Miller-Spine Flashcards
Key aspects of the spine physical examination

Cervical Neurologic Examination

Findings in Cervical Compression

Findings in Lumbar Compression

Lower Extremity Neurologic Exam

Cervical Spine Anatomy

Review Cervical Myelopathy
Spinal cord compromise without reference to specific pathologic entity
Presenting symptoms can be subtle
Finger clumsiness, deterioration of handwriting, difficulty in fine motor control of hands, weakness of pinch
Ataxia with wide-based gait, leg heaviness, and inability to perform tandem walk
Urinary retention, urgency, or frequency
Lower extremity weakness (corticospinal tracts) can be associated with worse prognosis.
Natural history of cervical spondylotic myelopathy is characterized by one of three presentations:
Stepwise deterioration in symptomatology followed by a period of stability (most common, 65%–80%)
Slowly progressive decline (over months to years, 20%–25%)
Rapidly progressive decline (over days to weeks, 3%–5%)
Physical examination
Upper motor neuron findings in myelopathy
Myelopathy hand and the finger escape sign (small finger spontaneously abducts because of weak intrinsic muscles)
Hyperreflexia, Hoffmann sign, clonus, or Babinski sign
Inverted radial reflex (ipsilateral finger flexion when brachioradialis reflex being elicited)
Funicular pain—central burning and stinging with or without L’hermitte sign (radiating lightning-like sensations down the back with neck flexion)
Upper motor neuron findings not always present in all patients
Upper extremities may have radicular (lower motor neuron) signs along with evidence of distal myelopathy.
Nonsurgical treatment—NSAIDs, cervical epidural injections, isometric exercises, traction, and occasionally temporary collar immobilization
Surgical indications—natural history of myelopathy is typically progressive; therefore surgical decompression is frequently indicated.
Anterior procedures include ACDF versus ACCF or combination (hybrid). Anterior-based procedures are options for patients with either kyphotic or lordotic cervical sagittal alignment.
Posterior options include laminectomy and fusion versus laminoplasty. Posterior-based options are contraindicated in patients with fixed cervical kyphosis owing to the surgical inability to indirectly decompress the spinal cord.
Combined anterior and posterior procedures (circumferential surgery). Considered for patients requiring multilevel corpectomy resection with strut reconstructions (highly unstable spine).
Common measurements in C1-C2 disorders

Rheumatoid Cervical Spine
Less common owing to improvement and increased use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) should undergo flexion/extension radiography before elective surgery.
When spine is involved, cervical spine, more specifically occipitoatlantoaxial joint (O–C2), is site most commonly affected.
Atlantoaxial subluxation (AAS)—typically the first manifestation of cervical instability in rheumatoid patient
Atlantoaxial invagination (AAI)—typically occurs next, after AAS
Subaxial subluxation (SAS)—usually occurs after AAS and AAI
Occurs in up to 90% of patients with RA and is more common with long-standing disease and with multiple joint involvement
Presenting complaints
Axial neck pain
Occipital headaches
Due to erosion of the C1–2 joint, with subsequent compression of greater occipital branch of C2 nerve
Results more specifically in pain in posterior aspect of base of skull that is typically relieved with manual traction
Myelopathy, radiculopathy, or myeloradiculopathy, depending on neurologic structures at risk
Physical examination
Subtle signs of neurologic involvement should be sought.
Neurologic impairment (weakness, decreased sensation, hyperreflexia) in patients with RA usually occurs gradually and is often overlooked or attributed to other joint disease.
Neurologic impairment with RA has been classified by Ranawat (Table 8.6).
Radiographic markers are assessed for indications of impending neural compression (Fig. 8.8).
Anterior atlantodens interval (AADI), frequently referred to simply as atlantodens interval (ADI)
Posterior ADI (PADI), sometimes also referred to as space available for the cord (SAC)
Cervicomedullary angle (CMA) (Fig. 8.9) is measured by drawing a line along anterior aspect of cervical spinal cord and the medulla.
Normal: 135–175 degrees
In patients with progressive superior migration of the odontoid, the CMA decreases owing to draping of the brainstem over the odontoid.
Reduced CMA has an increased association with respiratory dysfunction and sudden death.
Atlantoaxial subluxation (AAS)
Typically first stage of cervical spine involvement in the rheumatoid patient
Occurs in 50%–80% of patients with RA
Often the result of pannus formation at synovial joints between the dens and ring of C1, resulting in destruction of transverse ligament, dens, or both
Leads to instability between C1 and C2, with subsequent subluxation
Anterior subluxation of C1 on C2 is the most common finding, but posterior and lateral subluxation can also occur.
Findings on examination may include limitation of motion, upper motor neuron signs, and weakness.
Plain radiographs that include patient-controlled flexion and extension views are evaluated to determine AADI as well as PADI.
Instability is suggested by AADI motion of more than 3.5 mm on flexion and extension views, although radiographic instability in RA is common and not necessarily an indication for surgery.
PADI less than 14 mm may be more sensitive than AADI measurement for spinal cord compression in patients with RA.
Surgical indications
Intractable pain
Progressive neurologic instability, cervical myelopathy
Can be due to mechanical instability
Direct compression by pannus of C2
Mechanical instability; evaluation of C1–2 motion/relationship
AADI greater than 9–10 mm
PADI less than 14 mm
PADI may be more sensitive for identifying patients at increased risk of neurologic injury
PADI less than 14 mm usually requires surgical treatment.
Surgery is less successful in patients with Ranawat grade IIIB neurologic impairment but should still be considered.
Surgical fixation
Gallie fusion—mostly of historical significance
Brooks fusion—mostly of historical significance and rarely used alone
C1–2 transarticular screw fixation (Magerl)
Still used but less commonly since advent of C1–2 Harms construct (see later)
Requires preoperative CT to evaluate position of vertebral arteries
Requires reduction of C1–2 joint
Poses increased risk for vertebral artery and C2 nerve injury
C1 lateral mass—C2 pedicle/pars fixation (Harms construct)
Lower rate of vertebral artery and C2 nerve injury
Biomechanically strongest construct of C1–2 fixation techniques
Does not require reduction of C1–2 joint
Should be reserved as a secondary procedure
Anterior cord compression by pannus often resolves after posterior spinal fusion.
Also known as cranial settling, basilar invagination, cranial invagination, and other names.
Second most common manifestation of RA in cervical spine
Occurs in 40% of patients with RA
Results in cranial migration of the dens from erosion and bone loss between the occiput and C1–2
Often seen in combination with fixed atlantoaxial subluxation
Measurements are shown in Fig. 8.8.
Landmarks may be difficult to identify.
Ranawat line is most reproducible.
Progressive cranial migration of dens
Findings on examination may include limitation of motion, upper motor neuron signs, weakness, and, in severe cases, bulbar symptoms.
Surgical indications
Intractable pain
Progressive cranial migration or neurologic compromise may require operative intervention (occiput–C2 fusion).
Cervicomedullary angle less than 135 degrees (on MRI) suggests impending neurologic impairment.
Occipitocervical fusion
Typically from occiput to C2
Gentle traction to help bring odontoid process out of foramen magnum
Transoral or retropharyngeal odontoid resection for persistent brainstem compression after occiput–C2 fusion.
Occurs in 20% of cases of RA
Seen in combination with upper cervical spine instability
Pannus formation in uncovertebral joints (joints of Luschka) and facet joints. Subluxation may occur at multiple levels.
Radiographic markers of instability
Subaxial subluxation of greater than 4 mm or more than 20% of the body is indicative of cord compression.
A cervical height index (cervical body height/width) of less than 2.00 approaches 100% sensitivity and specificity in predicting neurologic compromise.
Surgical indications
Intractable pain
Progressive neurologic compromise, cervical myelopathy
Mechanical instability—subluxation greater than 4 mm
Posterior spinal fusion with or without decompression
Fusion to the most distal unstable level.
Occiput and/or C1–2 joint included if AAI or AAS exists.
Anterior spinal fusion
May be required to restore sagittal alignment
May be necessary to increase likelihood of fusion on multilevel posterior spinal fusion
Surgery may not reverse significant neurologic deterioration, especially if a tight spinal canal is present, but can stabilize it.
What is the cervicomedulary angle and what does it mean
an angle less than 135 degrees on MRI suggests impending neurologic impairment
what is the cervical height index?
Diagram of the cervical nerve root orientation
Diagram of the lumbar nerve root orientation

Anterior soft tissue shadows normal numbers for trauma evaulation:
6mm C2
20mm C6
Review the ASIA classification

Review incomplete spinal cord injuries
Central cord syndrome
Most common incomplete spinal cord syndrome
Typical mechanism is hyperextension with preexisting canal stenosis.
Cord is compressed anteriorly by osteophytes and posteriorly by the infolded ligamentum flavum.
Cord is injured in the central gray matter, resulting in proportionately greater loss of motor function to upper extremities than to lower extremities.
The upper extremity is affected more than the lower extremity.
Variable sensory sparing
The prognosis is good for the recovery of ambulation, but the patient is less likely to recover upper extremity function.
Anterior cord syndrome (spinothalamic tract injury)
The second most common incomplete cord injury
No typical mechanism for injury
Direct compression to anterior spinal cord
Less commonly, vascular injury to anterior spinal artery, or spinal cord ischemia (e.g., anterior spinal artery, artery of Adamkiewicz)
Damage is primarily in the anterior two-thirds of the cord.
Loss of motor response, pain reception, and temperature reception below the level of injury
Patients demonstrate greater motor loss in the legs than the arms.
Preservation of posterior/dorsal column; vibration sensation, proprioception, and deep pressure sensation intact
The prognosis for motor recovery is poor.
Brown-Séquard syndrome (spinal cord hemisection)
Typical cause is penetrating trauma.
Ipsilateral loss of motor and loss of position/proprioception function on the side of injury
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature to the side of injury (usually one to two levels below the insult)
Best prognosis for recovery of ability to walk (90%)
Posterior cord syndrome
Very rare; least common incomplete spinal cord pattern
Injury to posterior/dorsal column—loss of proprioception, vibrator sensation, and deep pressure sensation
Preservation of anterior column; motor response, pain reception, and temperature reception intact

Review the safe zones for halo pin placement:
Adults: 4 pins at 6 to 8 inch-lb pressure; children: 8 to 10 pins at 2 inch-lb pressure
Complications—pin loosening, pin infection, pressure sores, nerve injury, dural penetration
Gardner-Wells (GW) tongs
Can be used more acutely to realign the spine in the patient with a displaced fracture with or without neurologic injury
Pins parallel to the external auditory meatus approximately 1-cm above pinna

What are the absolute contraindications to giving high dose steroids for a spinal cord injury
Penetrating spinal wounds, particularly gunshot wounds
Injury more than 48 hours old
Peripheral nerve injuries such as brachoplexopathy, stingers, root level injuries, cauda equina
Age younger than 13 years
key facts about rehab after spinal cord injury
Functional level determined by both sensory and motor level as dictated by
Most distal intact functional sensory level and
Most distal motor level where motor grade is 4 or greater
Respiratory function by level of cord injury
C1–2 injury
Vital capacity only 5%–10% of normal
Ventilator dependence
Cough absent
C3–5 injury
Vital capacity 20% of normal
Cough weak and ineffective
Lower cervical and upper thoracic injury
Vital capacity 30%–50% of normal
Cough weak but may be effective
T11 injury and below
Respiratory dysfunction minimal
Vital capacity near normal
Cough strong
Mobility and function determined by highest motor level
C3 or above—respiratory dependent
C4—transfer dependent
C5—transfer assist
C6—independent transfers
Activities of daily living
C6—independent grooming and dressing; can operate flexor hinge wrist-hand orthosis
C7—able to use knife to cut food
key testable components about a syrinx
Confluent collection of abnormal CSF within the spinal cord
In regard to orthopaedic spine, most common etiology is posttraumatic syrinx and secondary to herniated disc.
Other primary causes of spinal syringomyelia include postinflammatory, arachnoid abnormalities (arachnoid cyst), tumor, and idiopathic.
Syringomyelia can also be related to abnormalities of the foramen magnum: tonsillar descent (Chiari malformation), arachnoid veil with fourth ventricle outlet obstruction.
Differentiating syringomyelia from hydromyelia
Hydromyelia—confluent CSF cavity within spinal cord that is a remnant of central canal of spinal cord
Typically considered a normal variant
Spinal cord typically not expanded by hydromyelia and therefore not associated with symptoms and not considered a pathologic entity
Differentiating syringomyelia from spinal cord edema
Spinal cord edema is increased fluid that is interstitial, and not a confluence of fluid.
Edema can be secondary to spinal cord contusion or tumor-associated cyst.
Variable but typically due to the etiology of the syrinx and its associated pathophysiology
Symptoms associated with partial CSF obstruction (e.g., tussive headaches, strain-related activities)
Symptoms related to brainstem compression (e.g., swallowing difficulty, voice changes, nystagmus, ataxia, sleep apnea)
Symptoms related to syringomyelia (e.g., sensory loss [upper greater than lower typically], upper extremity weakness, hand and upper extremity atrophy, gait impairment, lower extremity spasticity, bowel and bladder dysfunction, dysesthetic pain)
MRI is method of choice
Does not disrupt CSF dynamics
T1-weighted image demonstrates intramedullary fluid-filled cavity.
MRI with gadolinium necessary to rule out possibility of associated spinal tumor.
T2-weighted images may help identify anatomic detail such as septa in the subarachnoid space.
CT myelogram
May have a role in determining obstructive arachnoid disease
In these cases, performing myelography puncture at C1–2 rather than using lumbar route may allow for pooling of the contrast at the level of the web.
This pooling may not be seen if contrast is introduced from the lumbar route, because the obstructive subarachnoid web acts as a one-way valve.
C1 injury
A sum of 6.9 is indicative of injury

C2 Odontoid Fractures
Type I—avulsion of alar ligaments from the tip
Type II—fracture at the base of odontoid
Type IIA—comminuted fracture of the base of odontoid
Type III—fractures that extend into the body of C2
Operative indications—based on risk of development of nonunion. Risk factors for nonunion in type II
Displacement greater than 5 mm
Posterior displacement
Age greater than 40 years
Delayed treatment
Angulation greater than 10 degrees
Type I—immobilization in rigid cervical orthosis
Type II and IIA
Nondisplaced—immobilization in rigid cervical orthosis (controversial)
Displaced types II and IIA fractures are generally considered to require operative treatment because of the high rate of nonunion with nonoperative treatment.
Type III—typically high incidence of union; most heal in rigid external cervical orthosis. Operative treatment considered if initial displacement greater than 5 mm.
Posterior C1–2 fusion
Direct osteosynthesis—anterior odontoid screw (Fig. 8.33)
Fracture must be reducible. Nonreduced fracture is a contraindication to anterior odontoid screw.
Fracture geometry must be favorable: anterior superior to posterior inferior (posterior oblique pattern) (Fig. 8.34)
This procedure is associated with a higher failure rate than posterior fusion but theoretically preserves atlantoaxial motion.
Overall nonunion rate for type II: approximately 32%
Patients older than 80 years do poorly whether treatment is operative or nonoperative.
Airway problems postoperatively or with halo vest immobilization

C2 Body Fracture:
Type I—minimally displaced fracture of the pars secondary to hyperextension and axial loading (<3 mm displacement, no angulation)
Type IA—same as type I except fracture lines are asymmetric
Type II—displaced fractures (>3 mm) of the pars, with subsequent flexion after hyperextension and axial loading
Type IIA—flexion without displacement; care must be taken not to mistake this for a type I fracture, which represents total disc avulsion, because traction may worsen a type IIA fracture.
Type III—bilateral pars fracture with bilateral facet dislocations (rare)—mechanism is flexion-distraction followed by hyperextension
Type I—rigid cervical orthosis
Type II—operative; typically C1–2 fixation or direct osteosynthesis
Type IIA—halo vest or surgery (no traction)
Type III—generally operative, usually C2–3 fusion (may require C1–3 fixation, depending on comminution of pars and quality of fixation into C2)
Complications—vascular injury; vertebral artery injury is rare but increasingly diagnosed by MR angiogram.

Surgical Techniques of C1-C2 Fusion
C1–2 modified Gallie fusion
Autograft iliac crest placed over C2 spinous process and against posterior arch of C1
Held in place by sublaminar wire under arch of C1 and under spinous process of C2 (total of one sublaminar wire)
C1–2 Brooks fusion
Two separate iliac crest autografts placed between C1 and C2
One sublaminar wire is placed on either side (total of two sublaminar wires).
C1–2 transarticular (Magerl) screws
Preoperative CT scan to assess for location of vertebral artery at C1–2 junction is imperative.
Adequate intraoperative radiographs are required, or the technique should not be used.
Cannulated screw is placed under fluoroscopic guidance over a guidewire.
Screw is placed through the C1–2 facet joint (transarticular), thereby coupling C1–2.
C1 lateral mass–C2 pedicle (Harms) screws
C1 screws are placed through the lateral masses. Starting point of the screw is the center of the lateral mass.
C2 screws are placed traditionally as pedicle screws. In the case of aberrant vertebral artery a shorter, more straight-ahead pars screw can be used in C2 instead.
Vertebral artery may be injured as it runs in the transverse foramen of C2 or as it lies on the superior aspect of C1 in the groove/sulcus of the vertebral artery.
C2 (greater occipital) nerve lies just dorsal to the C1–2 joint. Injury can result in numbness in the posterior aspect of the skull.
Neurologic injury
Dural leaks

Review the SLIC
Based on three separate injury axes
Fracture morphology
Discoligamentous complex (DLC) integrity
Neurologic status
Each axis considered an independent determinant for prognosis and management
Each axis receives numerical score, with increasing severity receiving a higher numerical value
No set value defined as requiring surgical treatment; however, higher numerical values suggest increased need for operative intervention
Treatment goals
Address neurologic deficits.
Typically, approach is selected according to location of compression.
Anterior cervical discectomy and/or corpectomy for anterior compression
Posterior laminectomy for posterior compression
Restoring spinal alignment can help through indirect decompression.
Achieve immediate stability and long-term fusion. Approach varies depending on injury pattern and presence of associated neurologic instability.
Restore spinal alignment.

What is the Allen-Ferguson sub-axial classification system?
Based on position of the head and neck at the time of injury (flexion/extension) and the mode of failure (distraction/compression) (Table 8.11)
Compressive flexion
Distractive flexion
Compressive extension
Vertical compression
Distractive extension
Lateral flexion
Decision for surgery using mechanistic classification can be difficult, but general considerations include:
Patient with associated neurologic instability
Disruption of PLC
Fracture dislocations and distractive flexion injuries (jumped facets)
Burst fracture without neurologic injury and with intact PLC and acceptable alignment can be considered for treatment with external immobilization (controversial).
Special Considerations of jumped facet joints

what tumors should you consider pre-op embolization for
Thyroid and Kidney tumors
Review metastatic lesions of the spine
Metastasis—the most common tumors of the spine, spreading to the vertebral body first and later to the pedicles
History of cancer
Breast, lung, thyroid, renal, gastrointestinal, and prostate metastases are the most common tumors to metastasize to bone.
Lymphoma, myeloma
Recent unexplained weight loss
Night pain
Age older than 50 years
Examination—careful physical and neurologic examinations vital
Should include plain radiographs of entire spine
MRI with gadolinium of suspected levels; may require imaging of entire neuraxis
CT scan of chest, abdomen, and pelvis can help identify possible primary lesion.
Bone scan can assist in assessing for primary lesion and remote sites of involvement (but results can be negative in up to 25% of cases).
Percutaneous biopsy of spinal lesion may avoid surgical open biopsy and can confirm diagnosis.
Regardless of surgical or nonsurgical intervention, treatment should include multispecialty involvement.
Nonsurgical treatment
Nonoperative treatment should be considered for tumors that are radiosensitive, chemosensitive, or hormonally responsive.
Radiosensitivity varies among primary tumor types, but newer techniques have made traditionally radioresistant tumors radioresponsive.
Surgical intervention along with adjuvant radiation and/or chemotherapy should be considered for patients with mechanical instability or evolving/progressive neurologic deficit.
In the case of epidural spinal cord compression, radiation therapy should be combined with direct surgical decompression for the best clinical outcomes.
Surgical treatment
Progressive neurologic dysfunction that is unresponsive to radiation therapy
Persistent pain despite radiation therapy
Need for an open diagnostic biopsy
Pathologic mechanical instability
Radioresistant tumor
Life expectancy should play an important role with regard to whether surgical treatment is performed.
Vertebroplasty is gaining favor in cases of metastatic disease of the spine (myeloma, breast) without instability or neurologic compromise and represents a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery.
In cases of neurologic deficit and/or spinal instability, anterior decompression and stabilization (preserving intact posterior structures) may result in recovery of neurologic function.
Posterior stabilization or a circumferential approach is indicated in cases of multiple levels of destruction, involvement of both the anterior and posterior columns, or translational instability.
Review primary lesions of the spine
Osteoid osteoma (<2 cm in size) and osteoblastoma (≥2 cm in size)
Common in the spine
May manifest as painful scoliosis in a child
Pain typically relieved by aspirin and/or NSAIDs
Osteoblastomas typically occur in the posterior elements in older patients, with neurologic involvement in more than half.
Bone scan can help localize the level.
Thin-cut CT can direct surgical excision.
MRI is sensitive but not specific; surrounding hyperemic soft tissue may be misidentified as an aggressive lesion.
Scoliosis (lesion is typically at apex of convexity) resolves with early resection (within 18 months) in a child younger than 11 years.
If there is no scoliosis, aspirin and/or NSAIDs are the mainstay of treatment.
Surgery is performed if nonoperative treatment fails.
En bloc resection versus marginal or intralesional excision
CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (controversial)
Posterior spinal fusion may be required, depending on extent of resection
Aneurysmal bone cyst
May represent degeneration of more aggressive tumor
Manifests during second decade of life
Arises in the posterior elements, but possibly also involves the anterior elements
Marginal or wide excision if possible
Alternatively, curettage and bone grafting
Radiation therapy if lesion inaccessible
Common; typically seen in asymptomatic patients
Symptomatic patients older than 40 years may seek treatment after small spinal fractures.
The classic patient with hemangioma has “jailhouse striations” on plain films with spikes of bone on CT.
Vertebrae are typically of normal size and not expanded (as in Paget disease).
Observation or radiation therapy in cases of persistent pain after pathologic fracture
Anterior resection and fusion are reserved for refractory cases or pathologic collapse and neural compression, but massive bleeding may be encountered.
Eosinophilic granuloma
Usually seen in children younger than 10 years
More common in thoracic spine
May manifest as progressive back pain
Classically, vertebral flattening (vertebra plana [Calvé disease]) seen on lateral radiographs
Biopsy may be required for diagnosis unless the radiographic picture is classic.
Symptoms are usually self-limiting.
Chemotherapy is useful for the systemic form.
Bracing may be indicated in children to prevent progressive kyphosis.
Low-dose radiation therapy may be indicated in the patient with neurologic deficits.
At least 50% reconstitution of vertebral height may be expected.
Giant cell tumor
Usually seen in the fourth and fifth decades of life
Destruction of the vertebral body in an expansile fashion
Surgical excision and bone grafting
High recurrence rate is reported.
Radiation therapy should be avoided because of the possibility of malignant degeneration of the tumor.
Plasmacytoma/multiple myeloma
Shown as osteopenic lytic lesions on radiographs
Workup includes skeletal survey.
Lesions are “cold” on bone scans in up to 25% of cases.
Pain secondary to pathologic fractures
Increased calcium level and decreased hematocrit levels as well as abnormal protein measurements are common.
Radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy
Surgery is reserved for patients with spinal instability and those with refractory neurologic symptoms.
Slow-growing lytic lesion in the midline of the anterior sacrum or the base of the skull
May occur in other vertebrae (cervical spine next most common)
Patient with this tumor may present with intraabdominal complaints and a presacral mass.
Physaliferous cells in biopsy specimens
Surgical excision—treatment of choice (tumor is radioresistant)
Typically requires resection of sacral nerve roots to achieve margin
If half of the sacral roots (i.e., all roots on one side) are preserved, patient may still maintain bowel and bladder function.
High recurrence rate
Although a complete cure is rare, patients typically survive 10–15 years after diagnosis.
Lumbopelvic reconstruction is required after surgical resection of sacral lesions.
Arises in the posterior elements and is frequently seen in the cervical spine
Treatment is by excision, which may be necessary to rule out sarcomatous changes.
Benign tumor of neural origin
Can manifest as enlarged intervertebral foramina seen on oblique radiographs
Malignant degeneration to fibrosarcoma can occur, which may manifest as new-onset neurologic deficit.
Malignant primary skeletal lesions
Osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma are uncommon in the spine.
When they occur they are associated with a poor prognosis.
Chemotherapy and irradiation are the mainstays of treatment, but aggressive surgical excision may have a role.
The lesions may actually be metastases, which are treated palliatively.
Can manifest as “ivory” vertebrae
Usually associated with a systemic disease
Lymphoma typically treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy
Surgery typically only necessary if pathologic fracture is present
Fibrous dysplasia
At least 60% of patients with polyostotic fibrous dysplasia have spinal involvement, mostly in the posterior elements.
There is a strong correlation between the presence of a lesion and scoliosis, making scoliosis screening very important in the population with polyostotic disease.
What is vertebrae plana?
l: vertebrae planae), also known as the pancake or silver dollar or coin-on-edge vertebra, is the term given when a vertebral body has lost almost its entire height anteriorly and posteriorly, representing a very advanced compression fracture.
Think EG in children
Review epidural abcess
Note: T1 with gad-the abcess is brighter than csf.
Bacterial infection that results in accumulation of purulent material within the epidural space
Most abscesses located posteriorly in the thoracic and lumbar spine
Can frequently extend across multiple segments
Back pain is the most common presenting symptom, followed by neurologic deficit and fever.
Diagnosis is delayed in half of patients.
Patients are frequently more systemically ill than patients with osteodiscitis and osteomyelitis.
Risk factors include IV drug abuse, diabetes, and multiple medical problems.
Laboratory findings—elevated ESR and CRP values (often more elevated than in osteodiscitis)
MRI—modality of choice; supplementation with gadolinium allows differentiation between epidural abscess and CSF.
Abscess and CSF have high signal intensity on T2-weighted images.
Gadolinium enhances the pus on T1-weighted images, whereas CSF remains low signal.
Typically surgical—urgent evaluation and treatment
Laminectomy is performed if the epidural abscess is predominantly posterior.
If there is concomitant vertebral osteomyelitis, anterior and posterior decompression is performed.
Review spinal TB
Most common extrapulmonary location of tuberculosis
May be seen in HIV-positive population with a CD4+ counts of 50–200/μL
Originates in the metaphysis of the vertebral body and spreads under the anterior longitudinal ligament (Figs. 8.23 and 8.24)
This process leads to destruction of several contiguous levels or results in skip lesions (15%) or abscess formation (50%).
On early plain radiographs, anterior vertebral body destruction with preservation of the disc distinguishes tuberculosis from pyogenic infection.
About two-thirds of patients have abnormal chest radiographs, and 20% have a negative test result for purified protein derivative of tuberculin or are anergic.
Severe kyphosis, sinus formation, and (Pott) paraplegia are late sequelae.
Spinal cord injury may occur secondary to direct pressure from the abscess, bony sequestra, or (rarely) meningomyelitis (poor prognosis).
Nonoperative—antitubercular therapy is the mainstay of treatment. Frequently, triple and even quadruple therapy is required.
Surgical indications
Neurologic deficit
Spinal instability
Progressive kyphosis
Failure of medical management
Advanced disease with caseation, fibrosis, and avascularity that limits antibiotic penetration
Radical anterior débridement of the infection followed by uninstrumented autogenous strut grafting (Hong Kong procedure) is the accepted surgical treatment.
However, later evidence supports the use of instrumentation if necessary in the presence of spinal tuberculosis.
Advantages include less progressive kyphosis, earlier healing, and a decrease in sinus formation.
Adjuvant antitubercular therapy beginning 10 days before surgery has been recommended (controversial) but is not always possible.
Use of antitubercular medications after surgery is mandatory.

Review Vertebral osteomyelitis
Seen with increasing frequency
Commonly still associated with a significant (6- to 12-week) delay in diagnosis
Organism usually hematogenous (S. aureus in 50%–75% of cases)
History and physical examination
Older, debilitated patients
IV drug users are at increased risk.
History of unremitting spinal pain at any level is characteristic, and tenderness, spasm, and loss of motion are seen.
More common in patients with a history of pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin infection, or immunologic compromise (transplantation, RA, diabetes mellitus, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV positivity with CD4+ counts <200 cells/μL])
Fungal spondylitis can be seen in patients with immunologic compromise.
Neurologic deficits—seen in older patients, patients with infections at more cephalic levels of the spine, patients with debilitating systemic illnesses such as diabetes or RA, and those with delayed diagnoses
Laboratory findings—elevated ESR, CRP, and WBC count (often high normal or mildly elevated)
Plain radiographic findings
Paraspinous soft tissue swelling (loss of a psoas shadow)
Erosion of the vertebral end plates
Disc destruction (disc space preserved in metastatic disease)
Bone scanning is sensitive for a destructive process.
Sensitive for detecting infection and specific in differentiating infection from tumor
Gadolinium enhances MRI sensitivity (Fig. 8.22).
Tissue diagnosis via blood cultures or aspiration of the infection is mandatory.
After tissue diagnosis, 6–12 weeks of IV antibiotics is the treatment of choice.
Bracing may be used adjunctively.
Open biopsy is indicated when a tissue diagnosis has not been made.
Anterior débridement and strut grafting are reserved for refractory cases that are associated with abscess formation or cases involving neurologic deterioration, extensive bony destruction, or marked deformity.
Posterior surgery is usually ineffective for débridement; posterior stabilization may occasionally be required after anterior débridement and strut grafting.
children more often affected
Osteodiscitis—disc space infection
Bloodborne infection can primarily invade the disc space in children.
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common offender, but gram-negative organisms are common in older patients.
Although all age groups are affected, children (mean age, 7 years) are affected more often.
History—may or may not include recent spinal procedure such as spinal injection
Inability to walk, stand, or sit
Back pain/tenderness
Restricted range of motion
Laboratory findings—elevated ESR, CRP, and WBC count (often high normal or mildly elevated)
Radiographic findings
Loss of normal lumbar lordosis—earliest finding
Disc space narrowing
End plate erosion
Findings do not occur until 10 days to 3 weeks after onset, and their absence is unreliable.
MRI with gadolinium is the diagnostic modality of choice.
Bone scan may be useful in the diagnosis as well.
Typically medical
Percutaneous biopsy should be obtained if possible.
IV antibiotics should be held until biopsy performed (if possible) to reduce incidence of negative culture results.
Antibiotic therapy should be targeted once culture and sensitivity results are known.
how to differential mets vs osteo in the spine
disk space normal in metastatic disease
disk space disrupted in infection

what are the biologic or autoimmune medications for AS
TNF-a inhibitors are biological agents approved for 2nd-line treatment of AS. These include etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab, and certolizumab pegol, which are all approved for treatment of RA and psoriatic arthritis as well. Additional biological agents unique to RA are IL1 antagonists (e.g. anakinra), B cell inhibitors (rituximab), T cell inhibitors (abatacept), IL6 receptor inhibitors (tocilizumab) and Janus kinase (JAK) pathway inhibitors (tofacitinib).