negative thinking?
our brain tends to focus and hang on to negative thoughts and comments more strongly than positive thoughts and comments
what is mindfulness?
being purposely aware of what is happening and what you are feeling in the present, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future
it is a basic human ability and a tool/quality every human being possesses
mindfulness helps people to what?
respond to a situation rather than react
list several disciplines and practices that can cultivate mindfulness
- meditation
- yoga
- mindfulness walks
- mindfulness eating
what are some benefits of mindfulness?
- improves overall mental health
- helps with chronic pain → decreases pain level and pain-related limitations
- improves cognition, focus/attention
- reduces biases
- reduces emotional reactivity and tendency to focus on negative things
- improves emotional resiliency and intelligence
- improves social connectedness and empathetic attitudes
clinicians with strong mindfulness skills demonstrate what things?
- improved:
- ability to build rapport
- patient-centered communication
- positive emotional tone with patients
- patient satisfaction
list overall mindfulness benefits
- overall well-being
- immune function and response
- sleep quality
- self-awareness and self-insight
- self-esteem
- relationship with spouse and children
- impulse control
- morality
- intuition and fear modulation
- BP (reduces HTN)
list the 8 regions that are consistently changed with mindfulness
- Gray matter
- rostrolateral prefrontal cortex
- fusiform and inferior temporal gyri
- insular cortex
- anterior/mid cingulate cortex
- somatosensory cortices
- hippocampus
- White matter
- corpus callosum
- superior longitudinal fasciculus
list other areas of the brain that have been found to be altered by mindfulness
- amygdala
- prefrontal cortex
- temporoparietal
list the 4 most common types of mindfulness
- breathing mindfulness
- body scan
- loving-kindness
- observing-thought
describe breathing mindfulness
during breathing mindfulness you focus your attention on the sensation of breathing, and refocusing on the breath when the mind wanders
goal → improve ability to focus on the moment and not perseverate on the past or future
describe body-scan
during a body scan session, practitioners start at one end of their body and work through the whole body, scanning for areas of tension
goal → notice tension and allow it to release
describe loving-kindness
during loving-kindness mindfulness, while breathing deeply, practitioners open their minds to receiving love/kindness and send messages of love/kindness to the world or specific people
goal → cultivate attitude of love/kindness toward everything and everyone even sources of stress
describe observing-thought mindfulness
one is encouraged, while breathing deeply, to notice as thoughts arise, label them (for instance as positive or negative, focused on yourself or others) but avoid getting absorbed in them
goal → reduce emotional feelings/responses associated with different thoughts
all 4 types of mindfulness have the following benefits:
- increased positivity of affect
- increased energy
- increased focus on the present
- decreased thought distraction
list benefits specific to body scan mindfulness
- greatest increase in awareness of one’s body
- greatest decrease in negative thoughts and thoughts related to past and future
list benefits specific to loving-kindness mindfulness
greatest boost in feelings of warmth and positive thoughts about others
list benefits specific to observing-thoughts mindfulness
greatest increase in meta-cognitive awareness (awareness of how one thinks)
list benefits specific to breathing mindfulness
no additional/specific benefits compared to other types of mindfulness
how much and how long until mindfulness works?
- research has yet to arrive at a consensus about how much and how often is “enough”
- some beneficial changes in brains can occur in relatively short periods (5-60 hours of practice)
- unclear on how long benefits last if you stop practicing