Miller_Pediatrics Flashcards
Review Sprengel Disorder
Clinical features
Undescended scapula often associated with winging, hypoplasia, and omovertebral connections (30% of cases; Fig. 3.1)
Most common congenital anomaly of the shoulder in children
Affected scapulae are usually small, relatively wide, and medially rotated.
Associated diseases:
Klippel-Feil syndrome (Sprengel deformity in one-third of cases)
Kidney disease

Review Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the clavicle
Clinical features
Failure of union of medial and lateral ossification centers of right clavicle
Bilateral in less than 10%; left side if situs inversus
Manifests as an enlarging, painless, nontender mass
May be related to pulsations of the underlying subclavian artery
Radiographic findings
Anteroposterior (AP) view of the clavicle reveals rounded sclerotic bone at the pseudarthrosis site.
Usually asymptomatic and does not require treatment
Surgery (open reduction and internal fixation [ORIF] with bone grafting) is indicated for unacceptable cosmetic deformities or significant functional symptoms (mobility of fragments and winging of scapula) at age 3–6 years.
Successful union is predictable (in contrast to congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia).
Review Poland Syndrome
Clinical features
Unilateral chest wall hypoplasia (sternocostal head of pectoralis major absent)
Hypoplasia of hand and forearm
Symbrachydactyly and shortening of middle fingers—simple syndactyly of ulnar digits, absence of shortening of middle digits
Examination findings
Chest deformities: chest wall hypoplasia, Sprengel deformity, scoliosis
Hand deformities
Absence or hypoplasia of metacarpals and phalanges
Carpal bone abnormalities
Absence of flexor and extensor tendons
Can be associated with radioulnar synostosis
Treatment: syndactyly release; caution should be taken about possible lack of soft tissue coverage requiring full-thickness skin graft
Review Apert Syndrome
Autosomal dominant due to mutation in FGFr2 gene
Bilateral complex syndactyly of hands and feet
Craniosynostosis—premature closure of cranial sutures—flattened skull with broad forehead
Ankylosis of interphalangeal joints (symphalangism)
Radioulnar synostosis
Glenoid hypoplasia
Decreased mental capabilities
Surgical release of border digits done at 1 year of life
Digital reconstruction of middle digits to turn 3 digits into 2 digits done at 2 years old
Review Brachial Plexus Palsy
Clinical features
In 2 per 1000 births, an injury is still associated with stretching or contusion of the brachial plexus.
Typically manifests as internal rotation shoulder contracture and elbow and wrist flexion contractures
Progressive glenoid hypoplasia occurs in 70% of children with significant internal rotation contracture.
Hand function varies with level of brachial plexus deformity.
Three types commonly recognized (Table 3.1):
Erb-Duchenne (C5, C6)—best prognosis, most common
Klumpke (C8, T1)—poor prognosis
Total plexus palsy (C5–T1)—worst prognosis
Large size of neonate, shoulder dystocia, forceps delivery, breech position, prolonged labor
Radiographic studies
Investigations have focused on the position of the humeral head within the glenoid.
Posterior subluxation with erosion of the glenoid should be prevented.
Axillary lateral view of the shoulder should be obtained to evaluate position of humeral head.
If surgical reconstruction is planned, computed tomography (CT) scanning instead of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the shoulder should be considered.
Key to success of therapy consists of maintaining passive range of movement (ROM) and awaiting return of motor function (up to 18 months).
Parents should focus on passive elbow motion and shoulder elevation, abduction, and external rotation.
More than 90% of cases eventually resolve without intervention.
Lack of biceps function 6 months after injury and the presence of Horner syndrome carry a poor prognosis.
Options: early surgery to address nerve function, late surgery to address deformities
Microsurgical nerve grafting
Latissimus and teres major transfer to shoulder external rotators (L’Episcopo)
Tendon transfers for elbow flexion (Clark pectoral transfer and Steindler flexorplasty)
Pectoral and subscapularis release for internal rotation contracture and secondary glenoid hypoplasia (<5 years old)
Proximal humerus rotational osteotomy (>5 years old)
Release of the subscapularis tendon for internal rotation contracture, if performed by age 2 years, may result in improved active external rotation of the shoulder, with muscle transfer to assist in active external rotation.

Review rotational issues of the lower extremity
In-toeing usually attributable to metatarsus adductus (in infants), internal tibial torsion (in toddlers), and femoral anteversion (in children <10 years)
Out-toeing typically a result of external rotation hip contracture (in infants) and external tibial torsion and external femoral torsion (in older children and adolescents)
All these problems may be a result of intrauterine positioning.
Deformities usually bilateral; clinician should be wary of asymmetric findings.
Evaluation should include measurements listed in Table 3.2 and illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
Metatarsus adductus
Clinical features
Forefoot adducted at tarsal-metatarsal joint
Lateral border of foot is convex instead of straight
Usually seen during first year of life
May be associated with hip dysplasia (10%–15% of cases)
Approximately 85% of cases resolve spontaneously.
Stretching exercises are used for feet that can be passively corrected to neutral position (heel bisector line aligns with second metatarsal).
Feet that cannot be passively corrected (rare situation) usually respond to serial casting, with mixed results.
Lateral column shortening and medial column lengthening if patient older than 5 years old (mixed results)
Internal tibial torsion
Clinical features
Most common cause of in-toeing
Usually seen during second year of life and can be associated with metatarsus adductus and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
Internal rotation of tibia causes pigeon-toed gait.
Transmalleolar axis is internal.
Thigh-foot axis of −10 degrees
Resolves spontaneously with growth
Operative correction is rarely necessary except in severe case, which is addressed with a supramalleolar osteotomy when child is between 7 and 10 years of age.
External tibial torsion
Clinical features
Cause of out-toeing; may cause disability and decrease physical performance
Can worsen with growth—normal increase in external torsion
Associated with increased femoral anteversion (miserable malalignment syndrome), early degenerative joint disease, neuromuscular conditions
Manifests as knee pain due to patellofemoral malalignment
Thigh-foot axis > 40
Rest, rehabilitation
Supramalleolar osteotomy if child older than 8–10 years and external tibial torsion more than 40 degrees
Femoral anteversion
Clinical features
Internal rotation of femur; seen in 3- to 6-year-olds
Children with this problem classically sit with the legs in a W shape.
If associated with external tibial torsion, may lead to patellofemoral problems
Disorder usually corrects spontaneously by age 10
Special shoes, therapy, and derotational braces have never been shown to improve rates of remodeling.
In older children with less than 10 degrees of external rotation, femoral derotational osteotomy (intertrochanteric is best) may be considered for cosmesis, although this is not a functional problem.

Review Leg Length Discrepancies
Many potential causes
Congenital disorders (e.g., hemihypertrophy, dysplasias, proximal femoral focal deficiency [PFFD], DDH)
Paralytic disorders (e.g., spasticity, polio)
Infection (disruption of physis)
Long-term problems associated with leg length discrepancy (LLD) include inefficient gait, equinus contractures of ankle, postural scoliosis and low back pain, possible hip osteoarthritis with uncovering of the femoral head of the long leg.
Discrepancy must be measured accurately (e.g., with blocks of set height under affected side; with scanography).
Lateral CT scanography—more accurate than conventional scanography if there are soft tissue contractures of hip, knee, or ankle
Can be tracked with Green-Anderson data, Moseley graph (with serial leg length radiographs or CT scanograms and with bone age determinations) or the Paley multiplier method (most accurate for congenital deformities)
A gross estimation of LLD can be made under the following assumption of growth per year up to age 16 in boys and age 14 in girls (Fig. 3.3):
Distal femur: ⅛ inch (9 mm) per year
Proximal tibia: ¼ inch (6 mm) per year
Proximal femur: ⅛ inch (3 mm) per year
More accurate results with Moseley graph
In general, projected discrepancies at maturity of less than 2 cm are observed or treated with shoe lifts.
More than 50% of population have up to 2 cm of LLD and are asymptomatic.
Discrepancies of 2 to 5 cm
Epiphysiodesis of the long side
Shortening of the long side (ostectomy)
Lengthening of the short side
Discrepancies of more than 5 cm are generally treated with lengthening.
With use of standard techniques, lengthening of 1 mm a day is typical.
Ilizarov principles are followed, including metaphyseal corticotomy (preserving medullary canal and blood supply) followed by gradual distraction.
On rare occasions, physeal distraction (chondrodiastasis) can be considered.
This procedure must be performed in patients near skeletal maturity, because the physis almost always closes after this type of limb lengthening.

Quick review OCD
Clinical features
An intraarticular condition common in children 10 to 15 years of age that can affect many joints, especially the knee and elbow (capitellum)
Lesion thought to be secondary to trauma, ischemia, or abnormal epiphyseal ossification
Posterolateral portion of medial femoral condyle is most frequently involved
Symptoms include activity-related pain, localized tenderness, stiffness, and swelling, with or without mechanical symptoms.
Differential diagnosis includes anomalous ossification centers.
Radiographic studies
Tunnel (notch) view to evaluate condyles
MRI can determine whether there is synovial fluid behind the lesion (the worst prognosis for nonoperative healing).
Bracing and restricted weight bearing if the potential for growth remains significant (highest healing rates with open physes)
Surgical therapy is reserved for the adolescent with minimal growth left or a loose lesion.
Operative treatment includes drilling with multiple holes, fixation of large fragments, and bone grafting of large lesions.
Osteochondritis dissecans is commonly treated arthroscopically.
Poor prognosis is associated with lesions in the lateral femoral condyle and patella.
Quick review Discoid Meniscus
Clinical features
Abnormal development of the lateral meniscus leads to formation of a disc-shaped (or hypertrophic) meniscus rather than the normal crescent-shaped meniscus.
Symptoms include mechanical block and pain with catching and palpable click at knee.
Radiographic findings
Widening of the cartilage space on the affected side (up to 11 mm)
Squaring of condyles may be visible.
MRI yields three successive sagittal images with the meniscal body present.
Complete covering of tibial plateau
Incomplete covering of tibial plateau
Wrisberg variant—lacks posterior meniscotibial attachment; unstable
If symptomatic and torn, the discoid meniscus can be arthroscopically débrided and then saucerized so it resembles a normal-appearing meniscus.
If not torn, it should be observed.
If detached (Wrisberg variant), meniscus should be repaired.
Quick review congenital dislocation of the knee
Clinical features
Spectrum of disease from rigid dislocation to mild contractures
Classic position is knee hyperextension
Often occurs in patients with myelodysplasia, arthrogryposis, Larsen syndrome
Structural components
Quadriceps contracture
Tight collateral ligaments and anterior subluxation of hamstring tendons
Developmental hip dysplasia (50% of patients have concomitant DDH)
Metatarsus adductus
Reduction with manipulation and serial casting
Weekly casting
Knees should be reduced and cast before being treated with a Pavlik harness for DDH.
Performed if failure to achieve 30 degrees of knee flexion after 3 months of casting
Goal is to achieve 90 degrees of knee flexion.
Quadriceps lengthening (V-Y-plasty or Z-plasty)
Hamstring tendon transposition posteriorly
Collateral ligament mobilization
Review Tibial Bowing
ALways look
Probably mild
Posteromedial tibial bowing
Physiologic—thought to be due to intrauterine positioning. Posteromedial (PM) bowing is probably mild.
Usually of the middle and distal thirds of the tibia (Fig. 3.17)
Commonly associated with LLD, calcaneovalgus feet, and tight anterior structures
Spontaneous correction is the rule, but patient should be monitored to evaluate LLD.
Most common sequela of posteromedial bowing is an average LLD of 3 to 4 cm, which may necessitate an age-appropriate epiphysiodesis of the long limb.
Tibial osteotomies not indicated
Anteromedial tibial bowing
Commonly caused by fibular hemimelia (a congenital longitudinal deficiency of the fibula, which is the most common long-bone deficiency)
In addition to anteromedial bowing, fibular hemimelia is associated with:
Ankle instability due to ball-and-socket joint
Equinovalgus foot (with or without lateral rays)
Tarsal coalition
Femoral shortening (coxa vara, PFFD)
ACL insufficiency
Significant LLD often results from this disorder.
Classically, skin dimpling is seen over the tibia.
The fibular deficiency can be intercalary, which involves the whole bone (fibula is absent), or terminal.
Fibular hemimelia is linked to the sonic hedgehog gene.
Radiographic findings
Complete or partial absence of fibula, a ball-and-socket ankle joint (secondary to tarsal coalitions), and deficient lateral rays in the foot
Varies from a simple shoe lift or bracing to Syme amputation
Decisions are based on the degree of foot deformity, the number of rays, and the extent of shortening of the limb.
Amputation is usually performed in the patient with a severely shortened limb or a stiff, nonfunctional foot, at about 10 months of age.
For less severe cases, reconstructive procedures, including lengthening, may be an alternative.
Such a procedure should include resection of the fibular remnant to avoid future foot problems.
Anterolateral tibial bowing
Clinical features
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia is the most common cause of anterolateral bowing. Rarely is anterolateral (AL) bowing physiologic, so one should always look.
Often accompanied by neurofibromatosis
About 50% of patients with anterolateral tibial bowing have neurofibromatosis.
Only 10% of patients with neurofibromatosis have tibial bowing.
Initial management/workup should include genetic consultation to check for possibility of neurofibromatosis.
Initial treatment includes a total-contact brace to protect the patient from fractures.
Intramedullary fixation with excision of hamartomatous tissue and autogenous bone grafting are options for nonhealing fractures.
A vascularized fibular graft or the Ilizarov method should also be considered if bracing fails.
Osteotomies to correct the anterolateral bowing are contraindicated.
Amputation (Syme) and prosthetic fitting are indicated after failure of two or three surgical attempts or as primary treatment.
Syme amputation is preferred to below-knee amputation in these patients because the soft tissue available at the heel pad is superior to that in the calf as a weight-bearing stump.
The soft tissue in the calf in these patients is often scarred and atrophic.

Tibial Hemimelia
Congenital longitudinal deficiency of the tibia
The only long-bone deficiency with a known inheritance pattern (autosomal dominant)
Much less common than fibular hemimelia and often associated with other bone abnormalities (especially a lobster-claw hand)
Also associated with insufficient extensor mechanism, clubfoot deformity
Clinically, the extremity is shortened and bowed anterolaterally with a prominent fibular head and an equinovarus foot, with the sole of the foot facing the perineum.
Treatment for severe deformity with total absence of the tibia is a knee disarticulation.
Fibular transposition (Brown) has been unsuccessful, especially when quadriceps function and the proximal tibia are absent.
When the proximal tibia and quadriceps functions are present, the fibula can be transposed to the residual tibia to create a functional below-knee amputation.
Review Genu Varum
Stage 1 or 2 bracing in less than 3 years old
Stage 2 if over age three and stage 3 then is a proximal tibia osteotomy
Stage 4-6 are complex and often require epiphysiolysis
usually less severe, widening of the medial tibia physis
treat with proximal lateral tibia/fibula hemiphyiodesis

Review tibiofemoral angle and Drennan Metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle in tibia Vara
Comparison of tibiofemoral angle with the Drennan metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle in tibia vara. (A) Lines are drawn along the longitudinal axes of the tibia and femur; the angle between the lines is the tibiofemoral angle (32 degrees). (B) The metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle method is used to determine the metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle in the same extremity. A line is drawn perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tibia, and another is drawn through the two beaks of the metaphysis to determine the transverse axis of the tibial metaphysis. The metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle (20 degrees) is the angle bisected by the two lines.

Review Genu Varus Miller. book
Genu varum (bowed legs) normally evolves naturally to genu valgum (knock-knees) by age 2.5 years, with a gradual transition to physiologic valgus angulation by age 4 years (Fig. 3.14).
Physiologic genu varum (bowed legs)
Normal in children younger than 2 years
Radiographs in physiologic bowing typically show flaring of the tibia and femur in a symmetric manner.
Pathologic conditions that can cause genu varum include osteogenesis imperfecta, osteochondromas, trauma, various dysplasias, and (most commonly) Blount disease.
Infantile Blount disease (age 0–4 years)
Clinical features
Abnormal tibia vara
More common and usually affects both extremities
Classic presentation is in a child who is overweight and who begins walking before 1 year of age; disease is associated with internal tibial torsion.
Radiographic findings
Metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle abnormality and metaphyseal beaking
A Drennan metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle of more than 16 degrees is considered abnormal; the angle is formed between the metaphyseal beaks (demonstrated in Fig. 3.15).
Langenskiöld classification is based on degree of metaphyseal-epiphyseal changes (Fig. 3.16).
Treatment: based on age and correlated with stage of disease
Stage I or II: bracing in patients younger than 3 years
Better outcomes if unilateral or nonobese patients
Very difficult to ensure compliance
Stage II (if patient >3 years) and stage III: proximal osteotomy for tibia/fibula valgus angulation to overcorrect the deformity (because medial physeal growth abnormalities persist)
Stages IV to VI are complex, and multiple procedures may be required.
Epiphysiolysis is also needed for stages V and VI disease.
Adolescent Blount disease
Clinical features
Less severe than infantile forms and more often unilateral
Epiphysis appears relatively normal and does not have the beaking seen in infantile forms
Most characteristic radiographic finding is widening of the proximal medial physis
Thought to be from mechanical overload in genetically susceptible patients (obese, African American)
Initial treatment is proximal tibial and fibular lateral hemiepiphysiodesis when growth remains.
Larger plates are usually required because of incidence of plate failure.
If residual deformity exists or physes are closed proximally, tibial and fibular osteotomy is performed.
When significant LLD is present, the Ilizarov technique allows for deformity correction and lengthening.
Genu valgum (knock-knees)
Clinical features
Up to 15 degrees at the knee is common in children 2 to 6 years of age.
Maximum valgus between ages 3 and 4
Cases within this physiologic range do not require treatment.
Differential diagnosis includes renal osteodystrophy (most common cause if condition is bilateral), tumors (e.g., osteochondromas), infections (may stimulate proximal asymmetric tibial growth), and trauma.
Conservative treatment is ineffective in pathologic genu valgum.
Surgery at the site of the deformity should be considered in children older than 10 years with more than 10 cm between the medial malleoli or more than 15 degrees of valgus angulation.
Hemiepiphysiodesis (temporary or timed) of the medial side is effective for severe deformities if performed before the end of growth.
Treatment protocol for DDH

Ultrasound Evaluation of DDH
alpha above 60
femoral head bisected by illeum
Dynamic ultrasonography is useful for making the diagnosis in young children before ossification of the femoral head (which occurs at age 4–6 months) (Fig. 3.4).
Also useful for assessing reduction in a Pavlik harness and diagnosing acetabular dysplasia or capsular laxity
Success dependent on operator’s skill
On the coronal view, the normal α angle is greater than 60 degrees, and the femoral head is bisected by the line drawn down the ilium

Radiographic assessment of DDH
acetabular index less than 25 degrees
medial to perkins line
A and B) Drawings of the common radiographic measurements used to evaluate developmental dysplasia of the hip, anterior view. Note the delayed ossification, disruption of the Shenton line, and increased acetabular index on the left hip, which is dislocated.

DDH overview
Represents abnormal development or dislocation of the hip secondary to capsular laxity and mechanical factors (e.g., intrauterine positioning)
Spectrum of disease
Dysplasia—shallow acetabulum
Teratologic—dislocated in utero and irreducible; associated with neuromuscular conditions and genetic abnormalities
Late dysplasia (adolescent and adult)
Risk factors
Breech positioning, positive family history (ligamentous laxity), female sex, and being a firstborn child (in that order)
Less intrauterine space accounts for increased incidence of DDH in firstborn children.
DDH is observed most often in the left hip (67% of cases), in girls (85%), in infants with a positive family history (≥20%), in the presence of increased maternal estrogens, and in breech births (30%–50%).
Also associated with postnatal positioning such as swaddling with the hips in extension
Clinical features
Associated with other problems related to intrauterine positioning, such as torticollis (20% of cases) and metatarsus adductus (10%); no association with clubfoot
If left untreated, muscles about the hip become contracted, and the acetabulum becomes more dysplastic and filled with fibrofatty tissue (pulvinar).
Potential obstructions to obtaining a concentric reduction in DDH:
Iliopsoas tendon
Hypertrophied ligamentum teres
Contracted inferomedial hip capsule
Transverse acetabular ligament
Inverted labrum
The teratologic form is most severe and usually necessitates early surgery.
A pseudoacetabulum is present at or near birth.
Teratologic hip dislocations commonly manifest in association with syndromes such as arthrogryposis and Larsen syndrome.
Physical examination
Early diagnosis possible with Ortolani test (elevation and abduction of femur relocates a dislocated hip) and Barlow test (adduction and depression of femur dislocates a dislocatable hip)
All children should undergo screening via physical examination.
Advanced screening is controversial, but screening ultrasound should be done for children with significant risk factors (breech position, family history).
Three phases are commonly recognized:
Dislocated (positive result of Ortolani test early; negative result of Ortolani test late, when femoral head cannot be reduced)
Dislocatable (positive result of Barlow test)
Subluxable (suggestive result of Barlow test)
Subsequent diagnosis is made with limitation of hip abduction in the affected hip as the laxity resolves and stiffness becomes more clinically evident.
Caution: abduction may be decreased symmetrically with bilateral dislocations.
Galeazzi sign—demonstrated by the clinical appearance of foreshortening of the femur on the affected side.
Performed with the patient’s feet held together and knees flexed (a congenitally short femur can also cause the Galeazzi sign)
Other clinical findings associated with DDH include asymmetric gluteal folds (less reliable) and Trendelenburg stance (in older children), increased lumbar lordosis, and pelvic obliquity.
Repeated examinations, especially in an infant, are important because a child’s irritability can prevent proper evaluation.
Dynamic ultrasonography is useful for making the diagnosis in young children before ossification of the femoral head (which occurs at age 4–6 months) (Fig. 3.4).
Also useful for assessing reduction in a Pavlik harness and diagnosing acetabular dysplasia or capsular laxity
Success dependent on operator’s skill
On the coronal view, the normal α angle is greater than 60 degrees, and the femoral head is bisected by the line drawn down the ilium.
Radiographic studies and findings (Fig. 3.5)
Used in older children (after age 4 months)
Measurement of the acetabular index (normal <25 degrees)
Measurement of the Perkin line (normally the ossific nucleus of the femoral head is medial to this line)
Evaluation of the Shenton line useful
Later, delayed ossification of the femoral head on the affected side may be visible (femoral head ossification begins to show between 4 and 6 months).
Arthrography used to help judge closed reduction and possible blocks to reduction
Advanced imaging (CT, MRI) helpful after closed reduction to determine concentric reduction
Treatment (Fig. 3.6)
Based on achieving and maintaining early “concentric reduction” to prevent future degenerative joint disease. Specific therapy is determined by the child’s age.
Birth to 6 months
In hips that have normal examination findings but abnormal ultrasound findings, treatment recommendations are uncertain
Children should have close follow-up.
Repeat ultrasound at age 6 weeks, with treatment if continued signs of dysplasia
Pavlik harness
All Ortolani-positive (dislocated but reducible) hips should be treated with Pavlik harness.
Barlow-positive (reduced but dislocatable) hips may stabilize without treatment but should be watched closely; many writers advocate treating with Pavlik harness with observation.
If dislocated, reduction should be checked weekly with ultrasonography for 3 weeks.
Not reduced: transition to rigid abduction orthosis versus closed reduction, arthrography, and spica casting should be considered.
Reduced: continue harness until findings of examination and ultrasonography are normal.
6 to 18 months:
Hip arthrography, percutaneous adductor tenotomy, closed reduction, and spica casting
Postreduction CT or MRI used to confirm concentric reduction
If closed reduction fails: open reduction
18 months to 3 years:
Open reduction
3 to 8 years:
Salter, Dega, Pemberton, or Staheli procedure
Older than 8 years:
Growth plate open: triple (Steele), double pelvic (Southerland), Staheli procedure
Growth plate closed: Ganz and Chiari procedures
Total hip arthroplasty is performed when the child is an adult.
Specific treatment modalities
Pavlik harness
Designed to maintain reduction in infants (<6 months) in about 100 degrees of flexion and mild abduction (the “human position” [Salter position])
Confirm reduction by radiographs or ultrasound after placement of harness and brace adjustment.
Position of the hip should be within the safe zone of Ramsey (between maximum adduction before redislocation and excessive abduction, which increases risk of avascular necrosis [AVN]).
Impingement of the posterosuperior retinacular branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery has been implicated in osteonecrosis associated with DDH treated in an abduction orthosis.
Pavlik harness treatment is contraindicated in teratologic hip dislocations.
In a patient with a narrow safe zone (<40 degrees), adductor tenotomy should be considered.
Excessive flexion may result in transient femoral nerve palsy.
“Pavlik disease”—if attempts to reduce a hip do not succeed in 3 weeks, harness should be discontinued to prevent erosion of the pelvis superior to the acetabulum and subsequent difficulty with closed reduction and casting.
The Pavlik harness is usually worn 23 hours a day for at least 6 weeks after a reduction has been achieved and then an additional 6 to 8 weeks part time (nights and during naps).
Risk factors for Pavlik harness failure:
Patient older than 7 weeks at initiation of treatment
Bilateral dislocations
Absence of Ortolani sign
Closed and open reduction
Closed reduction
Performed for patients for whom Pavlik treatment fails and for patients 6 to 18 months of age
Performed using general anesthesia; procedure includes a physical examination, arthrography to assess reduction (look for thorn sign on arthrogram, indicating normal labral position), and hip spica casting with the legs flexed to at least 90 degrees and in the stable zone of abduction
CT or MRI often performed to confirm that hip is well reduced, especially in questionable cases
Open reduction
Reserved for children 6 to 18 months old in whom closed reduction fails, who have an obstructive limbus, or who have an unstable safe zone
Initial treatment for children 18 months and older.
Anterior approach, especially for patients older than 12 months (less risk to medial femoral circumflex artery)
Capsulorrhaphy, adductor tenotomy, and femoral shortening can be performed to take tension off the reduction, along with an acetabular procedure if severe dysplasia is present
Obstacles to reduction: transverse acetabular ligament, pulvinar, infolded labrum, inferior capsular restriction, hypertrophied ligamentum teres, and psoas tendon
Medial open reduction can be performed in children up to 12 months of age.
Less blood loss
Directly addresses obstacles to reduction
Does not provide access for a capsulorrhaphy
More often associated with osteonecrosis
Surgical risks
Osteonecrosis—the major risk associated with both open and closed reductions; caused by direct vascular injury or impingement versus disruption of circulation from osteotomies
Damage to medial femoral circumflex can occur with medial approach to hip; close association to psoas, which undergoes a tenotomy because it is a block to reduction.
Failure of open reduction is difficult to treat surgically because of the high rates of complication after revision surgery (osteonecrosis in 50% and pain and stiffness in 33% according to one study)
Diagnosis after age 8 (younger in patients with bilateral DDH) may contraindicate reduction because the acetabulum has little chance to remodel, although reduction may be indicated in conjunction with salvage procedures.
Pelvic Osteotomy Overview

Pelvic Osteotomy Overview

Congenital Coxa Vara
Quantification of the extent of radiographic deformity of the proximal femur in developmental coxa vara. (A) The neck–shaft angle is the angle between the axis of the femoral shaft and the axis of the femoral neck. (B) The head–shaft angle is the angle between the axis of the femoral shaft and an imaginary perpendicular line to the base of the capital femoral epiphysis. (C) The Hilgenreiner–epiphyseal angle is the angle between the Hilgenreiner line and an imaginary line parallel to the capital femoral physis.

LCP disease
Lateral pillar classification of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Researchers derived the definition of normal pillars by noting the lines of demarcation between the central sequestrum and the remainder of the epiphysis on the anteroposterior radiograph. In group A, normal height of lateral pillar is maintained. In group B, more than 50% of height of lateral pillar is maintained. In group B/C (borderline), lateral pillar is 50% or less in height, but (1) it is very narrow (2 to 3 mm wide), (2) it has very little ossification, or (3) it has depressions in comparison with the central pillar. In group C, less than 50% of height of lateral pillar is maintained.

LCP pillar classification prognosis

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. (A) Acute SCFE with no remodeling present. (B) Chronic SCFE showing adaptive changes including callus in the junction of the metaphysis and epiphysis. (C) Acute-on-chronic changes with both sequelae of chronic SCFE (callus) and acute worsening displacement of the epiphysis. (D) Drawings of correct pin placement for guiding of percutaneous in situ screw fixation of SCFE; note that the starting point is anterior on the femoral neck to account for the posteriorly displaced epiphysis.

Causitive organisms for musculoskeletal infections

Risk factors for special infections

joints with intra-articular metaphysis

Common Organisms in Septic Arthritis by age

Cause of Fibrous dysplasia
A germ line defect in the GSA protein.
Cause of OI
defect in type 1 collagen where via a glycine substitution in the procollagen model
Cause of Diastrophic Dysplasia
mutation of a gene coding for
Protein Sulfate Transport
Scurvey cause
Vitamin C deficiency causing decrease chondrotin sulfate production and defect of intracellular of hydroxylation of collagen peptides
quick breakdown of pelvic osteotomy choices
less than 8 years-
Salter, Dega, Pemberton, Staheli
older than 8 years (3Ss)
triple (Steele),Southerland, Staheli
Growth plate closed
Ganz- concentric
Chiari- nonconcentric
Hilgenreiner’s epiphyseal Angle
greater than 60 equals surgery
over 45 likely to progress
less than 25 normal
dont confuse with hilgenreiner’s line

Radiographs for SCFE
MRI can identify preslip
gp widening

What is the Loder classification for SCFE?

Southwick’s angle review

TN coalitions
Can be associated with AD craniosysnostis syndrome, FGF1, FGF2, FGF3
CT best to evaluate
less than 50%–resect and interposition
greater than 50% MF–subtalararthrodesis
Pathway associated with club foot
Fitx1-tbx4 transcriptional pathways
describe CAVE for club foot
Varus of hindfoot
Radiographic of clubfoot
parallelism of talus and calcaneus
less than normal talocalcaneal view
General Overview of clubfoot
Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus)
Clinical features
CAVE—cavus, adduction of forefoot, varus of hindfoot, equinus
Talar neck deformity (medial and plantar deviation) with medial rotation of calcaneus and medial displacement of navicular and cuboid
Shortening or contraction of muscles (intrinsic muscles, Achilles tendon, tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus), joint capsules, ligaments, and fascia, which leads to the associated deformities
Associated with absence of or diminutive anterior tibial artery
Boys affected twice as often as girls
50% of cases are bilateral
Majority of cases idiopathic though genetic cause strongly suggested
PITX1-TBX4 transcriptional pathway
Can be associated with arthrogryposis, myelomeningocele, hand anomalies (Streeter dysplasia), diastrophic dwarfism, prune-belly syndrome, tibial hemimelia, and other neuromuscular and syndromic conditions
Radiographic studies and findings
Minimal ossification of foot in the infant; thus radiographs rarely used
Parallelism of calcaneus and talus seen on radiographs
On the dorsiflexion lateral view (Turco) the talocalcaneal angle is less than normal (35 degrees).
On the AP view the talocalcaneal (Kite) angle is also less than normal (20–40 degrees). The talus–first metatarsal angle is negative (normally 0–20 degrees) (Fig 3.19).
Ponseti casting
First-line treatment
Serial weekly manipulation and casting using long-leg plaster casts
Sequence of correction (CAVE): cavus, adductus, varus, equinus
First cast corrects cavus by supinating the forefoot and dorsiflexing the first ray.
Subsequent casts correct adduction and varus using lateral pressure on the distal talar head as a fulcrum.
Most patients (90%) undergo percutaneous Achilles lengthening at the end of casting to address hindfoot equinus.
Last cast placed in 70 degrees of abduction.
Post-casting bracing with foot-abduction brace is imperative.
Typically used full time for 3 months, followed by use during naps and at night for 3 years.
No impairment in athletic ability after successful treatment
Recurrence or undercorrection
Associated with brace noncompliance
Treated with recasting initially
Rocker-bottom deformity: from an attempt to dorsiflex hindfoot before varus corrected
Flat-top talus: aggressive dorsiflexion causes flattening of talar dome
Operative treatment
Posteromedial release
Reserved for resistant or refractory clubfeet (only 5% of presenting idiopathic clubfeet)
Tendon lengthening; subtalar, tibiotalar, and talonavicular release; and realignment
Posterior tibial artery must be carefully protected; dorsalis pedis artery often insufficient
In older patients (3–10 years), a medial opening-wedge or lateral column–shortening osteotomy or a cuboidal decancellation is used to treat adductus.
Triple arthrodesis for children presenting late
Contraindicated in patients with insensate feet; causes rigidity of the foot, which may lead to ulceration
Dorsal bunion can occur after clubfoot surgery.
Strong tibialis anterior and flexor hallucis brevis/abductor hallucis contribute
May be iatrogenic if peroneus longus divided
Treated with capsulotomy, flexor hallucis longus lengthening, and transfer of the flexor hallucis brevis to become a metatarsophalangeal extensor.
Dynamic supination
Common deformity after clubfoot treatment; occurs in up to 15% to 20% of patients
Overpull of the anterior tibialis, with a weak peroneus longus or undercorrection of forefoot supination
Treated with transfer of the tibialis anterior laterally
Review Pes Cavus Disorder
Cavus deformity of the foot (elevated longitudinal arch) with calcaneus or varus hindfoot
Up to 67% of cases due to neurologic disorder
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease (most common): defect in gene responsible for peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22)
Also polio, cerebral palsy, Friedreich ataxia, myelomeningocele, and spinal cord injury, tumor, or abnormality
Muscle imbalance
CMT disease: strong peroneus longus and posterior tibialis overpower tibialis anterior and peroneus brevis, resulting in hindfoot varus and a depressed first metatarsal head.
In addition, recruitment of the extensor hallucis longus for dorsiflexion of the foot over time causes shortening of plantar fascia and resultant cavus.
Full neurologic examination
MRI of the neuraxis (especially for unilateral cavus foot)
Consider genetics/neurology referral (DNA testing for CMT disease)
The lateral block (Coleman) test is used to assess hindfoot flexibility of the cavovarus foot (a flexible hindfoot corrects to neutral with a lift placed under the lateral aspect of the foot) (Fig. 3.20).

Review Congenital Vertical Talus
Clinical features
Irreducible dorsal dislocation of the navicular on the talus
Rocker-bottom or Persian slipper foot:
Fixed equinovalgus hindfoot deformity and convex sole
Talar head is prominent medially.
Abducted and dorsiflexed forefoot
Patients may demonstrate a peg-leg gait (awkward gait with limited forefoot push-off).
Often associated with neuromuscular and syndromic conditions: myelomeningocele, arthrogryposis, prune-belly syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy, neurofibromatosis, trisomies
Less severe form is termed oblique talus.
Navicular reduced with plantar flexion
Treated with observation and occasionally talonavicular pinning and Achilles lengthening
Radiographic findings (Fig. 3.22)
Lateral radiograph
Talus appears nearly vertical, calcaneus is in equinus, navicular is dorsally dislocated, and talocalcaneal angle is increased.
Position of navicular (not ossified in children <3) can be inferred from examination of first metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Navicular does not reduce on forced plantar-flexion lateral view.
AP radiograph
Increased talocalcaneal angle (normal, 20–40 degrees)
Serial manipulation and casting followed by limited surgery consisting of percutaneous Achilles tenotomy and minimal talonavicular capsulotomies and pin fixation
If casting fails, surgery at 6 to 12 months of age
Soft tissue release with lengthening of the extensor tendons, peroneal muscles, and Achilles tendon and reduction of the talonavicular joint with reconstruction of the spring ligament
what are the radiographic findings for congenital vertical talus?
Lateral radiograph
Talus appears nearly vertical, calcaneus is in equinus, navicular is dorsally dislocated, and talocalcaneal angle is increased.
Position of navicular (not ossified in children <3) can be inferred from examination of first metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Navicular does not reduce on forced plantar-flexion lateral view.
AP radiograph
Increased talocalcaneal angle (normal, 20–40 degrees)
what are the treatment options for congenital vertical talus?
Serial manipulation and casting followed by limited surgery consisting of percutaneous Achilles tenotomy and minimal talonavicular capsulotomies and pin fixation
If casting fails, surgery at 6 to 12 months of age
Soft tissue release with lengthening of the extensor tendons, peroneal muscles, and Achilles tendon and reduction of the talonavicular joint with reconstruction of the spring ligament
Review Tarsal Coalitions
A disorder of mesenchymal segmentation that leads to fusion of tarsal bones and rigid flatfoot
Talocalcaneal and calcaneonavicular most common
Can be fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous
Can be associated with autosomal dominant craniosynostosis syndromes (FGFR-1, FGFR-2, and FGFR-3 mutations)
Symptoms include calf and sinus tarsi pain caused by peroneal spasticity, flatfoot, multiple ankle sprains
Limited subtalar motion on examination
Calcaneonavicular coalition is most common in children 9–12 years of age, and talocalcaneal coalition more common in children 12–14 years of age.
Radiographic findings
Lateral radiographs may demonstrate an elongated anterior process of the calcaneus (anteater sign).
Talocalcaneal coalitions may demonstrate talar beaking on the lateral view (does not denote degenerative joint disease) or an irregular middle facet on the Harris axial view.
The best study for identifying and measuring the cross-sectional area of a talocalcaneal coalition is a CT scan, which can also reveal multiple coalitions (20% of cases).
Initial treatment involves immobilization (casting) or orthoses.
Calcaneonavicular coalitions
Resection with interposition of muscle (extensor digitorum brevis) or fat
Talocalcaneal coalitions
For those involving less than 50% of the middle facet: resection and interposition
For those involving more than 50% of the middle facet: subtalar arthrodesis preferred
In advanced cases, after failed resections, and in patients with multiple coalitions, triple arthrodesis is often required.
Review Calcaneovalgus foot
Clinical features
Neonatal condition associated with intrauterine positioning
More common in females and firstborn children
Dorsiflexed (calcaneus) hindfoot
In contrast to congenital vertical talus, in which hindfoot is plantar flexed (equinus)
Associated with posteromedial bowing of tibia and LLD
Also seen with myelomeningocele at the L5 level as a result of muscular imbalance between foot dorsiflexors/evertors (L4 and L5 roots) and plantar flexors/inverters (S1 and S2 roots)
Passive stretching and observation
Final aspects of Miller pediatric FA topics
Juvenile Bunions
Clinical features
Often bilateral and familial
Less common and usually less severe than adult form
May be associated with ligamentous laxity, pes planus, hypermobile first ray, and metatarsus primus varus
Usually occurs in adolescent girls
Nonoperative: modification of shoes with a wide toe box and arch supports
Should be avoided because recurrence is common in growing patients (>50%)
Kohler Disease
Clinical features
Osteonecrosis of the tarsal navicular bone
Manifests at the age of about 5 years
Pain is the typical presenting complaint.
Radiographs show sclerosis and flattening of the navicular bone.
Resolves spontaneously with decreased activity, with or without immobilization
Flexible Pes Planus
Clinical features
Foot is flat only with standing and not with toe walking or foot hanging.
If arch does not reconstitute upon standing, tarsal coalition should be considered.
This condition is frequently familial and almost always bilateral.
Commonly associated with mild lower extremity rotational problems and ligamentous laxity
Symptoms can include an aching midfoot and pretibial pain.
Radiographic findings
Lateral radiograph: broken Meary angle with plantar-directed sag, hindfoot equinus
AP radiograph: talar head uncoverage
Asymptomatic patients should be monitored with observation.
Symptomatic patients: arch supports and shoes with stiffer soles may offer pain relief but do not result in deformity correction.
Surgical treatment
May be indicated in severe cases with failure of extensive nonoperative treatment
Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy with or without medial imbrication (Evans procedure)
Calcaneocuboid subluxation must be avoided during lengthening
3C osteotomy: sliding calcaneal osteotomy, open-wedge cuboid osteotomy, and a plantar flexion closed-wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform
Idiopathic Toe Walking
Clinical features
Persistent toe walking without identifiable etiology in patients older than 2 years
Imperative that other etiologies (tethered cord, CMT disease, CP, muscular dystrophy, autism, LLD) be excluded
Contracture of the Achilles tendon may be present.
Stretching and night splints versus serial casting
Surgical lengthening if nonoperative treatment fails
Appropriate level determined using Silfverskiöld test
Dorsiflexion <20 degrees short of neutral with knee extension but dorsiflexion past neutral with knee flexion = gastrocnemius contracture
Treatment with gastrocnemius lengthening or recession (Strayer or Vulpius)
Dorsiflexion <20 degrees short of neutral with knee extension and flexion = gastrocnemius and soleus contracture
Treatment with Achilles lengthening
Accessory Navicular
Clinical features
Normal variant that is present in up to 12% of the general population
Posterior tibial tendon typically inserts into accessory navicular
Commonly associated with flatfoot
Symptoms usually include medial arch pain with overuse and tenderness over prominent os.
External oblique (supination oblique) radiograph helpful
Most cases resolve spontaneously and can be treated with activity restriction and shoe modification, a UCBL (University of California at Berkeley Laboratory) orthosis to control hindfoot valgus, or a course of casting.
If nonoperative treatment fails, the accessory bone can be excised with repair and advancement of the posterior tibial tendon (Kidner procedure).
Ball-and-Socket Ankle
Abnormal formation with a spherical talus (ball) and a cup-shaped tibiofibular articulation (socket)
Usually necessitates no treatment but should be recognized because of high association with tarsal coalition (50% of cases), absence of lateral rays (50% of cases), fibular deficiency, and LLD
Congenital Toe Disorders
Fusion of the soft tissues (simple) and sometimes bones (complex) of the toes
Simple syndactyly usually does not require treatment; complex syndactyly in the foot is treated in the same way as in the hand.
Polydactyly (extra digits)
May be autosomal dominant and usually involves the lateral ray in patients with a positive family history
The AP axis is controlled by a zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) in the posterior aspect of the apical ectodermal ridge
Treatment includes ablation of the extra digit and any bony protrusion of the common metatarsal (the border digit is typically excised).
Procedure usually done at ages 9 to 12 months, but some rudimentary digits can be ligated in the newborn nursery
Congenital absence of the toes
May be associated with more proximal agenesis (i.e., fibular hemimelia) and tarsal coalition
Usually necessitates no treatment
Atavistic great toe (congenital hallux varus)
Deformity involving great-toe adduction that is often associated with polydactyly
Must be differentiated from metatarsus adductus
Deformity usually occurs at metatarsophalangeal joint and includes a short, thick first metatarsal and a firm band (abductor hallucis longus muscle) that may be responsible for the disorder.
Surgery sometimes required and includes release of abductor hallucis longus muscle
Overlapping toe
Fifth toe overlaps fourth (usually bilaterally) and may cause problems with footwear.
Initial treatment includes passive stretching and buddy taping, but usually the overlapping resolves with time.
Surgical options include tenotomy, dorsal capsulotomy, and syndactylization to the fourth toe (McFarland procedure).
Underlapping toe (congenital curly toe)
Usually involves the lateral three toes and is rarely symptomatic
Surgery (flexor tenotomies) occasionally indicated
review beckwith wideman syndrome

review Down Syndrome
Most common chromosomal abnormality
Incidence increases with advancing maternal age
Chromosome 21 is the location of genes that encode for type VI collagen (COL6A1 and COL6A2)
Abnormal type VI collagen is thought to be cause of generalized joint laxity and other orthopaedic problems
Clinical features
Orthopaedic problems
Metatarsus primus varus and pes planus
Spinal abnormalities: atlantoaxial instability (Fig. 3.43), scoliosis (50% of cases), spondylolisthesis (6% of cases)
Hip instability
Patellar dislocation
Generalized ligamentous laxity
Associated problems
Hypotonia and mental retardation
Heart disease with atrial septal defect (50% of cases)
Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism and diabetes) and premature aging
Cervical spine instability
Usefulness of screening controversial, with exception of preoperative assessment before administration of anesthetic
Special Olympics requires cervical spine x-ray screening for participation in selected sports.
General recommendations
ADI < 4.5 mm: no restrictions
ADI 4.5–10 mm: avoidance of contact sports, diving, and gymnastics
ADI > 10 mm or symptoms/cord signal changes on MRI: C1–2 fusion
Complication rate of up to 50% reported
Bracing for 25- to 30-degree curves
Surgery for 50- to 60-degree curves
Hip: initially may be treated with closed reduction, but capsulorrhaphy, pelvic osteotomy, and femoral osteotomy may be required
Patellar instability: if symptomatic, then lateral release, medial reefing, or bony realignment of the patellar tendon should be considered.
Review Turner Syndrome
Clinical features
Short stature, lack of sexual development, webbed neck, and cubitus valgus
Idiopathic scoliosis is common. Growth hormone therapy can exacerbate scoliosis.
Malignant hyperthermia is common with anesthetic use.
Must be differentiated from Noonan syndrome (same appearance except for normal gonadal development, mental retardation, and more severe scoliosis)
Osteoporosis is common.
Genu valgum and shortening of fourth and fifth metacarpals, which usually necessitate no treatment
Review Prader-Willi Syndrome
Partil chromosome 15 deletion
missing portion from father
Review Marfan Syndrome
Defect in fibrillin-1 (FBN1)
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Clinical features
Arachnodactyly (long, slender fingers; peeking thumb sign)
Pectus deformities
Scoliosis (50% of cases)
Acetabular protrusion (15%–25%)
Cardiac abnormalities (aortic dilation)
Ocular abnormalities (superior lens dislocation in 60%)
Dural ectasia and meningocele
Joint laxity
Joint laxity is treated conservatively.
Bracing for scoliosis is usually ineffective.
Curves may necessitate anterior and posterior fusion.
Echocardiographic and cardiologic evaluations are required before surgery.
Acetabular protrusion should be observed unless the patient has severe symptoms.
Pediatric Proximal humerus classification and treatment
Nonoperative immobilization indications acceptable alignment for non-operative management
<10 years old = any degree of angulation
10-12 years old = up to 60-75° of angulation
>12 years old = up to 45° of angulation or 2/3 displacement
techniqueimmobilization modalities
sling +/- swathe
shoulder immobilizer
coaptation splint
Operative closed reduction +/- fixationindications
unacceptable alignment for non-operative management as described above
open reduction internal fixationindications unable to obtain acceptable reduction due to soft tissue interposition
long head of biceps tendon (most common)
joint capsule
infolded periosteum
deltoid muscle
open fractures
fractures associated with vascular injuries
intra-articular displacement
Pediatric Proximal humerus fracture pearl
Don’t operate on young kids with this fracture
Percentage of growth for humerus
Humerus 80/20
proximal vs distal
Elbow age of ossification vs age of Fusion
CRMTOL to remember age of ossification.
CTE-R-OM to remember age of fusion (capitellum, trochlea and external (lateral) epicondyle fuse together at puberty. Together they fuse to the distal humerus between the ages of 14-16 years old)
medial epicondyle ossifies last, which is important for baseball throwers

olecranon pediatric fracture
Olecranon ossification
fusion of the epiphysis to the metaphysis of the olecranon occurs from anterior to posterior
average age of closure is between the ages of 15-17 years old
partial closure may be mistaken for olecranon fracture
Orthobullets Medial Epicondyle fractures review
Overview a fracture of the medial epicondyle of the elbow that is the third most common fracture seen in children and is usually seen in boys between the age of 9 and 14.
treatment is controversial but is usually nonoperative unless the medial epicondyle is incarcerated in the joint.
Epidemiology incidence
account for up to 20% of all pediatric and adolescent elbow fractures
75% occur in boys between the ages of 9 and 14 years
increasing in frequency due to the increased athletic demands in the pediatric population.
avulsion mechanism
fracture occurs secondary to excess valgus stress with contraction of flexor-supinator mass
medial epicondyle is avulsed anteriorly via tension created by flexor-pronator mass and ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)
direct trauma
Associated injuries elbow dislocation
associated with elbow dislocations in approximately 50-60% of cases
most spontaneously reduce but fragment remains incarcerated in joint in ~ 15% of cases
good to excellent results have been reported for both surgical and non-surgical management
Osteology medial epicondyle
last ossification center to fuse in distal humerus
does not contribute to longitudinal growth (apophysis)
origin of flexor-pronator mass and UCL
Ossification center
Years at ossification (appear on xray) (1)
Years at fusion (appear on xray) (1)Capitellum
Internal (medial) epicondyle
External (lateral) epicondyle
(1) +/- one year, varies between boys and girl.
C-R-I-T-O-E to remember age of ossification.
CTE-R-O-I to remember age of fusion (capitellum, trochlea and external (lateral) epicondyle fuse together at puberty. Together they fuse to the distal humerus between the ages of 14-16 years old)
Muscles/ligaments common flexor-pronator wad muscles of medial epicondyle include
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor digitorum superficialis
flexor carpi ulnaris
Blood supply anterior
branches of inferior ulnar collateral artery
branches of the superior and inferior ulnar collateral artery
No routinely used classification system
Can be more simply classified as acute vs. chronic acute subtypes
Minimally displaced
Fragment entrapped in joint
Fracture through epicondyle apophysis
related to tension stress injuries
medial elbow pain
Physical exam
valgus instability
ecchymosis (especially with direct trauma)
ulnar nerve dysfunction- motor and sensory function should be documented in all cases
generalize swelling suggests elbow may have dislocated
displacement is difficult to measure accurately as medial epicondyle is located on the posteromedial aspect of the distal humerus and fragment displaces anteriorly
recommended views
AP and lateral of elbow
internal oblique view to evaluate displacement
distal humeral axial view
may also improve accuracy of measuring displacement
obtained by angling beam 25 degrees anterior to long axis of humerus
most accurate but associated with increased radiation
Medial condyle fracture
Simple elbow dislocation
Nonoperative immobilization (1-3 weeks) in a long arm cast with elbow flexed to 90 degreesindications
< 5mm displacement
amount of true displacement difficult to determine on plain radiographs
lower rate of osseous union rate compared to surgically treated patients
radiographic nonunion (or fibrous union) often asymptomatic
Operative open reduction internal fixationindications absolute
displaced fx with entrapment of medial epicondyle fragment in joint
extension to the articular surface with medial condyle involvement (articular surface)
open fracture
ulnar nerve dysfunction
> 2-15mm displacement, also controversial
>2-5 mm in valgus stress athletes such as throwers or gymnasts
associated elbow dislocation
Open Reduction Internal Fixation approach medial approach to elbow
typically with patient supine and arm abducted to 90 degrees, a prone position also described
incision is made directly over medial epicondyle
brachialis/triceps interval
ulnar nerve at risk
identify and protect ulnar nerve (easiest from proximal to distal)
reduce fracture
screw fixation (often cannulated)
a washer may improve fixation, but more prominant
avoid iatrogenic comminution during screw insertion
K-wires indicated for smaller fragments or in younger children
majority are asymptomatic
odds of radiographic union are 9 times greater with surgery
Nerve injury
ulnar nerve (reported between 10% - 16%)
neuropraxia after dislocation will usually resolve with observation
radial nerve at risk with bicortical screw fixation
Missed incarceration in elbow joint
Elbow stiffness
the most common complication is the loss of few degrees of elbow extension
associated with prolonged immobilization, occurs after nonoperative and operative treatment
Medial Epicondyle Fractures
Medial epicondyle fractures comprise 20% of elbow fractures in the pediatric population, 60% of which are associated with elbow dislocation. Surgery is recommended for incarcerated fragments. ORIF with screw fixation is most commonly performed, as it allows anatomic reduction, rigid fixation and early mobilization. A medial approach to the elbow is performed utilizing the internervous plane between the brachialis (musculocutaneous N.) and triceps (radial N.). Additionally, care must be taken to protect the ulnar nerve during this approach.
lateral Condyle fractures Review Orthobullets
fall onto an outstretched hand
Symptoms location
lateral elbow pain and swelling
may be subtle if fracture is minimally displaced
Physical exam inspection
exam lacks the obvious deformity often seen with supracondylar fractures
swelling and tenderness are usually limited to the lateral side
lateral ecchymosis implies a tear in the aponeurosis of the brachioradialis and signals an unstable fracture
may have increased pain with resisted wrist extension/flexion
may feel crepitus at the fracture site
Radiographs recommended views AP, lateral, and oblique views of elbow
internal oblique view most accurately shows fracture displacement because fracture is posterolateral
optional views
contralateral elbow for comparison when ossification is not yet complete
routine elbow stress views are not recommended due to pain and lack of useful information
fracture fragment most often lies posterolateral which is best seen on internal oblique views
in displaced fractures, the capitellum is laterally displaced in relation to radial head
posteriorly based Thurston-Holland fragment on the lateral view
minimally displaced fractures
to assess cartilage surface when there is incomplete/absent epiphyseal ossification
allows dynamic assessment
CT scan indication
rarely indicated, only if there is uncertainty as to the type of fracture
MRI indication
provides the ability to assess the cartilaginous integrity of the trochlea
useful for operative planning of delayed or non-unions
require GA/sedation to perform the test
arthrograms generally preferred to MRI
Pediatric Elbow Injury Frequency
Fracture Type
% elbow injuries
Peak Age
Requires OR
Supracondylar fractures
Radial Head subluxation
Lateral condylar physeal fractures
Medial epicondylar apophyseal fracture
Radial Head and Neck fractures
Elbow dislocations
Medial condylar physeal fractures
Nonoperative long arm casting x 4-6wksindications
only if < 2 mm displacement in all views
medial cartilaginous hinge must remain intact
cast with elbow at approx 90 degrees as long as swelling is mild
weekly follow up and radiographs every week x first 3 weeks, including internal oblique view
occasionally > 6 weeks of casting is needed
OperativeCRPP + 3-6 wks in above elbow castindications
fractures with 2 - 4 mm of displacement have intact articular cartilage and can be treated with CRPP
open reduction and fixation + 3-6 wks in above elbow castindications> 4mm of displacement
open reduction (rather than closed) necessary to align the joint surface
joint incongruity
fracture non-union
supracondylar osteotomyindications
deformity correction in late-presenting cubitus valgus - rarely needed
CRPP approach
closed reduction perhaps aided by pushing the fragment anteromedially to close the gap
divergent pin configuration most stable
screw considered for more rigid fixation
allows early motion
compresses fracture site
pins are less stiff
screw may need to be removed if crossing the physis
anterolateral approach as blood supply comes from posteriorly
soft tissue
below the skin, dissection to the joint is most often already accomplished by injury
avoid dissection of the posterior aspect of lateral condyle (source of vascularization)
bone work
directly visualize the joint reduction, at times the metaphyseal reduction may not be perfect, as fracture fragment may have plastic deformation
most fractures can be fixed with 2 percutaneous pins (3 if comminuted) in parallel or divergent fashion
single screw for large fragments or non-union. bone grafting rarely needed
pins are less stiff
screw may need to be removed if crossing the physis
Stiffness incidence
most common complication
risk factors
stiffness may be an early sign of a non-union or delayed union
usually self-resolving
by 24 weeks 90% of motion returns and full motion is present by 48 weeks
Delayed Union
fracture that does not heal with 6 weeks of immobilization
risk factors
fracture that is seen more than 2 weeks after injury
may be treated with immobilization if minimally displaced
surgical treatment if displaced
must be followed until radiographic union as nonunion is common in this scenario
Nonunion incidence
higher rate of nonunion than other elbow fractures
risk factors
nonsurgical management
mechanism - theoretical
constant motion at fracture site from pull of the wrist extensors
intra-articular (synovial fluid impede fracture healing)
poor metaphyseal circulation to distal fragment
prevent nonunion by
preserving soft tissue attachments to lateral condyle
stable internal fixation
goal is to obtain union of metaphyseal fragment, not restore joint surface
may require bone graft
ORIF with screw
Cubitus Valgus ± tardy ulnar nerve palsy
due to lateral physeal arrest or more commonly a nonunion
slow, progressive ulnar nerve palsy caused by stretch
less common than cubitus varus
risk factors
significant deformities that cause physeal arrest
supracondylar osteotomy after skeletal maturity and ulnar nerve transposition
occurs 1-3 years after fracture
risk factors
posterior dissection can result in lateral condyle osteonecrosis (may also occur in the trochlea)
Fishtail deformity
area between medial ossification center and lateral condyle ossification center resorbs or fails to develop
does NOT predispose to arthritis
supracondylar osteotomy
Lateral overgrowth/prominence (spurring) incidence
up to 50% regardless of treatment, families should be counseled in advance
risk factors
result of displacement of the metaphyseal fragment in addition to disruption of the periosteal envelope
lateral periosteal realignment will prevent this from occurring
spurring is correlated with greater initial fracture displacement
Growth arrestincidence
rare complication
risk factors
varus or valgus deformity
young patients may be treated with bar resection or osteotomy
older patients best treated with completion of the epiphysiodesis and osteotomy
Unsatisfactory appearance of surgical scar
Nursemaid’s elbow
OverviewNursemaid’s elbow is a common injury of early childhood that results in subluxation of the annular ligament due to a sudden longitudinal traction applied to the hand
treatment is usually closed reduction with either a supination or a hyperpronation technique.
Epidemiology incidence
most common in children from 1 to 4 years of age
average age is 28 months
rare after 5 years of age
slightly more common in females
Pathophysiology mechanism of injury
sudden, longitudinal traction applied to the hand with the elbow extended and forearm pronated
may also be caused by a fall
annular ligament becomes interposed between radial head and capitellum
in children 5 years of age or older, subluxation is prevented by a thicker and stronger distal attachment of the annular ligament
excellent when reduced in a timely manner
a click may be heard or felt by the person pulling the child’s arm
child refuses to use the affected limb
holds the elbow in slight flexion and the forearm pronated
Physical Exam
pain and tenderness localized to the lateral aspect of the elbow
range of motion
full flexion and extension
pain with supination
Radiographs not required in the setting of the classic presentation of
history of traction injury
child five years or younger
consistent clinical exam
when obtained, elbow radiographs are normal
25% will show radiocapitellar line slightly lateral to center of capitellum
Ultrasound indications
helpful for confirming the diagnosis when necessary
when the mechanism of injury is not evident
when physical examination is inconclusive
no radiation to the patient
can visualize soft tissues
increase echo-negative area between capitellum and radial head
sensitivity 64.9% and specificity 100%

Clinically acceptable distal radius fracture angulation metrics

adolscent DRF indications
Indications for surgical fixation of distal forearm fractures in adolescents >10 years old include: angulation >20 degrees and rotation >30 degrees.
which way to move the thumb when reducing a both bone forearm fracture?
Both Bone forearm fracture reduction tolerances
Table of Acceptable Reduction (Tolerances) *
AngleMalrotation (°)
Bayonet Apposition
0-10 years<15<45Yes, if <1cm short
≥10 years<10<30No
Approaching skeletal maturity (<2y growth remaining)00No
An acceptable reduction is also driven by patient age and location of fracture with younger patients having more remodeling potential and proximal fractures having lower

requirements for BBF patients under 10
AOKBay, 15/45
For children less than 10 years old, complete displacement with bayonet apposition, angulation less than 15 degrees, and rotation less than 45 degrees are acceptable and lead to no additional sequelae.
Treatment for pediatric femoral shaft fractures

Complications for femoral shaft treatments
Leg-length discrepancy overgrowth
the most common complication in younger patients
0.7 - 2 cm is common in patients <10 years
typically occurs within 2 years of injury
is acceptable if less than 2 - 3 cm because of anticipated overgrowth in young patients
can be symptomatic if greater than 2 - 3 cm
temporary traction or fixation used to prevent persistent shortening
Osteonecrosis (ON) of the femoral head
reported with both piriformis and greater trochanter entry nails
femoral nailing through the piriformis fossa is contraindicated in adolescents with open physes because of the risk of osteonecrosis of femoral head
main supply to femoral head is deep branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery
branches into superior retinacular vessels that supply the femoral head
vulnerable as it lies near the piriformis fossa
Nonunion and malunion higher risk with load bearing devices
external fixator or submuscular plates
can occur after flexible intramedullary nailing in patients
aged over 11 years old
who weigh >49 kg (>108 lb)
the typical deformity is varus + flexion of the distal fragment
remodeling is greatest in the sagittal plane
rotational malalignment does not remodel
nearly 50% of fractures treated with flexible nails have 15 degrees of malalignment
most common after external fixator removal with varus alignment
Treatment options for distal femur fracture
Nonoperative long leg casting indications
nondisplaced fractures
treated for 4-6 weeks
close clinical follow up is mandatory
Operative closed reduction and percutaneous fixation followed by casting indications
majority of cases
displaced Salter-Harris I or II fractures
displaced fractures successfully reduced with closed methods typically should still be secured with fixation as fracture pattern is unstable
some Salter-Harris III or IV injuries if anatomic reduction is achieved
postoperatively follow closely to monitor for deformity
Salter-Harris III and IV with weight-bearing articular involvement
irreducible SHI and SHII fractures
irreducible type II fractures are most often due to interposed periosteum on the tension side of fracture

Review Patella Sleeve Fracture
Updated: 10/21/2018
Patella Sleeve Fracture
Patella Sleeve Fracture Pathway
Overview patellar sleeve fractures are a rare injury seen in children between 8 and 12 years of age characterized by separation of the cartilage “sleeve” from the ossified patella
most fractures are displaced and require treatment with open reduction and internal fixation
Epidemiology incidence
<1% of pediatric fractures
accounts for >50% of patella fractures in children
more common in males (5:1)
occurs in children 8-12 years old
when patellar ossification is nearly complete
Pathophysiology mechanism of injury
indirect injury caused by powerful contraction of the quadriceps muscle applied to a flexed knee
separation between the cartilage “sleeve” and main part of the patella and ossific nucleus
Prognosis higher risk of complications associated with greater degree of
Osteology patella is largest sesamoid bone in body
ossification begins at 3-5 years old
superior 3/4 of posterior surface covered by articular cartilage
articular cartilage thickest in body (up to 1cm)
posterior articular surface comprised of medial and lateral facets
lateral facet is larger
facets separated by vertical ridge
Soft tissue attachments quadriceps tendon and fascia lata attach to anterosuperior margin quadriceps tendon comprised of 3 layers
superficial layer formed from rectus femoris tendon
middle layer formed by vastus medialis and vastus lateralis tendons
deep layer formed by vastus intermedius tendon
patellar tendon attaches to inferior margin
Blood Supply
derived from anastomotic ring originating from geniculate arteries
most important blood supply to the patella is located at the inferior pole
Anatomic superior pole
least common
inferior pole
most common
History indirect injury
not associated with a direct blow to the knee
severe knee pain
inability to bear weight
Physical exam inspection
soft tissue swelling
diffuse tenderness
hemarthrosis of the knee joint is often present
high-riding patella or palpable gap at the distal end of the patella
indicates disruption of the extensor mechanism
difficulty with active extension of the knee, especially against resistance
Radiographs recommended views
findings small flecks of bone adjacent to superior or inferior pole
diagnosis may be missed because the distal bony fragment is not readily discernible on radiographs
slight anterior tilt of superior pole
seen with proximal fractures
patella alta
seen with distal fractures
patella baja
seen with proximal fractures
MRI or ultrasound
may be useful for identifying a sleeve fracture when the diagnosis is not clear from the clinical and radiographic findings
Nonoperativecylinder cast for 6 weeks indications nondisplaced fractures with intact extensor mechanism
rare (most require ORIF)
Operative open reduction and internal fixation
> 2-3mm displacement
> 2-3mm articular step-off
disrupted extensor mechanism