Miller-Cartilage and OA Flashcards
what are some physical properties of cartilage?
Viscoelastic: Properties vary according to rate of force application.
Biphasic—property of liquid and solid
Cartilage homeostasis disrupted by:
Direct trauma/excess or inadequate forces
Loss of underlying bone structure
Genetic defects in normal structure/function
Chemical/enzymatic threats
Review the differences between normal aging and osteoarthritis
Approximately 75% of cartilage
Highest at surface or superficial layers
Recurrent low-level forces shifts water in and out of extracellular matrix (ECM)
Responsible for nutrition and lubrication
H2O decreases with aging
H2O increases in osteoarthritis

Review Genetic diseases associated with collagen
TYPE 1- Osteogenesis imperfecta
TYPE1, 3, 5: Ehlers Danlos
TYPE II: Knist, AChondrogenesis, Precocious arthritis, Stickler, SED Congenita
TYPE 10, Schmids

Review the organic components of cartilage
Type II collagen: 90%–95% of collagen
Triple helix of α chains (derived from COL2A1 gene)
Genetic defects of type II cause achondrogenesis (lethal at birth), spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, precocious arthritis
Types IX and XI are “linking collagens”
Type X found only near calcified cartilage, including:
Calcified zone of articular cartilage’s tidemark
Hypertrophic zone of the physis (genetic defect of type X leads to Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia)
Fracture callus and calcifying cartilaginous tumors
Provides shear and tensile strength
Contributes to viscoelastic behavior in that it restrains “swelling” of aggrecan
Make up approximately 10% of wet weight (30% of dry weight) (Fig. 1.28).
Half-life of 3 months
Provide compression strength
Responsible for cartilage’s porous structure
Trap and hold water
Produced by chondrocytes
Most common is aggrecan.
Large macromolecules shaped like bristle brushes (see Fig. 1.28)
Composed of repeating disaccharide subunits or glycosaminoglycans attached to protein core
Repeating carboxyl and sulfate groups which are ionized in solution to COO−and SO3−
Repel each other but attract positive cations
Increase osmotic pressure, which traps and holds water and is responsible for ECM’s hydrophilic behavior
Provides turgor of matrix
Chondroitin sulfate (most prevalent glycosaminoglycan in cartilage)
Chondroitin 4-sulfate decreases with age
Chondroitin 6-sulfate remains constant
Keratin sulfate
Increases with age.
Multiple core proteins in turn attached to hyaluronic acid (through link proteins) producing proteoglycan aggregate

Review chondrocytes
1%–5% of wet weight
Only cells in cartilage
Derived from undifferentiated mesenchymal precursors
BMP-2 and the transcriptional factor SOX-9 important in regulating chondrocyte differentiation and formation
Mechanotransduction—metabolism modulated via mechanical stimulation
Cyclical loads of walking stimulate chondrocytes to form matrix
Low loads (1–5 MPa) at moderate frequency (≈1 Hz)
Primary cilia are the mechanosensory organ “antennae” for cells.
Produce the extracellular matrix of collagen and proteoglycans
Intracellular synthesis of procollagen, link peptide, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans
Extracellular assembly of component parts
Produce proteins and enzymes and maintain matrix
IL-1β (also from synovium and WBCs): main cartilage destroyer
Metalloproteinases—break down cartilage matrix
Collagenase—dissolves collagen (matrix metalloproteinase 13 [MMP-13])
Aggrecanase—degrades proteoglycans (extracellular protease enzyme ADAMT)
Enzyme inhibitors—protect cartilage
Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs)
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
Chondrocytes are most dense and most active in the superficial zone.
Deeper cartilage zone chondrocytes less metabolically active
Decreased rough endoplasmic reticulum
Increased intraplasmic filaments (degenerative products)
Review cartilage layers
Zone 1: superficial or tangential zone (10%–20% of thickness)
Thin lamina splendens
Flat chondrocytes
Collagen fibers
Highest concentration
Parallel to joint surface strength against shear
Greatest tensile stiffness
Lowest concentration of proteoglycans
Highest concentration of water
Zone 2: middle or transition zone (40%–60% of thickness)
Collagen fibers more random and less dense
High levels of water and proteoglycan
Zone 3: deep zone (30% of thickness)
Lower water content
Highest concentration of proteoglycan
Chondrocytes and collagen fibers arranged perpendicular to articular surface
Zone 4: calcified cartilage zone
Begins at tidemark
Transitions stiffness from flexible cartilage to rigid subchondral bone
Low concentration of proteoglycans
Type X collagen found here

what is lubricin?
Mucinous glycoprotein that binds to hyaluronic acid
Also present in lamina splendens
Contributes to boundary lubrication
Lubricant is present between two surfaces but its thickness is inadequate to prevent contact throughout the surfaces
Defect associated with camptodactyly-arthropathy–coxa vara–pericarditis (CACP) syndrome
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
Major mode of lubrication in joints
Lubricant pressure causes elastic deformation of the opposing surfaces.
This elastic deformation increases conformity.

what are cartilage changes with arthritis?
Increase in cells early (cloning)
Loss of smooth lamina leads to fibrillation/fissures.
Higher coefficient of friction
Chondrocytes react to IL-1β and TNF and produce nitric oxide
IL-1 stimulates MMPs, which degrade matrix.
Collagenases (MMP-13)—first irreversible step
Aggrecanase—degrade proteoglycans (ADAMTs)
Decreased size and content of proteoglycan molecules
Decreased keratan SO4− and increased chondroitin/keratan ratio
Increase in percentage of nonaggregated glycosaminoglycans
Higher water content and greater permeability initially followed by lower water content in later stages
Decreased modulus of elasticity (less stiff) and tensile strength
what are cartilage changes with aging?
Decreased number of chondrocytes (but larger in size)
Increased lysosomal enzymes
Senescence markers of chondrocytes include telomere erosion, higher β-galactosidase expression, and reduced Wnt2 expression
Lower response to growth factors (TGF-β)
Decreased matrix production and matrix maintenance
Decreased chondroitin SO4− (but increased keratan SO4−)
Proteoglycan molecules smaller, so less able to hold water (lower water content)
Increase in advanced glycosylation end products
Yellows and stiffens cartilage
Greater stiffness or modulus of elasticity but less tensile strength
Increased decorin—decorates collagen for cross-links
Increased collagen cross-links and diameter
“Dried up old cartilage is yellow, weak, brittle, & stiff”
review growth factors and cartilage injury
IL-1 stimulates MMP, COX-2, and nitric oxide synthetase, which degrades cartilage.
TGF-β stimulates synthesis of ECM and decreases activity of IL-1 and MMP’s
Also stimulates chondrogenesis in vitro
BMP-2, BMP-7, and IGF-1 also stimulate ECM production
what is elastrohydrodynamic lubrication?
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
Major mode of lubrication in joints
Lubricant pressure causes elastic deformation of the opposing surfaces.
This elastic deformation increases conformity.
review the IL-1 cascade for cartilage degredation:

review the DMARDs for Rheumatoid:
Biologic DMARDs
Target TNF-α: etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab
Targets IL-1: anakinra
Targets CD20: rituximab
Surgery should be scheduled at end of dosing cycle (e.g., in a patient taking etanercept schedule, surgery should occur the second week after the first withheld dose).
Risks of opportunistic infection and lymphoma
Intended to address underlying autoimmune response
Conventional DMARDs take 2–6 months to work
Methotrexate: folate analogue
Inhibits purine metabolism and T-cell activation
Inhibits neovascularization
Adverse reactions (ADRs): toxic to bone marrow, liver, and lung
Usually can continue through surgery
Azathioprine: immunosuppressive agent
ADR: neutropenia
Cyclosporine: immunosuppressive agent
Inhibits activation of CD4+ T cells
ADRs: nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, gingival hyperplasia
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
Inhibits toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9)
ADR: retinal toxicity (requires ophthalmology follow-up)
Usually can continue through surgery
Decreases synthesis of inflammatory mediators
ADRs: granulocytopenia, hemolytic anemia (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD])
Usually can continue through surgery
Inhibits MMP collagenase
ADR: cutaneous hyperpigmentation
How do osteophytes form?
Osteophyte formation due to pathologic activation of endochondral ossification by periarticular chondrocytes through Indian hedgehog (Ihh) mechanism
Review Rheumatoid arthritis
Most common inflammatory arthritis
Affects 0.5%–1% of population; three times more common in women
15% concordance rate in monozygotic twins
Clinical presentation (see Fig. 1.32)
Insidious subacute onset over 6 weeks
Fatigue, malaise, anemia
Morning stiffness and polyarthritis with swelling
Hand and foot deformities are most common and are discussed in respective subsequent chapters
Also common in the knees, elbows, shoulders, ankles, and cervical spine
Subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules (Fig. 1.34)
Juxtaarticular erosions and periarticular osteopenia on radiographs
2010 American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria for RA are summarized in Table 1.21.
Diagnosis requires score 6 or more
Criteria include
Number of joints involved and duration of involvement
Positive laboratory test results often found
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP)
Rheumatoid factor (RF) titer
Antibody (immunoglobulin [Ig] M) against the Fc (crystallizable fragment) portion of IgG
Positive result in about 80%
Test for anticyclic citrullinated protein (anti-CCP) antibodies
Also known as anti-CCP antibodies (ACPAs)
Most sensitive and specific test (≈90% specific)
Presence linked to more aggressive disease
T cell–mediated immune response from an infectious or environmental antigen (smoking is one known trigger) in a genetically susceptible individual (HLA-DR4 and HLA-DW4)
Mononuclear cells are primary mediator of RA tissue damage
Initial response in soft tissues—neovascularization and synovitis
CD4+ T lymphocytes (helper cells) activate synovial cells through direct cell-cell contact
Synoviocytes produce cytokines
Macrophages (type A): main source for TNF-α, IL-1
Fibroblast (type B): main source for MMPs, proteases, and RANKL
B lymphocytes (plasma cells): make RF, anti-CCP antibodies
TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-7 upregulated
IL-1: Regulator of inflammation and matrix destruction
Upregulates endothelial adhesion molecules and stimulates angiogenesis
Promotes influx of leukocytes and activates synovial fibroblasts
Promotes pain receptor pathways
Drives osteoclastogenesis
Later response
Synovial cells invade cartilage “pannus” and release MMPs, causing chondrolysis
Periarticular bone erosions
Cytokines stimulate osteoblasts and synovial B cells to make RANKL, which joins with RANK to activate osteoclasts. Responsible for bone destruction.
Osteoclasts secrete cathepsin K and carbonic anhydrase.
Systemic manifestations
Rheumatoid vasculitis
Distal splinter hemorrhage
Cutaneous ulcers (pyoderma gangrenosum)
Visceral arteritis
Pericarditis and pericardial effusion
Pulmonary disease including nodules and fibrosis
Felty syndrome: severe erosive RA with splenomegaly and leukopenia
Treatments and their perioperative considerations
Regimen variable and often employs multiple agents
NSAIDs: help symptoms early—antiinflammatory effects
Should be held for 7–10 days preoperatively.
Low-dose steroids
Decrease prostaglandins and leukotrienes
Used initially as “bridge therapy” to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
“Stress dose” steroid should be used perioperatively for patients on long-term steroid therapy

Review Lupus
Chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin
90% of cases in women (blacks > whites)
Initially mediated by tissue-binding autoantibodies and immune complexes (type III hypersensitivity)
Susceptible genetics stimulated by environment
Immune system autoregulatory failure
Sustained production of antibody to self-antigens
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs)—best screen; positive in 95%
Anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm, anti-La (SS-B), antihistone antibodies—drug-induced lupus
Immune complexes accumulate in various tissues and cause chronic inflammation
Skin/joints—rash and arthritis
Blood vessels—vasculitis
Clinical findings
Bone and joint involvement—most common feature
Nonerosive polyarthritis affects over 75% (hand and wrist most common).
Osteonecrosis (especially with steroids)
Butterfly malar rash—classic feature
Fever, pancytopenia
Pharmacologic treatment similar to that for RA.
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
Characterized by negative RF titer result and, often, positive HLA-B27 test result
Inflammatory back pain
Peripheral arthritis
Enthesitis—heel pain
Dactylitis—sausage digit
Eye—uveitis (iritis), conjunctivitis
Skin, mucosal, GI, urethral
Similar treatment routines, including NSAIDs, steroids, and DMARDs
Review lupus 2
Systemic lupus erythematosus. (A) Autoantibodies to DNA and DNA-binding proteins form immune complexes that stimulate immune system–directed inflammation throughout the body (type III hypersensitivity reaction). (B) Direct immunofluorescence with anti–immunoglobulin G antibodies shows immune complex deposits at two different places: a bandlike deposit along the epidermal basement membrane—positive result of lupus band test—and within the nuclei of the epidermal cells (ANAs). (C) Most patients have skin and joint involvement. The classic butterfly rash of SLE occurs in 10%–50% of patients with acute SLE. (D) The same immune complexes are seen in the basement membrane of the renal glomerulus. (E) Flea-bitten appearance of kidney specimen, with lupus nephritis causing various degrees of proteinuria, hematuria, and cellular casts.

Gout vs Pseudogout
Pathology from accumulation of crystal formation or deposition in or around joints
Gout: monosodium urate
CPDD, also called pseudogout: calcium pyrophosphate
Tumoral calcinosis: calcium apatite
Calcium oxalate
Gout (see Table 1.20)
Disorder of purine nucleic acid metabolism, causing hyperuricemia
Deposition of monosodium urate crystals in joints
Crystals activate inflammatory mediators
Inflammatory mediators are inhibited by colchicine.
Attacks precipitated by dehydration, excess alcohol or dietary purines, chemotherapy
Recurrent acute joint pain
Men aged 40–60 years, postmenopausal women
Usually lower extremity, great toe (podagra)
Crystal deposition as tophi when chronic
Ear helix, eyelid, olecranon, Achilles tendon
Renal disease or stones—second most common site
Radiographic findings
Soft tissue swelling early: edema, tophi
Punched-out or rat bite periarticular erosions
Sclerotic overhanging borders
Synovial fluid findings
Concomitant septic arthritis must be ruled out
WBC count: wide range (5,000–80,000 cells/μL; average, 15,000–20,000 cells/μL), mostly PMNs
Yellow, needle-shaped crystals when parallel to compensator (Fig. 1.38A)
Strong negative birefringence
NSAIDs and colchicine (microtubule inhibitor that inhibits mitosis) for acute attack
Chronic/maintenance therapy
Weight loss, low-purine diet, limit of alcohol intake
Probenecid: uricosuric agent
Allopurinol: xanthine oxidase inhibitor
Febuxostat in renally impaired patients
Pseudogout (see Table 1.20)
Deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate (CPPD) crystals in joints
Associated with lupus, renal dialysis, hemochromatosis, hyperparathyroidism, RA, Wilson disease
Calcification within hyaline or fibrocartilage or menisci
Seen in pseudogout but also in other conditions
Genetic version: ANKH gene mutation
Increases extracellular pyrophosphate
Synovial fluid findings
WBC counts 5000–100,000 cells/μL (average, 24,000 cells/μL)
Rhomboid-shaped crystals in WBCs
Weakly positively (blue) birefringent when parallel (see Fig. 1.38B)
Radiographic findings: fine linear calcification in hyaline cartilage and more diffuse calcification of menisci and other fibrocartilage (triangular fibrocartilage complex, acetabular labrum)
Treatment with NSAIDs and, potentially, steroid injection
Calcium hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease
Apatite is primary crystal of normal bone.
Accumulates abnormally in areas of tissue damage or in hypercalcemic or hyperparathyroid states (chronic kidney disease [CKD])
Associated with
Acute attacks of bursitis/synovitis
Severe degenerative joint disease
Calcific tendinitis of rotator cuff and hip abductors
Destructive arthropathy can occur in the knee and shoulder.
Milwaukee shoulder: calcium phosphate deposition with cuff tear arthropathy
Calcium oxalate deposition
Primary oxalosis—rare genetic defect of liver enzymes
Alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT)
Glyoxylate reductase (GR)
Nephrocalcinosis, renal failure, and death by age 20 years
Treatment: liver/kidney transplantation
Secondary oxalosis—more common
Metabolic abnormalities of chronic renal insufficiency
Associated with calcium oxalate arthritis/periarthritis and nephrolithiasis
Diagnosis: synovial fluid usually contains fewer than 2000 WBCs/μL.
Birefringent bipyramidal crystals
Review hemophilic arthropathy
x-linked recessive defect of factor 8 or 9.
Hemophilic arthropathy. (A) Recurrent knee effusions and synovitis. (B) Radiograph of end-stage arthropathy. (C) Synovial proliferation of hemophilic arthropathy demonstrates phagocytic (type A) synovial cells laden with iron pigment but no giant cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and rare lymphocytes. (D) Bloody ankle effusion presentation of teen whose grandfather had a history of bleeding disorder. (E) End-stage hemophilic arthropathy of ankle demonstrates flattening of the talus (arrow).